We encourage all of our Sunday School and Bible Class students to join us Sunday afternoon.
Tuesday 10/1 - Helping Hands from 9:00-3:00
Wednesday 10/2
Conference Messages: Bro Jon Schmidgall (Oakville) - The Father calls His Children to Suffering and Bro Wayne Grimm (West Bend) - The Father Calls His Children to Strengthening the Brotherhood.
Scripture Memory Class - The first Scripture Memory Class will be held this Wed.. The kids should meet in the main assembly room in the basement and be there by 7:30.
High School Worship on Wednesday - The next Worship On Wednesday will be at Bro. Scott and Sis. Bev. Luginbuhl's house this Wednesday at 7PM.
Sunday 10/6
Sunday School Fund Collection
Family Hymn Sing at 6:30 - There will be a family hymn sing on October 6th at 6:30 pm. Kindred Spirit from Peoria plan to be with us. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for providing refreshments and kitchen help.
Friday 11/1 - World Relief Benefit Auction for Hospital Lumiere
The Apostolic Christian World Relief benefit auction for Hospital Lumiere is planned for Friday November 1 at Five Points in Washington starting at 4:30. If you have an item or service you would like to donate, contact Rich Bertschi or see the announcement on the bulletin board or on the World Relief website.
Sunday 11/3 - Bradford Church Singing Invitation
The Roanoke church has been invited to Bradford church for a singing on Sunday, November 3rd at 6pm. It would be nice if there would be a good turnout for this. They would like an idea of the number of people attending. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin boards in the north hall and by the ladies restroom for those who can attend.
Development Director Job Opening
Gateway Woods is seeking a Development Director. This position focuses on building donor relations, seeking financial support for Gateway Woods and maintaining regular communication with our Apostolic Christian congregations and other supporters.
Looking Ahead
Sunday 11/3 - Roanoke Church is invited to Bradford for a singing at 6:00
Saturday, 11/16 - Harvest Dinner for the Bible Class 2014 Work Trip to Jamaica
WR Fall Work Project
The WR will be rebuilding homes in Yarnell, Arizona (near Prescott) from 9/30 - 12/14. For additional information, check the bulletin board or the WR website.
Yordy Updates can be read at: extendinghislove.com