August’s Collection- HarvestCall Servant Fund
Special HarvestCall Disaster Fund Collection for August
Sunday 8/29
Sunday School Starts at 9:45 - The 3 year olds thru 2nd grade meet in their classrooms and the 3rd grade on up meet in the big assembly room. Kids should be downstairs by 9:45. After the morning service, parents should pick up their younger children from their classroom. The Sunday School thanks you all for your prayers and support!
Junior/Senior Mission Trip Meeting with Parents and Students in the Bible Class Room at 11:00
Thursday 9/2
Helping Hands from 9:00 - 3:00 - All are welcome!
AC Central App will be Updated - Anyone using AC Central will need to update the app on their devices to continue using the app.
Sunday 9/5 - Peoria Rescue Mission Services - we will leave from the West parking lot at 7:15. Any questions, please contact Bro. Tim Martin.
Friday 9/17 - Ladies' Night - Love Without Limits - Join us for an evening with the ladies of Roanoke church as we hear testimonies of loving a prodigal child, loving through divorce, and loving through pornography addiction, all by the power of God's unfailing love. This will be at the fellowship hall from 6:45-8:45. Please sign up on the signup sheet on the bulletin board or RSVP to Thankfully looking forward to spending an evening together again.
Engagement - Sis. Joy Hinrichsen (Bro. Mark and Sis. Sue) to Bro. Andrew Walker (Stewart and Dawn of Rantoul). Joy and Anderew both attend the Champaign church.
Note of Thanks
From the Nursing Home - The nursing home would like to thank each one that participated in the Homecoming Benefit this year. All those who donated auction items, helped at the fish fry and supported our events, contributed to another successful fundraiser. God bless you for sharing your time and resources with the home!
From Bro. Randy and Sis. Carol Feucht - It is such a blessing to be a part of such a loving, kind, and praying church. During this journey we are on we have had peaceful, calm attitudes thanks to all your prayers and support! We love you all and appreciate it all so much. May you all be blessed and continue to work together for our Lord.
Other Ways to Serve
Berean Bible Studies - a new batch of Bible studies are in the back hall that need grading.
Thursday 9/2 - Heartline/Heart House Annual Spaghetti Supper - At Crosspoint Community Church from 3:30-7:00