1/24/21 Announcements

 Our purpose:  To glorify God by loving as Jesus loves.


January’s Collection - Nursing Home


Sunday 1/24

  • Sunday School - 7th and 8th Grade Cancelled 

  • Funeral Service for Sis. Doris Hodel at 1:00 - visitation will be from 11:30 - 12:45.  The Topical Bible Study for 11:00 will be presented next Sunday.

Sunday 1/31 - Topical Bible Study - “Lord, what shall I do?” - Bro. Matt


Sunday 2/7 - All Church Potluck and Family Hymn Sing - Cancelled due to COVID


February ACYF - postponed -more details will follow


Birth - Eden Rose Isaia was born on 1/21/20 to Bro. Landon and Sis. Katie.


Farwell - Bro. Luke and Sis. Lydia Kieser have moved to Carol Stream and will be attending the Chicago Church


COVID Precautions

  • If you feel sick or have been exposed to COVID please stay home.

  • We continue to strongly encourage the washing of hands and refraining from handshakes.

  • We continue to strongly encourage the wearing of masks when entering and leaving church, while singing, and when engaging in fellowship.  Masks may be removed while listening to the service.

  • We continue to strongly encourage the youth to follow school protocols in Sunday School and at youth activities. 

  • Church invites (e.g., young group activities, conferences, etc) are still discouraged at this time. 

1/17/21 Announcements

 January’s Collection - Nursing Home

 Sunday 1/17 

  • Peoria Rescue Mission Service  - meet in the West parking lot at 7:20 AM. The service starts at 8, and will be finished by 9.  Masks are required when entering and exiting, optional during service, recommended when singing.  Social Distancing is practiced. If you have any questions, contact Bro. Tim Martin.

  • New Sunday Service Format

    • 9:45 - 10:45 First Service

    • 10:45 -11:00 Break/Song Service

    • 11:00 - 11:30 Topical Bible Study (What is joy and how can I have it? - Bro. John)

  • COVID Precautions

  • If you feel sick or have been exposed to COVID please stay home.

  • We continue to strongly encourage the washing of hands and refraining from handshakes.

  • We continue to strongly encourage the wearing of masks when entering and leaving church, while singing, and when engaging in fellowship.  Masks may be removed while listening to the service.

  • We continue to strongly encourage the youth to follow school protocols in Sunday School and at youth activities. 

  • Church invites (e.g., young group activities, conferences, etc.) are still discouraged at this time. 

Wednesday 1/20

  • WOW will Meet at the Fellowship Hall at 7:00-  If students have any symptoms, they should stay home. 

  • Scripture Memory Class will Meet in the Dining Room

  • HOPE will Meet in the Bible Class Room at 7:30.

  • ACTIVE will Meet in the Adult Bible Class room at 7:30pm.


Sunday 1/24 11:00 Topical Bible Study - “Lord, what shall I do?” - Bro. Matt


Sunday 2/7 - All Church Potluck and Family Hymn Sing - Cancelled due to COVID


Engagement - Bro. Eddie Moser (Bro. Greg/Sis. Shar) to Sis. Jessie Jones (Bro. Steve/Sis. Susie of Washington)


Birth - Nellie Rose Wettstein (Bro. Sam/Sis. Emily) was born on 1/13.

1/10/21 Announcements

January’s Collection - Nursing Home

Wednesday 1/13 - HarvestCall Family Night - has been postponed


Sunday 1/17 Peoria Rescue Mission Service  - If you would like to help sing and worship at the Mission, we will meet in the West parking lot at 7:20 AM. The service starts at 8, and will be finished by 9.  Masks are required when entering and exit, optional during service, recommended when singing.  Social Distancing is practiced. If you have any questions, contact Bro. Tim Martin.

1/3/21 Announcements

January’s Collection - Nursing Home


Sunday 1/3 - Sunday Service and Sunday School Begins at 9:45 - Instead of meeting from 9:00 -10:00, we will be meeting from 9:45-10:45 on Sundays.

Tuesday 1/5 - Funeral for Sis. Pat Landes in Morton at 10:00 - visitation is on Monday at the Morton Church from 4:30-6:30 and an hour before the funeral


Wednesday 1/6 - HOPE will Meet in the Bible Class Room at 7:30.


Thursday 1/7 - Helping Hands from 9:00-3:00 - work will include stenciling bags for HarvestCall Family Night


Wednesday 1/13 - HarvestCall Family Night - has been postponed


Birth - Eugene Richard Walder -  born 12/23 to Bro. Evan and Sis. Leah 


Birth - Granger Lane Fischer - born on 12/28 to Bro. Luke & Sis. Allison 


12/27/20 Announcements

 December’s Collection - Maintenance Fund

Sunday 12/27 

  • Sunday Service and Sunday School Begins at 9:45 - Instead of meeting from 9:00 -10:00, we will be meeting from 9:45-10:45 on Sundays. 
  • Bible Class Loaves and Fishes Hygiene Kits -  today is the last day for collecting fleece blankets and hygiene kits for Loaves and Fishes. Thank you to all that donated.

2021 Updates - Please Complete by 12/27

    • Church Lunch Anyone who wants their name added to or taken off the church dinner list should contact Bro. Harold or me.Sis. Judy Sauder. A current list is posted on the bulletin board by the ladies restroom for your review.
    • Church Directory - If you have any updates (including e-mail and phone numbers) you may either fill out the form online (http://roanokeacchurch.org/pages/church-directory-Updates/), send an email (DirectoryUpdates@roanokeacchurch.org), or fill out a paper form in the North hall and drop it in the box near the bulletin board. 
    • Onecallnow - We are using OneCallNow more and more as we communicate with the church.  Email is the most effective way to get larger announcements and information out.  If you have email but are not on our list or thought you were but are not receiving emails, please contact Sis. Jenell Hodel at cjhodel@gmail.com.  


Thursday 12/31 - New Year’s Eve Service at 7:15 - there will be no Wed. evening service on 12/30