7/28/19 Announcements

Thursday 8/1 - Helping Hands from 9:00-12:00 - All are welcome!

Saturday 8/3 - Gateway Woods Auction - Thanks for your support and prayers.  There is still a need for volunteers to help at the sale.  Contact Bro. Clark Leman for details.

Sunday 8/4

  • ACCFS Collection 
  • 2020 Junior and Senior Mission Trip Meeting - There will be an informational meeting in the cafeteria following afternoon services to discuss the 2020 Mission Trip for all Junior and Senior students and parents. If you are not able to attend this meeting, please contact Bro. Brad or Sis. Jill Sauder.

  • Weekend of Aug 23rd
    • The Nursing Home Benefit
    • 2019 Men’s Sing in Latty -  Anyone interested may visit ACMenSing.org to register.

    Saturday, 9/14/19, Ladies' Day - Save the Date! More details will be coming soon.

    Weekend of Oct 18th - Cultivating Connections Marriage Conference by ACCFS in MortonMarriage is often a mystery – Couples can spend their entire life trying to solve this mystery. The apostle Paul describes marriage as only part of a greater mystery- that is, Christ and the Church. This greater mystery involves loving as Christ loved, serving as Christ served, submitting as Christ submitted, and giving as Christ gave. Reflecting on this mystery can change our marriages.
    You can register for the conference by clicking here: https://www.accounseling.org/marriageconference2019/

    3 Year Old Sunday School Sign Up on Bulletin Board - This is for children who turn 3 years old by September 1st. 

    7/21/19 Announcements

    Sunday 7/21 
    • Sunday School Election - Today is the final day to vote. Results will be made known at the end of July.
    • Nursing Home Auction Items Due Today -  If you are able to donate a new item or service for the auction, please fill out one of the forms located on the lady’s bulletin board. If you have any questions, please contact sisters Cheryl Baurer or Kathy Knapp.
    • Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30  

    Saturday 8/3 - Gateway Woods Auction -  Donations are appreciated. Please contact our Gateway representative Bro. Clark Leman if you have an item to donate or would like an item purchased for you. 

    Weekend of Aug 23rd
    • The Nursing Home Benefit
    • 2019 Men’s Sing in Latty -  Anyone interested may visit ACMenSing.org to register.

    Weekend of Oct 18th - Cultivating Connections Marriage Conference by ACCFS in MortonMarriage is often a mystery – Couples can spend their entire life trying to solve this mystery. The apostle Paul describes marriage as only part of a greater mystery- that is, Christ and the Church. This greater mystery involves loving as Christ loved, serving as Christ served, submitting as Christ submitted, and giving as Christ gave. Reflecting on this mystery can change our marriages.
    You can register for the conference by clicking here: https://www.accounseling.org/marriageconference2019/

    3 Year Old Sunday School Sign Up on Bulletin Board - This is for children who turn 3 years old by September 1st. 

    7/14/19 Announcements

    Sunday 7/14 
    ·       Welcome - We extend a special welcome to those from the Eureka Church who will be worshiping with us for the next 4 Sundays while their church is being remodeled. 
    ·     Sunday School Election - will be today through next Sunday.  For a sample ballot, click on the link below. 

    HarvestCall Proclaim and Serve Conference in Roanoke on July 19-20 
    ·       Help is still needed for: 
    o  3 additional homes for guests are needed along with 2 additional back ups.  If you can keep guests, please e-mail Sis. Kathy Sauder
    o  1 water carrier from 1:00 -4:30 on Saturday - Please contact Sis. Marge Braker
    o  E-mail words of encouragement to the speakers - cards are located on the shelf of the north hall bulletin board.
    ·      Registration closes on Wednesday.  You can register at:   proclaimandserve.org 
    ·      If you aren’t planning to register, the main sessions in the sanctuary are open to all.  The talks will be captivating. 

    Saturday 8/3 - Gateway Woods Auction -  Donations are appreciated. Please contact our Gateway representative Bro. Clark Leman if you have an item to donate or would like an item purchased for you. The mission of Gateway Woods is “To honor and obey God by providing help and healing to troubled children and families who then may bless others".

    Weekend of Aug 23rd
    ·       The Nursing Home Benefit - If you are able to donate a new item or service for the auction, please fill out one of the forms located on the lady’s bulletin board and turn it in by July 21.  If you have any questions, please contact sisters Cheryl Baurer or Kathy Knapp.
    ·      2019 Men’s Sing in Latty - We welcome men of any age to help make a recording to God’s glory.  Anyone interested may visit ACMenSing.org to register.

    Weekend of Oct 18th - Cultivating Connections Marriage Conference by ACCFS in Morton
    Marriage is often a mystery – communication, transitions, sex, parenting, conflict. Couples can spend their entire life trying to solve this mystery. The apostle Paul describes marriage as only part of a greater mystery- that is, Christ and the Church. This greater mystery involves loving as Christ loved, serving as Christ served, submitting as Christ submitted, and giving as Christ gave. Reflecting on this mystery can change our marriages.
    You can register for the conference by clicking here: https://www.accounseling.org/marriageconference2019/

    3 Year Old Sunday School Sign Up on Bulletin Board - This is for children who turn 3 years old by September 1st

    7/7/19 Announcements

    Sunday 7/7
    • HarvestCall Servant Fund Collection - This fund is used to financially support those on the mission field with HarvestCall. At this time, the Servant Fund is lower than normal so any contribution is greatly appreciated. 
    • Wedding of Sis. Mindy Bradle to Bro. Trent Koch (Bro. Earl and Sis. Marsha, Tremont)

    Monday 7/8 - Sunday School Nominations Close - Please be prayerful for this important work. All names for Sunday School should be submitted to the head of the Nominating Committee  (Bro. Randy Feucht  - rdfeucht@hotmail.com  309-256-5697) 

    Thursday 7/11 - Helping Hands from 9:00-12:00 - All are welcome!

    HarvestCall Proclaim and Serve Conference in Roanoke on July 19-20 
    • To get an overview of the conference, or to register, please go to proclaimandserve.org 
    • Prayer cards for the speakers are on the shelf under the north hall bulletin board.  Please pick several up and send an email of encouragement to the speakers.
    •  For additional information, please contact Bro. Jim or Sis. Marge Braker. 

    Saturday 8/3 - Gateway Woods Auction -  Donations are appreciated. Please contact our Gateway representative Bro. Clark Leman if you have an item to donate or would like an item purchased for you. The mission of Gateway Woods is “To honor and obey God by providing help and healing to troubled children and families who then may bless others".

    The Nursing Home Benefit will be held this year on August 23 and 24.  If you are able to donate a new item or service for the auction, please fill out one of the forms located on the lady’s bulletin board and turn it in by July 21.  If you have any questions, please contact sisters Cheryl Baurer or Kathy Knapp.

    3 Year Old Sunday School Sign Up on Bulletin Board - This is for children who turn 3 years old by September 1st.