6/30/19 Announcements

Sunday 6/30
·       Last Date or Register for the General Conference in Goodfield on Friday, 8/9  - So they can determine how many people to prepare for, Click here to register. 
·       Sunday Lunch - With Sunday School out for the summer, please remind your older children they should wait for the elderly to sit down at the table first.  If there are still seats available after the prayer, they should feel free to sit down. 
·       Bro. Walt Fehr’s 100th Birthday Open House at the Roanoke Park Building 1:30-4:30

Wednesday 7/3 - There will be no Wednesday Evening Service

Sunday 7/7
·       HarvestCall Servant Fund Collection - This fund is used to financially support those on the mission field with HarvestCall. At this time, the Servant Fund is lower than normal so any contribution is greatly appreciated. 
·       Wedding of Sis. Mindy Bradle to Bro. Trent Koch (Bro. Earl and Sis. Marsha, Tremont)

HarvestCall Proclaim and Serve Conference in Roanoke on July 19-20 - To get an overview of the conference, or to register, please go to proclaimandserve.org . For additional information, please contact Bro. Jim or Sis. Marge Braker. 

The Nursing Home Benefit will be held this year on August 23 and 24.  If you are able to donate a new item or service for the auction, please fill out one of the forms located on the lady’s bulletin board and turn it in by July 21.  If you have any questions, please contact sisters Cheryl Baurer or Kathy Knapp.

Sunday School Nominations - Please be prayerful the Holy Spirit to work during the nomination and election for Sunday School teachers.  If a brother or sister has a desire to teach Sunday School they should submit their name to the head nominating committee.  If a brother or sister would like to nominate someone they feel  has the gift of teaching, they should contact the brother or sister to ask for permission to submit their name to the head of Nominating Committee All names for Sunday School should be submitted to the head of Nominating Committee  (Bro. Randy Feucht  - rdfeucht@hotmail.com  309-256-5697) by Monday, July 8th.  

6/23/19 Announcements

Sunday 6/23
  • Peoria Rescue Mission at 8:00 AM - We will meet in the West parking lot at 7:15.  The service is at 8 and usually finishes by 8:45, allowing plenty of time to return for our morning service.  We have a need for people to help sing and worship with us!  Any questions, please see Bro. TIm Martin
  • Afternoon Service
    • Spring Memorandum which focuses on the national church’s vision and purpose
    • Conclusion from the committee on Roanoke Church’s organization structure
    • Conclusion from the committee on Sunday School elections
  • Sunday School Picnic at 4:30PM at the Roanoke Park building -  Chicken, tortellini, drinks, dessert and table service will be provided, and each family should bring two side dishes.
Monday 6/24 - Bloodmobile at the Roanoke Methodist Church from 12:30-5:30 - Please take time to donate blood and have lunch together.
Local HarvestCall Project June 24-28 - The Harvest Call work project at Salem4Youth in Flanagan will start Monday June 24th at 8 a.m. Thanks for considering this worthwhile project. Address is 15161 N 400 East Rd., Flanagan IL 61740
Thursday 6/27 - Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia - This talk will be presented in the Home’s Multi-Purpose Room from 6pm-7:30pm. If you plan to attend, you do need to register by calling 1-800-272-3900 and giving them your name and zip code.  Additional information is on the bulletin board in the back hall.
Sunday 6/30 - Bro. Walt Fehr’s 100th birthday
Wednesday 7/3 - There will be no Wednesday Evening Service
HarvestCall Proclaim and Serve Conference in Roanoke on July 19-20 - To get an overview of the conference, or to register, please go to proclaimandserve.org . Volunteers are needed to help in the kitchen, usher and keep guests. Information and sign up slots will be sent out on Monday through “Perfect Potluck.”  For additional information, please contact Bro. Jim or Sis. Marge Braker.
Save the Date - General Conference in Goodfield is on Friday, 8/9  - So they can determine how many people to prepare for, Click here to register. no later than June 30th.
The Nursing Home Benefit will be held this year on August 23 and 24.  If you are able to donate a new item or service for the auction, please fill out one of the forms located on the lady’s bulletin board and turn it in by July 21.  If you have any questions, please contact sisters Cheryl Baurer or Kathy Knapp.
The Bible Distribution Committee would also like to remind you that, as we enter vacation season, if you are staying in a hotel or condo, we have a convenient way to share the gospel with others;  leave a tip for the cleaning people in a Pocket Bible or other type of Bible, or Bible stories books. There are a lot of resources available for free in the North Hall. If you have any questions, just let us know.

6/16/19 Announcements

Sunday 6/16
  • HarvestCall Bible Fund Collection
  • Senior Breakfast at 8:30 am at the Fellowship Hall -  All Seniors, Senior Parents, Bible Class teachers and spouses, and Bible Class Students will be invited.  Invitations will be sent out in the next couple weeks.
  • The HarvestCall Local Work Project Meeting in the Bible Class room at 11:20
  • Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30
Sunday 6/23
  • Peoria Rescue Mission at 8:00 AM - We will meet in the West parking lot at 7:15.  The service is at 8 and usually finishes by 8:45, allowing plenty of time to return for our morning service.  We have a need for people to help sing and worship with us!  Any questions, please see Bro. TIm Martin
  • Afternoon Service
    • Spring Memorandum which focuses on the national church’s vision and purpose
    • Conclusion from the committee on Roanoke Church’s organization structure
    • Conclusion from the committee on Sunday School elections
  • Sunday School Picnic at 4:30PM at the Roanoke Park building -  A sign up sheet is now posted on the bulletin board for anyone planning to attend.  Chicken, tortellini, drinks, dessert and table service will be provided, and each family should bring two side dishes.
Monday 6/24 - Bloodmobile at the Roanoke Methodist Church from 12:30-5:30 - Please take time to donate blood and have lunch together.
Local HarvestCall Project June 24-28 - The Harvest Call work project at Salem4Youth in Flanagan will start Monday June 24th at 8 a.m. There will be a meeting in the Bible Class room downstairs today at 11:20 for all interested in helping. If you can’t come to the meeting but want to help please see Jim Braker. Thanks for considering this worthwhile project. Address is 15161 N 400 East Rd., Flanagan IL 61740
The Bible Distribution Committee would also like to remind you that, as we enter vacation season, if you are staying in a hotel or condo, we have a convenient way to share the gospel with others;  leave a tip for the cleaning people in a Pocket Bible or other type of Bible, or Bible stories books. There are a lot of resources available for free in the North Hall. If you have any questions, just let us know.
Save the Date - HarvestCall Proclaim and Serve Conference in Roanoke on July 19-20 - To get an overview of the conference please go to proclaimandserve.org  Online registration More information about volunteer needs explained next week.

Announcements 6/9/19

Sunday 6/9
  • Visiting Ministers:  Brothers Erik Givens (Princeville), Joe Klotzle (Los Angeles/Altadena)
  • Elly Sauder’s Baptism

Thursday 6/13- Helping Hands from 9:00-12:00- Enjoy a morning of fellowship while working together on projects for those in need. All are welcome!

Sunday 6/16
  • HarvestCall Bible Fund Collection
  • Senior Breakfast at 8:30 am at the Fellowship Hall -  All Seniors, Senior Parents, Bible Class teachers and spouses, and Bible Class Students will be invited.  Invitations will be sent out in the next couple weeks.
  • Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30
Sunday 6/23
  • Peoria Rescue Mission at 8:00 AM - There will be plenty of time to return for our morning services.  We are in need of a piano player and some singing help. Please let Bro. Tim Martin know if you can help out.
  • Afternoon Service
    • Spring Memorandum which focuses on the national church’s vision and purpose
    • Conclusion from the committee on Roanoke Church’s organization structure
    • Conclusion from the committee on Sunday School elections
  • Sunday School Picnic at 4:30PM at the Roanoke Park building -  A sign up sheet is now posted on the bulletin board for anyone planning to attend.  Chicken, tortellini, drinks, dessert and table service will be provided, and each family should bring two side dishes.
Local HarvestCall Project June 24-28 - The Roanoke church will be doing a roof project at the Salem4youth in Flanagan. This will be June 24 - 28. Mark your calendars. Details will follow.