4/28/2013 Announcements

Sunday 4/28 - Communion at the Nursing Home at 2:00


Thursday 5/2 - National Day of Prayer Service at 7:00

There will be a program observing the National Day of Prayer, this Thursday, May 2.   It will be held here at church and will begin at 7:00 pm.


Saturday 5/11

Mother Daughter's Banquet at 11:00 - The Mother Daughter Banquet ("Growing in the Garden of God") will be held Saturday, May 11th at 11:00 a.m. at the Fellowship Hall.  Tickets are $12.00 for adults and children.  Please contact Sis. Ali Knepp for tickets by this Saturday, May 4th (email janep1@frontier.com or call Ali's cell 219-2871), and specify if you are purchasing adult or child tickets.  There is also a sign up sheet on the women's bulletin board for kitchen help.  

In addition, there is a need for men to help at the banquet.  We understand this is a busy time of year for many of you, but if you are available, this is a wonderful opportunity to serve the women of our congregation who faithfully wait on you each week.  There is a sign up sheet with more details on the North Hall bulletin board.  Thanks in advance for your help!

Midwest Gospel Singing at 6:00 PM - The Midwest Gospel Singing to support Timber Ridge – Home for the Handicapped – will be held at Five Points in Washington on Saturday, May 11th at 6:00.  To get advance tickets, please see Bro. Curt Hodel.  Prairie Choristers are one of the groups singing this year.  

4/12/2013 Update


With the recent flooding in Roanoke, there has been an outpouring of love and support.  A  special thanks for all those who assisted with donating items, preparing food, and cleaning up. Even while most of us were sleeping and unaware of the flood, there was work being done by individuals from removing items out of homes to those who went out to church to get the comforters made by Helping Hands and donated them to the shelter for the evacuees.

4/21/2013 Announcements

Sunday 3/21 - Family Hymn Sing in the Nursing Home Lobby at 1:30


Wednesday 4/24

     Topical Bible Study  by Bro. Clark Stoller

     A.C.T.I.V.E. - The ACTIVE boys will meet in the church basement on at 7:30 pm to assemble health kits for World Relief.


Sunday 4/28 - Communion at the Nursing Home at 2:00


Saturday 5/11

     Mother Daughter's Banquet at 11:00 - This year's Mother Daughter Banquet "Growing in the Garden of God" will be held Saturday, May 11th at 11:00 a.m. at the fellowship hall.  Tickets will be $12.00 for both adults and children.  Contact Sis. Ali Knepp to purchase your tickets.  (Email (janep1@frontier.com) or call Ali's cell (219-2871)  Please specify how many adult tickets and child tickets you would like.  The deadline for ticket sales is May 4th.  There is also a sign up sheet on the women's bulletin board for kitchen help.

     Midwest Gospel Singing at 6:00 PM - The Midwest Gospel Singing to support Timber Ridge – Home for the Handicapped – will be held at Five Points in Washington on Saturday, May 11th at 6:00.  To get advance tickets, please see Bro. Curt Hodel.  Prairie Choristers are one of the groups singing this year.

4/14/2013 Announcements

Sunday 4/14 - Silver Lining Collection 


Wednesday 4/17 - Worship on Wednesday for High School Students

Worship on Wednesday for the high school students  is this Wednesday at 7:00 at Bro. Todd and Sis. Kathy Moser's home.


Sunday 4/28 - Communion at the Nursing Home



Looking Ahead:  


Saturday 5/11 - Midwest Gospel Singing at 6:00 PM

The 7th annual Midwest Gospel Singing will be held at Five Points in Washington on Saturday, May 11th at 6:00.  This is a fundraiser for ACHH.  Four groups will be singing including the Prairie Choristers.  For more information contact brothers Phil Hodel or Dave Kaeb (Bloomington).

3/7/2013 Announcements


The Trustees want to thank all who helped clean the cemetery on Saturday morning. May GOD bless each one for their Kindness.


Saturday 4/13 - Midwest Food Bank Auction at 7:00 PM

The annual Midwest Food Bank fundraiser charity auction is this Saturday, April 13, at 7:00 p.m. at the Bloomington foodbank. Everyone is welcome. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Mike Hoffman.


Sunday 4/14 - Silver Lining Collection


Sunday 4/28 - Communion at the Nursing Home