5/26/2013 Announcements

Sunday 5/26 - Collection for World Relief

            we will have the collection boxes open next Sunday also for the World Relief Collection.  With the number of disasters that have occurred we want to provide opportunity for any additional support you may wish to provide World Relief in addition to our normal collection.


June 3-7 - VBS

  • Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 3 – June 7.  The format will be similar to last year.  Please have your students here in time to start at 7:00 each night.
  • There is a signup sheet for VBS donated food items and waitresses that are needed for the week of VBS.  Please sign up on the bulletin board in the north hall.
  • For VBS crafts, kindergarten through 3rd grade students will need to bring a paint shirt, and 4th-6th grade students will need a ruler and scissors. Please label these items with your name and bring them to the craft rooms the first night of VBS.  
  • The following is a schedule of the topics/presenters for our week of VBS.

o    Monday, June 3 – Bro. Dennis Kaufmann – “God Gives Us Hope”

o    Tuesday, June 4 – Bro. Erik Givens – “God Gives Us Special Abilities”

o    Wednesday, June 5 – Bro. Randy Mogler – “God Gives Us Wisdom”

o    Thursday, June 6 – Bro. Ted Witzig, Jr. – “God Gives Us Forgiveness”

o    Friday, June 7 – Bro. Daren Metz – “God Gives Us Family”


Father/Son Campout  

A reminder to sign up for the father-son campout to be held at Comlara Park on June 14th-15th.  It would be appreciated if you could sign up by June 2nd.  (signup sheet is in the north hall).  Please note: You would not need to say at the campground overnight if you wish to spend the evening with us.  This campout is for all ages.  If your father or son is unable to attend, you are still welcome.  If you  have any questions or would like to help with this event, please contact Bro. Robey Shuck.


Sunday School Elections

We welcome the new Sunday School teachers elected to begin later this year.  Intermediate teachers will be Brothers Sam Bertschi, Nate Hodel, Jason Rassi, and Brad Sauder.  Bible Class teachers will be Brothers Nate Fehr and Chad Martin.  We appreciate their willingness to serve our youth.

Announcement Addition

A reminder to sign up for the father-son campout to be held at Comlara Park on June 14th-15th.  It would be appreciated if you could sign up by June 2nd.  (signup sheet is in the north hall).  Please note: You would not need to say at the campground overnight if you wish to spend the evening with us.  This campout is for all ages.  If your father or son is unable to attend, you are still welcome.  If you  have any questions or would like to help with this event, please contact Bro. Robey Shuck.

5/19/2013 Announcements

Sunday 5/19 - Family Hymn Sing at the Nursing Home from 1:30-2:00


Tuesday 5/21 - Midwest Food Bank

It's Roanoke's turn to volunteer at the Midwest Food Bank this Tuesday evening, May 21, from 6:30-8:30.


Wednesday 5/22 - Topical Bible Study, "The Uncertainties of Life" by Bro. Steph Baner (Gridley)


Nursing Home's Jr. Volunteer Program

The Jr. Volunteer program will be starting June 1.  Any student, 6th grade through High School, that is interested in becoming a Jr. Volunteer for the summer should contact the Nursing Home.



There are still several helpers needed for VBS crafts. Please sign up on the north hall bulletin board if you are able. For VBS crafts, kindergarten through 3rd grade students will need to bring a paint shirt, and 4th-6th grade students will need a ruler and scissors. Please label these items with your name and bring them to the craft rooms the first night of VBS.




Looking Ahead:  


Vacation Bible School - June 3 -7

5/13/2013 Announcements

Sunday 5/12 - Sunday School Elections

Voting for Sunday School teachers will be held today and Wednesday night.


Sunday 5/19 - Baccalaureate Service


Nursing Home's Jr. Volunteer Program

The Jr. Volunteer program will be starting June 1.  Any student, 6th grade through High School, that is interested in becoming a Jr. Volunteer for the summer should contact the Nursing Home.


VBS Sign Up

VBS is scheduled for the week of June 3rd.  If you would like to help, there are a variety of sign up sheets on the bulletin board.  Today is the last opportunity to sign up.




Looking Ahead:  


Vacation Bible School - June 3 -7

5/5/2013 Announcements

Sunday 5/5 - Gateway Woods Collection


Tuesday 5/7 - Helping Hands from 9:00-12:00


Saturday 5/11

Mother Daughter's Banquet at 11:00 - The Mother Daughter Banquet ("Growing in the Garden of God") will be this Saturday. Spaces still available, so if you would still like to attend, please contact Sis. Ali Knepp as soon as possible (email janep1@frontier.com or call Ali's cell 219-2871).  There is still a need for kitchen help, donations and men to help at the banquet. Sign up sheets with more details are on the  bulletin boards. Thanks in advance for your help!

Midwest Gospel Singing at 6:00 PM - The Midwest Gospel Singing to support Timber Ridge – Home for the Handicapped – will be held at Five Points in Washington on Saturday, May 11th at 6:00.  To get advance tickets, please see Bro. Curt Hodel.  Prairie Choristers are one of the groups singing this year.  


Nursing Home's Jr. Volunteer Program

The Jr. Volunteer program will be starting June 1.  Any student, 6th grade through High School, that is interested in becoming a Jr. Volunteer for the summer should contact the Nursing Home.


VBS Sign Up

VBS is scheduled for the week of June 3rd.  If you would like to help, there are a variety of sign up sheets on the bulletin board.   Please sign up by next Sunday.  




Looking Ahead:  



Vacation Bible School - June 3 -7