10/31/21 Announcements

October’s Collection- Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund

Sunday 10/31

  • 2nd Service - Matthew 8-10

    • The Narrative: 3 groups of miracles. In between each group Jesus teaches to follow him.  

    • The 2nd Sermon - The Sending of the 12 - Jesus tells the disciples to preach that “the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”  He instructs how they should respond to the persecution they will face:  “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves…”


Wednesday 11/3

  • Memorandum - Roanoke ministers

  • HOPE - will meet at Bro. Jason & Sis. Emma Bradle’s home at 7:00.

  • ACTIVE - will meet in the Bible class room  at 7:15. 

  • SMC - will be held in the dining room at 7:15


Thursday 11/4 - Helping Hands from 9:00 - 3:00 - All are welcome


11/4-11/6 Hospital Lumiere’s Virtual Benefit Auction-   Auction items should be in by Oct. 31. For more information or to donate an item or service, visit the HarvestCall website or the auction website at:  32auctions.com/HospitalLumiere.


Sunday 11/7

  • Prayer Gathering at 8:45 in the Intermediate SS Room

  • Peoria Rescue Mission Service - we will leave from the West parking lot at 7:15.  Extra singers are welcome.   The service is at 8 AM.  (Don't forget the time change) At present, they request that you wear a mask when entering and leaving the Chapel.   Any questions, please contact Bro. Tim Martin.

  • 2nd Service- Matthew 11-13

    • The Narrative: Matthew shows how different people respond to Jesus, including John the Baptist.   Some embrace him and some reject him.  Chapter 12 is the turning point of the book where the Pharisees begin to discuss how they can destroy Jesus.  

    • The 3rd Sermon - Parables of the Kingdom - Almost every parable begins with the phrase: “The kingdom of heaven is like…” He explains to his followers why he uses the parables in 13:11 “...because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them (those who reject him) it is not given” 

  • Ballots for the Roanoke Church Remodel Project are Due - You can vote by email, mail or the ballot box in the back hall. 

  • Lost and Found - Any items not claimed by today will be donated.


Saturday 11/20 - Testimonies - Ethan Hodel, Natalie Hodel, and Riley Beer


Other Ways to Serve and Learn

  • Hospital Lumiere – volunteers are needed November 8-13 to help ship and deliver auction items, and to assist winning bidders picking up items in Eureka. Contact Rich Bertschi at 309-440-8012 or lemangm@mtco.com

  • HarvestCall Winter Rebuilding Project in  Lafayette, LA -  Forty volunteers are needed each week starting January 9, 2022 and continuing through March 25, 2022. Online registration is required for all team members and opens at noon Central time on Wednesday, November 17th at www.harvestcall.org

10/24/21 Announcements

 October’s Collection- Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund

 Sunday 10/24

  • 2nd Service - Matthew 4-7

    • The Narrative:  Christ’s temptation in the wilderness and the beginning of his ministry where he announces the arrival of God’s Kingdom. This Kingdom is central to his teaching because Matthew mentions it over 50 times.

    • The 1st Sermon - the Sermon on the Mount - Jesus describes a new kingdom - an upside down kingdom which is different from the kingdoms of the world. It is a kingdom where hearts are transformed and people love God by loving their enemies.

  • Last Day to Reserve Tickets for Mission Trip Harvest Dinner - It will be held on Sunday 11/7 at the Fellowship Hall at 5:30.  Please contact Sis. Mandy Yordy at 309-678-5484 or smyordy98@gmail.com, Thank you for your support!


Wednesday 10/27 - ACTIVE and HOPE - Our annual praise & worship night will be held at Bro. Nate and Sis. Jamie Hodel's on Wednesday evening. Students will be served supper at 6:45 before beginning the evening at 7. Please have students meet in the farm shop. The evening will conclude at 8:30.


Saturday 10/30 - Harvest Party from 7:00 to 8:30 - for 3 year olds - 8th grade - See attachment below


Sunday 10/31

  • 2nd Service - Matthew 8-10

    • The Narrative: 3 groups of miracles. In between each group Jesus teaches to follow him.  

    • The 2nd Sermon - The Sending of the 12 - Jesus tells the disciples to preach that “the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”  He instructs how they should respond to the persecution they will face:  “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves…” 


Hospital Lumiere’s Virtual Benefit Auction- Donations are needed for the auction planned for Thursday November 4 through Saturday November 6. Auction items should be in by Oct. 31. For more information or to donate an item or service, visit the HarvestCall website or the auction website at:  32auctions.com/HospitalLumiere.


Lost and Found - Please check the lost and found shelves located between the ladies' restroom and the bulletin board. Any items not claimed by November 7 will be donated.


Sunday 11/8 - Ballots for the Roanoke Church Remodel Project are Due - You can vote by email, mail or the ballot box in the back hall. 


Saturday 11/20 - Testimonies - Ethan Hodel, Natalie Hodel, and Riley Beer


New Convert - Javin Feucht (son of Bro. Matt and Sis. Jennifer)


Other Ways to Serve and Learn

  • Hospital Lumiere – volunteers are needed November 8-13 to help ship and deliver auction items, and to assist winning bidders picking up items in Eureka. Contact Rich Bertschi at 309-440-8012 or lemangm@mtco.com

  • HarvestCall Winter Rebuilding Project in  Lafayette, LA -  Forty volunteers are needed each week starting January 9, 2022 and continuing through March 25, 2022. Online registration is required for all team members and opens at noon Central time on Wednesday, November 17th at www.harvestcall.org

  • Apostolic Christian Medical Fellowship (ACMF) - Meeting is Saturday April 30, 2022 at the Goodfield Fellowship Center for health care providers and their spouses. If you are listed on the HarvestCall Health Care Provider list, you will receive an invitation with a Google sign-up list via email. For health care providers who are on the provider list, we appreciate your responses by April 3, 2022. For health care providers not on the list, you can contact Lori Wiegand llwiegand@gmail.com if you plan to attend.  All church associated health care providers are invited and encouraged to attend this event.

10/17/21 Announcements

 Sunday 10/17

  • Bible Class Students - will meet with several other churches at the Midwest Food Bank. The day will include singing, a lesson, food, and packing Tender Mercies food kits. They will meet at the High School at 7:25am and will be back around 3pm.

  • 2nd Service - Overview of the Book of Matthew -  first of a 7 week series on Matthew (please read chapters 1-3 in advance)


Wednesday 10/20

  • Scripture Memory Class will Meet at in the Dining Room at 7:15

  • WOW will Meet at the Beer’s Home at 7:00


Sunday 10/24

  • 2nd Service - Matthew Chapters 4-7

    • The Narrative:  Christ’s temptation in the wilderness and the beginning of his ministry where he announces the arrival of God’s Kingdom. This Kingdom is central to his teaching because Matthew mentions it over 50 times.

    • The 1st Sermon - the Sermon on the Mount - Jesus describes a new kingdom - an upside down kingdom which is different from the kingdoms of the world. It is a kingdom where hearts are transformed and people love God by loving their enemies.


October’s Collection- Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund


College Care Packages - As a church body we would like to remember our college student's by praying for them, encouraging them and sending them a small care package. In the past this has been a huge blessing to the students. If you would like to participate you can pick up a brown envelope from the back hall bulletin board regarding your college students name and information. 


Lost and Found - Please check the lost and found shelves located between the ladies' restroom and the bulletin board. Any items not claimed by November 7 will be donated.


Hospital Lumiere’s Virtual Benefit Auction- Donations are needed for the auction planned for Thursday November 4 through Saturday November 6. Auction items should be in by Oct. 31. For more information or to donate an item or service, visit the HarvestCall website or the auction website at:  32auctions.com/HospitalLumiere.


Sunday 11/7 - Bible Class Mission Trip Harvest Dinner at the Fellowship Hall at 5:30 - Please contact Sis. Mandy Yordy at 309-678-5484 or smyordy98@gmail.com, by 10/24 to reserve your tickets/tables.  Thank you for your support!


Saturday 11/20 - Testimonies - Ethan Hodel and Natalie Hodel

10/10/21 Announcements

 Sunday 10/10 -  New Sunday Schedule (Moving Forward Plan had 92% support)

  • 9:30 - 10:45 1st Service 

  • 10:45 - 11:30 Lunch (modified cafeteria style - far west table will have trays)

  • 11:30 - 12:30 2nd Service 


Sunday 10/17

  • Bible Class Students - will meet with several other churches at the Midwest Food Bank. The day will include singing, a lesson, food, and packing Tender Mercies food kits. They will meet at the High School at 7:25am and will be back around 3pm.

  • 2nd Service - Overview of the Book of Matthew (please read chapters 1-3 in advance)


October’s Collection- Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund


Scripture Memory Class - We are looking for individuals in our congregation who would be willing to become Scripture Partners with our Scripture Memory students. Each Scripture Memory student will be matched with a willing individual from the congregation. The goal would be to connect with your student periodically on Sundays, along with sending some notes of encouragement. Most importantly, you would commit to lifting your student up in prayer throughout this school year. This is not a partnership that would meet outside of church. We pray this program can encourage our students, giving them a special connection with someone in church they maybe otherwise wouldn't have crossed paths with. if you have questions please contact Sis. Jamie Hodel. This program is open to anyone willing to invest in our students who range in age from Kindergarten to 5th grade.Psalm 145:4: "One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. Sign up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0E4EA8AE29ABFD0-scripture


College Care Packages - As a church body we would like to remember our college student's by praying for them, encouraging them and sending them a small care package. In the past this has been a huge blessing to the students. If you would like to participate you can pick up a brown envelope from the back hall bulletin board regarding your college students name and information. 


Lost and Found - Please check the lost and found shelves located between the ladies' restroom and the bulletin board. Any items not claimed by November 7 will be donated.


Hospital Lumiere’s Virtual Benefit Auction- Donations are needed for the auction planned for Thursday November 4 through Saturday November 6. Auction items should be in by Oct. 31. For more information or to donate an item or service, visit the HarvestCall website or the auction website at:  32auctions.com/HospitalLumiere.


Sunday 11/7 - Bible Class Mission Trip Harvest Dinner at the Fellowship Hall at 5:30 - Please contact Sis. Mandy Yordy at 309-678-5484 or smyordy98@gmail.com, by 10/24 to reserve your tickets/tables.  Thank you for your support!


Saturday 11/20 - Testimonies - Ethan Hodel and Natalie Hodel


10/3/21 Announcements

 October’s Collection- Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund


Sunday 10/3

  • October Prayer Gathering at 9:00 in the Intermediate Sunday School room - All are welcome

  • Moving Forward Ballots Due - Ballots can be placed in the box in the back hall or you can text or email your vote to Bro. Frank


Wednesday 10/6 

  • Presentations at Church - (Church Remodeling Project State of the Home)

  • HOPE will meet in the basement kitchen at 7:30.

  • ACTIVE boys will meet at the front doors of the fellowship hall at 7:15.

  • WOW will meet at 7:00 at Martin’s 

  • Scripture Memory Class - Our Scripture Memory program will begin again this Wednesday evening, October 6th. We are looking for individuals in our congregation who would be willing to become Scripture Partners with our Scripture Memory students. Each Scripture Memory student will be matched with a willing individual from the congregation. The goal would be to connect with your student periodically on Sundays, along with sending some notes of encouragement. Most importantly, you would commit to lifting your student up in prayer throughout this school year. This is not a partnership that would meet outside of church. We pray this program can encourage our students, giving them a special connection with someone in church they maybe otherwise wouldn't have crossed paths with. if you have questions please contact Jamie Hodel. This program is open to anyone willing to invest in our students who range in age from Kindergarten to 5th grade.Psalm 145:4: "One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts."Below is the link to sign up. Please sign up if interested by Wednesday morning October 6th.  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0E4EA8AE29ABFD0-scripture


Thursday 10/7 - Helping Hands 9:00-3:00 - All are welcome


Sunday 11/7 - Bible Class Mission Trip Harvest Dinner at the Fellowship Hall at 5:30 - Please contact Sis. Mandy Yordy at 309-678-5484 or smyordy98@gmail.com, by 10/24 to reserve your tickets/tables.  Thank you for your support!


Saturday 11/20 - Testimonies - Ethan Hodel and Natalie Hodel


The HarvestCall Missionary Support/Prayer cards -  update packs are on the bulletin board shelf in the north hall, or pick up a complete set of cards if you don’t have one yet. Thanks for praying.


Other Ways to Serve

  • Necha Jording has worked at our nursing home for 21 years full time. Her daughter Andrea has been diagnosed with NMO which is where the immune system damages the spinal cord and the spinal cord and the nerves to the eyes. Please pray for her, her children, and her family. If you feel led to help Andrea, the website to do so is https://gofund.me/4b61b09c  If you would like to send encouragement in another form please send to Andrea Jording in care of Necha Jording, P.O. Box 81, Secor, IL 61771. For additional information, contact Sis. Penny Maher. 

  • Job Opening at the AC Bookstore in Goodfield  -  They are looking for an assistant store manager for 1-2 mornings per week. Please contact Sis. Rachel Schrock:  rschrock@onwardmedia.org

  • Wichita, KS Bolstering - If you (and your family) feel God calling you to use your gifts and talents to serve in the Wichita congregation or would like more information, please talk with your local elder and then contact, Sis. Amber Miller at amiller@harvestcall.org or 765.250.4295 (ext. 108).

  • Loving Shepherd Ministries will be hosting a meal and charity auction for the vulnerable children of Haiti, Ethiopia, and the United States on Friday, October 8, 2021, at the Five Points Washington. The meal and Silent Auction start at 5:30PM with the Live Auction starting at 6:30PM. This year, we will have a special emphasis on helping children impacted by the Haiti earthquake. If you would like to donate an item, please contact Brittany Schwind at brittany.schwind@gmail.com or 309-678-8205. The auction is a wonderful evening of fellowship and enjoyment while raising much needed funds to help the world’s most vulnerable children. And, this year, anyone who comes to the Auction for the first time will have their total auction bill matched dollar-for-dogellar by a generous donor to help even more children. There will be free childcare provided, so couples with young children are encouragede Ed do poollo to attend.

  • The Silver Lining periodically features a topical article compiled from readers’ submissions. The January 2022 topic is: "Personalizing the Great Commission in Your Own Interactions: Encouragement, Advice, and Experiences Regarding Fulfilling Matthew 28:18-20 in All Walks of Life.” How do we each fit into Jesus’ Great Commission? Let’s allow our Lord to come and speak in our individual lives, demonstrating how God gives him all power in heaven and earth. Therefore, his body moves to go and teach anyone we encounter to observe all of Christ’s commandments, so they too might experience baptism in the Trinity’s name. When we radiate God’s light in our respective corners, Jesus promises to be with us unto the end! As doers of the Word, how can we each promote Matthew 28:18-20 in our own circumstances? We invite your contribution that shares encouragement and/or experiences toward how any believer can support the Great Commission. Please submit your contribution (length = 600 words or less) on this topic to features@acsilverlining.org by November 15, 2021. For questions or assistance, email Bro. Sam Manz at that same address. Help us realize each believer’s potential to promote Christ’s powerful kingdom and presence to every soul!

  • LifePoints - Fifty years ago the doors of Apostolic Christian Home for the Handicapped, currently Apostolic Christian LifePoints, were opened. The prayers and dreams of many individuals, namely parents of children living with disabilities, became a reality.  With a mission of providing residential living arrangements in an overtly Christian environment, LifePoints continues to promote the dignity and potential of each resident, both past & present. Though the original building was beautifully designed & artistically landscaped, it wasn’t the building itself that provided the beauty. That came from individuals - residents, parents, guardians, staff, volunteers, and board members. They filled the halls and homes with a beauty which is still within them today. The 50 years were full. Full of joyful moments and celebrations. Challenging resident behaviors and dynamics. Staffing crises. Life events (births, marriages, deaths). Growth opportunities. Financial constraints. Regulatory burdens. Through it all, though not always apparent in the moment, the faithfulness and provision of our God has been consistent. Looking ahead, we do so with confidence knowing He has called each one of us into His work. Thanks for the way YOU have supported and impacted AC LifePoints along its 50 year journey. The ministry thrives because so many are willing to give so much.