Sunday 3/2
Timber Ridge/Home for the Handicapped Collection - Please make checks out to the Apostolic Christian Church with Timber Ridge in the memo.
Family Hymn Sing at 6:30 - The date for the family hymn sing has been changed from 3/9 to 3/2. The 3rd-8th grade Sunday School students will be singing for us. Please sign up for refreshments and kitchen help on the bulletin board.
Monday 3/3 - Annual Church Cleaning - There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for those willing to bring food. We will be needing less donated food since we are having a lighter lunch than in past years.
Friday 3/7 - Burmood Benefit from 1:00 - 6:00 - The benefit for the Richard Burmood family and will be held at our nursing home in the Country View Library and Living Area. Bonnie works as a nurse at our home. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board by the dining room for donations of baked goods. These items may be brought to the home on Friday morning from 11:00 am. The family thanks you and appreciates this help very much.
Saturday 3/8
Western Regional World Relief Meeting at Winthrop, MN from 9:00 - 4:00 - Further information is on the bulletin board. If you plan to attend please let Bro. Jim Braker know by Monday, Feb. 25th.
Bible Class Spaghetti Supper from 4:00-6:30- Sign up sheets for the Bible Class parents and food donations from the congregation are both posted on the bulletin board outside the dining room. This is the main fund raiser for our Sunday School and we are extremely thankful for the help provided and food donations that are contributed to this event every year.
Testimonies at 7:30
Ladies' Restroom Remodeling Project - The ladies' restroom and the northwest stairwell are NOT available. Ladies who are able are encouraged to use the restroom in the basement, so those who have difficulty with stairs can use the small restroom in the south hall.
Looking Ahead
Tuesday 3/4 - Helping Hands from 9:00-3:00
Wednesday Evenings - Topical Study on Discipleship
3/5 Discipleship Examples in the Bible - Bro. Dave Obergfel (Peoria)
3/12 Discipleship at Work, School, Friends - Bro. Jeff Wiegand
Sunday 3/9 - Baptisms
Monday 3/10 - Fellowship Hall Cleaning at 6:30 PM
Saturday 3/22 - Single Focus Weekend at Champaign - The Single Focus weekend will be held at the Champaign Church starting at 12:00 on March 22nd. Additional information is posted on the bulletin board. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by March 1st to Sis. Amber Miller at: