4/29/18 Announcements

Sunday 4/29
  • Clayton Hartter’s Baptism
  • Gateway Woods Collection
 Tuesday 5/1 - Helping Hands from 9:00 - 3:00

Wednesday 5/2
  • WOW at Bro. Jon Fehr’s at 7:00
  • HOPE is Cancelled
 Sunday 5/20 - HarvestCall Collection - By working together as a brotherhood through HarvestCall, we can offer assistance and hope by proclaiming Christ and serving others in the U.S., Mexico, Haiti, Jamaica, Europe and other places, striving to see that God is glorified

4/22/18 Announcements

Sunday 4/22
  • Church Projects Collection – At the 2017 annual business meeting, the trustees outlined 7 projects being planned for 2018. These include the basement remodel project, basement dehumidification, church roof repairs, drain tile work and additional security cameras. The estimated cost for these projects is $400,000. $270,000 has already been collected leaving a balance still needed of $130,000. This Sunday has been set aside for a special collection for these projects and other needs that arise. Planning for the basement continues and it is expected that most of the work will be completed during the summer months. We still plan to use volunteers for some phases of the project, and will have updates on that in the coming months.
  • Invite-a-Guest -Supper at 4:00 Followed by a Singing - Any questions can be directed to Sis. Jennifer Feucht.

Tuesday 4/24 - All Day Asbestos Removal Certification Class

Wednesday 4/25 - Baptism: A Symbol and Sacrament - Bro. Justin Koch/Washington

Saturday 4/28
  • Clayton Hartter’s Testimony at 7:00
  • The LifePoints Gospel Sing at Five Points from 5:45pm to 8:30pm  - This is the sole fundraiser for Apostolic Christian LifePoints and its residents .  If you can't attend you can watch it live stream through our website at aclifepoints.org ,please consider participating.  This is a free event and only a free will offering will be collected at the door or online.   A flyer is posted on the north hall bulletin board.  If you have any questions contact Bro. Tom Sauder.  Please remember LifePoints in your prayers.

Sunday 4/29 - Clayton Hartter’s Baptism

4/15/18 Announcements

Sunday 4/15
·       Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30
·       The Bible Class will be in Eureka for the Spring ACYF Day - They plan to meet at the Roanoke High School at 7:45am. A short song program will follow afternoon services for those wishing to attend.
·       Church Projects Collection – At the 2017 annual business meeting, the trustees outlined 7 projects being planned for 2018. These include the basement remodel project, basement dehumidification, church roof repairs, drain tile work and additional security cameras. The estimated cost for these projects is $400,000. $270,000 has already been collected leaving a balance still needed of $130,000. This Sunday and next Sunday have been set aside for a special collection for these projects and other needs that arise. Planning for the basement continues and it is expected that most of the work will be completed during the summer months. We still plan to use volunteers for some phases of the project, and will have updates on that in the coming months.

Wednesday 4/18
·     WOW will Meet at the Fellowship Hall at 7:00
·     HOPE Girls will Meet in the Church Kitchen at 7:30

Friday 4/20 - Young Group Bible Study at Bro. Stephen Bertschi's Home at 7:30

Sunday 4/22 - Invite-a-Guest - We are looking forward to invite-a-guest, today is the last opportunity to sign up to attend the 4:00 supper.  If you were unable to invite guests, but would like to attend the potluck, feel free to sign up.  Thank you for your support of this event. Any questions can be directed to Sis. Jennifer Feucht.

Tuesday 4/24 - All Day Asbestos Removal Certification Class  - Upon successful completion of the class, individuals will be able to supervise volunteers when we begin to remove the tile flooring in the basement. If you plan to help with the flooring removal efforts, it is not necessary to take the class on the 24th unless you are willing and able to supervise other volunteers. We can only work if there is a supervisor present, so the more we have certified, the more hours we can remove the tile flooring. If you are interested in taking the class or have further questions, please contact Bro. Jay Braker at 309-678-4625 or jay.braker@liftsofil.com by this Thursday (April 19th).

Saturday 4/28 - The LifePoints Gospel Sing at Five Points from 5:45pm to 8:30pm  - This is the sole fundraiser for Apostolic Christian LifePoints and its residents .  If you can't attend you can watch it live stream through our website at aclifepoints.org ,please consider participating.  This is a free event and only a free will offering will be collected at the door or online.   A flyer is posted on the north hall bulletin board.  If you have any questions contact Bro. Tom Sauder.  Please remember LifePoints in your prayers.

Sunday 6/10 - Tremont Congregation Invite for Supper and Singing - the Gridley congregation has also been invited.  Supper starts at 5:00 followed by a singing at 6:30 at the Fellowship Hall.  

4/8/18 Announcements

Sunday 4/8 
  • Silver Lining Collection - $18 per hard copy (free online).  If you want to add or remove your name from the list, please sign up on the bulletin board
  •  2018 Church and Ministry Directories are Available in the Conference Room

Friday 4/13 -  Ladies' Night at the Fellowship Hall from 6:45-9:00 -   If you weren’t able to sign up yet,  please sign up on the bulletin board by today or you can e-mail kathleensauder@gmail.com  

Saturday 4/14 
  • College Weekend in Roanoke Hosted by ICC/Bradley Young Group -college-aged students from our network of churches will be having a series of speakers and service projects at the church and fellowship hall on Saturday, and then they will be worshiping with us on Sunday. The young group would like to have a few back-up houses to accommodate students in case more come than planned. If you are interested in providing accommodations or know of any projects the students could do, please see Sis. Lydia Luginbuhl by today.  There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board to help with deserts.
  • The Midwest Food Bank Gala Dinner and Auction  - The dinner is sold out, but everyone is invited to attend the auction at 6:45pm. This is the primary fundraiser for the Food Bank and any support is appreciated.

Sunday 4/15        
  • The Bible Class will be in Eureka for the Spring ACYF Day - They plan to meet at the Roanoke High School at 7:45am. A short song program will follow afternoon services for those wishing to attend. 
  • Church Projects Collection – There will be a special collection (April 15 & 22) for the 2018 church projects including the roof repairs and basement remodel projects.
Sunday 4/22 - Invite-a-Guest - We are looking forward to invite-a-guest Next Sunday will be the last opportunity to sign up to attend the 4:00 supper.  If you were unable to invite guests, but would like to attend the potluck, feel free to sign up.  Thank you for your support of this event. Any questions can be directed to Sis. Jennifer Feucht.

Saturday 4/28 - The LifePoints Gospel Sing at Five Points from 5:45pm to 8:30pm  - This is the sole fundraiser for Apostolic Christian LifePoints and its residents .  If you can't attend you can watch it live stream through our website at aclifepoints.org ,please consider participating.  This is a free event and only a free will offering will be collected at the door or online.   A flyer is posted on the north hall bulletin board.  If you have any questions contact Bro. Tom Sauder.  Please remember LifePoints in your prayers.

Sunday 6/10 - Tremont Congregation Invite for Supper and Singing - the Gridley congregation has also been invited.  Supper starts at 5:00 followed by a singing at 6:30 at the Fellowship Hall.