1/26/2013 Announcements

Sunday 1/26

ACYF at Congerville - The students will leave the High School parking lot at 4:50pm

The new dinner list, church schedule cards, and annual financial statements are available in the north hall.


Wednesday 1/29 - Topical Bible Study by Bro. Matt Steffen (Princeville)


Saturday 2/1 - Loaves and Fishes - the Bible Class will be helping feed those in need through the Loaves and Fish program sponsored by the First United Methodist Church in Peoria.  We are asking students to bring a donated item that day.  A generous amount of items have been donated, but if anyone would like to contribute, they can drop off items at the Visiting Angels office in town.  Items in need are blankets, blue jeans, winter clothes (any size), sheets and towels.  We are planning to stop for lunch on the way home.


Wednesday 2/19 - Topical Study on Discipleship - A Topical Study on Discipleship will be presented by our Roanoke ministers and several visiting ministers on four consecutive Wednesday evenings beginning 2/19.


Small Group Bible Study - To help us continue growing in the Word, a small group Bible study on Hope will begin the first or second week of February and will be 8 sessions long. You may sign up by the forms in the North Hall or by calling or e-mailing Bro. Jeremy Knepp



Looking Ahead


Sunday 2/9 - Family Hymn Sing at Eureka at 6:30 - The Eureka church has invited Congerville and our church to a family hymn sing on February 9th at 6:30. This will be held in lieu of our all church potluck and family hymn sing which had been scheduled on the same date. 

1/19/2014 Announcements

Sunday 1/19 - Family Hymn Sing in the Nursing Home Lobby at 1:30


Wednesday 1/22 -  

     Scripture Memory Class

     ACTIVE - the boys will be meeting at the Commerce Bank parking lot at 6:30 to go to CAM. The boys will be taken back to church after they are finished.

     H. S. Worship on Wednesday will meet at Bro. Scott Luginbhul's home


Sunday 1/26 - ACYF at Congerville - The students will leave the High School parking lot at 4:50pm


Saturday 2/1 - Loaves and Fishes - the Bible Class will be helping feed those in need through the Loaves and Fish program sponsored by the First United Methodist Church in Peoria.  We are asking students to bring a donated item that day.  A generous amount of items have been donated, but if anyone would like to contribute, they can drop off items at the Visiting Angels office in town.  Items in need are blankets, blue jeans, winter clothes (any size), sheets and towels.  We are planning to stop for lunch on the way home.


Packages for Andrew Mangold - A signup sheet has been posted on the back bulletin board to send packages to Andrew Mangold in South Korea.


Small Group Bible Study - To help us continue growing in the Word, a small group Bible study on Hope will begin the first or second week of February and will be 8 sessions long. You may sign up by the forms in the North Hall or by calling or e-mailing Bro. Jeremy Knepp



Looking Ahead


Sunday 2/9 - Family Hymn Sing at Eureka at 6:30 - The Eureka church has invited Congerville and our church to a family hymn sing on February 9th at 6:30. This will be held in lieu of our all church potluck and family hymn sing which had been scheduled on the same date.

1/12/2014 Announcements

Small Group Bible Study - To help keep us all growing and in the Word, a small group Bible study on Hope is being planned. Each member and friend of our Roanoke church is again encouraged to participate. The spring session will begin the first or second week of February and will be 8 sessions long, with each session lasting approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. The Bible Study, Hope, is from the Life Guide Series and adapted for use by ACCFS.  You may sign up by the forms in the North Hall or by calling or e-mailing Bro. Jeremy Knepp


Sunday 2/9 - Family Hymn Sing at Eureka at 6:30 - The Eureka church has invited Congerville and our church to a family hymn sing on February 9th at 6:30. This will be held in lieu of our all church potluck and family hymn sing which had been scheduled on the same date.


1/5/2013 Announcements

Tuesday 1/7 - Helping Hands 9:00 - 3:00


Wednesday 1/8

·         Reading of the Memorandum

·         Scripture Memory

·         HOPE girls will be packaging Rice Pilaf Kits at the Goodfield Distribution Center. Please drop the girls off at Commerce Bank at 6:30 PM. The girls will be brought back to the church by 8:30 PM to ride home with their parents.

·         High School Worship on Wednesday will meet at Bro. Scott Luginbuhls at 7:00


Next Sunday Jan. 12 we are planning to take the Bible Class to the Sunday morning service at the Roanoke Nursing Home.  The bible class teachers will transport the students to and from the Nursing Home.  We plan to leave at 9:45 sharp and return around 11:00 for church lunch.


The Prairie Choristers and Youth Choir will begin practicing for the Easter program the second week in January.  Now would be a good time to begin singing with them. If you are interested, please send an email to Bro. Phil Hodel at phodel@gmail.com.


Small Group Bible Study - To help keep us all growing and in the Word, a winter/ spring session of small group Bible study on Hope is being planned. Each member and friend of our Roanoke church is again encouraged to participate. The spring session will begin on or about the first or second week of February and will be 8 sessions long, with each session lasting approximately 1hr.and 15 minutes. The Bible Study, Hope, is from the Life Guide Series and adapted for use by ACCFS.  You may sign up by the forms in the North Hall (also copy attached) or by calling or e-mailing Bro. Jeremy Knepp.