8/25/2013 Announcements

Sunday 8/25
Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund Collection
Sending Service for the Yordy Family
6:30 Singing at the Gridley Fellowship Hall

Wednesday 8/28 - Conference Messages
The Father Calls His Children to Service (Bro. Mark Bahr - Detroit)
The Father Calls His Children to Separation ( Bro. Bruce Endress - Bradford)

Saturday 8/31 - Drywall Project in Goodfield
People are needed to help hang drywall Saturday, 8/31 at the new Apostolic Christian Publications facility in Goodfield. Please contact Bro. Jim Braker by this Wednesday if you can help.

Small Group Bible Study on Fruit of the Spirit
To help keep us all growing and in the Word, a fall session of small group Bible study on the Fruit of the Spirit is being planned. Each member and friend of our Roanoke church is again encouraged to participate. The study will begin the latter part of September and will be 9 sessions long, with each session lasting approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.  You may sign up by filling out the forms in the North Hall or by calling or e-mailing brothers John Getz or Rob Luginbuhl.

Remodeling Update
The Trustees want to thank you for your patience during the restroom remodeling projects this year. The Ladies north hall restroom remodel is planned for Jan - Feb. of 2014.  Lord Willing.

Nursing Home Benefit Thank You
The nursing home board, staff and benefit committee express their appreciation for the wonderful support of our church and community for the nursing home benefit.                                                                   

Choir Practice
Several singing groups will begin practicing within the next month. There is information on the printed and emailed announcements regarding participation in the Prairie Choristers, the Youth Choir and the Men's Choir.

Looking Ahead

Choir Practice Information

The Prairie Choristers will begin practicing in September for this year's Christmas program. Practices are held after Wednesday night church and usually end by 9:30.
The Youth Choir is for anyone 3rd grade through high school senior and emphasizes the joy of singing in harmony.  Practices are held Sunday mornings at 9:20, and end in time for children to go to their Sunday school worship singing.
The Men's choir will be singing this year at the Christmas program. Practices will begin in October and the schedule is not yet determined.
The communication for all three groups is handled through email. If you or your child would like to participate in any group, please send an email to Phil Hodel at plhodel@gmail.com

Invite-A- Guest
Roanoke will be hosting an Invite-a-Guest on Sunday, September 22nd.  All are invited to participate by inviting a single person, couple, or family from another congregation to worship with us on that Sunday.   There will be a potluck supper at 4:00 followed by a singing.  There are sign-up sheets posted on the women's bulletin board.  Any questions can be directed to Sisters Megan Hodel or Jennifer Feucht.

Tuesday 9/3 - Helping Hands from 9:00 - 3:00

Sunday 9/8
Sunday School Begins
South Side Mission Service at 6:00

Saturday 9/28 - Diane Orr Benefit from 3-7
The benefit for Diane Orr will be at the Trinity Lutheran Church on 9/28 from 3-7.  Diane has had multiple surgeries on her leg, with amputation, recent loss of her husband, unable to work, and has mounting medical bills.

Sunday 9/29 - The Doctrine of Salvation by Bro. Lynn Fiechter (Bluffton)
We encourage all of our Sunday School and Bible Class students to join us Sunday afternoon. 

8/18/2013 Announcements

Sunday 8/18 - Family Hymn Sing at the Nursing Home from 1:30-2:00

Tuesday 8/20 - Midwest Food Bank from 6:30-8:30
It's Roanoke's turn to volunteer at the Midwest Food Bank this Tuesday evening from 6:30-8:30.

Fri/Sat 8/23-24 - Nursing Home Benefit
The 2013 Homecoming Day benefit for the Nursing Home is next weekend.  We would like to have any available men and boys to help set up tables, chairs and build the stage on Thursday evening starting at 6:00.  We still need volunteers to help clean up on Saturday afternoon.
Just a few reminders:
Bake Sale and Farmer's market items should be delivered between 3:00 - 5:00 on Friday.
Friday - Preview of auction items, fish & chicken dinner, bake sale, Farmer's Market and Deer Fry International will be singing on stage.
Saturday - Pancake/Sausage breakfast, auction and children's entertainment
Pray for God's blessings on the day - come out and enjoy the day with your family while you support our Nursing Home.
Check the bulletin board or the nursing home web page for more information 

Sat/Sun 8/24-25 - Men's Hymn Sing in Peoria

Sat/Sun 8/24-25 - Yordy's Farewell
An all church potluck dinner is being planned this Saturday at 6:00 for the Yordys.  Grilled pork chops, drink and table service will be provided.  Following the dinner, the Yordys will share about their journey to Haiti.  If you plan to attend, please signup on the bulletin board by today. On Sunday the 25th we plan to have a sending service for the Yordy family as a part of our afternoon service

Sunday 8/25 - Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund Collection

3 Year-Old Sunday School Class
On the bulletin board in the back hall is a sign up sheet for 3 year old children starting Sunday School this next year.  Children should be 3 years old by September 1st.

Invite-A- Guest
Christian fellowship is important for every believer.  Roanoke will be hosting an Invite-a-Guest on Sunday, September 22nd.  All are invited to participate by inviting a single person, couple, or family from another congregation to worship with us on that Sunday.   There will be a potluck supper at 4:00 followed by a singing.  There are sign-up sheets posted on the women's bulletin board.  Any questions can be directed to Sisters Megan Hodel or Jennifer Feucht. 

8/11/2013 Announcements

Fri/Sat 8/23-24 - Nursing Home Benefit - Volunteers Needed
There are sign-up lists on the bulletin board for homemade pies as well as soda pop for the Homecoming Day benefit for the nursing home on Friday, August 23 and Saturday, August 24.  We also need volunteers to sign up to service at the Fish/Chicken Dinner on Friday evening and to help clean up on Saturday afternoon. 

Sat/Sun 8/24-25 - Yordy's Farewell
An all church potluck dinner is being planned on Saturday the 24th at 6:00 for the Yordys.  Grilled pork chops, drink and table service will be provided.  Following the dinner, the Yordys will share about their journey to Haiti.  If you plan to attend, please signup on the bulletin board. On Sunday the 25th we plan to have a sending service for the Yordy family as a part of our afternoon service

3 Year-Old Sunday School Class
On the bulletin board in the back hall is a sign up sheet for 3 year old children starting Sunday School this next year.  Children should be 3 years old by September 1st.

Invite-A- Guest
Christian fellowship is important for every believer.  As previously announced, Roanoke will be hosting an Invite-a-Guest on Sunday, September 22nd.  All are invited to participate by inviting a single person, couple, or family from another congregation to worship with us on that Sunday.   There will be a potluck supper at 4:00 followed by a singing.  There are sign-up sheets posted on the women's bulletin board.  Any questions can be directed to Sisters Megan Hodel or Jennifer Feucht.

Remodeling Project Update
The Men's south restroom remodel project is scheduled to start on Monday August 12. Please respect the Yellow Caution Tape. Thank you for patience during this project.

ICC and Bradley Young Group
If you know of a student who will be attending ICC or Bradley this fall, please write their name on the signup sheet  on the Bulletin Board.

Thank You from Gateway Woods
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Gateway Woods Auction.  May God reward each one who shared their blessings with the children of Gateway Woods.

8/4/2013 Announcements

Sunday 8/4 - Collection for Apostolic Christian Counseling and Family Services

Tuesday 8/6 - Helping Hands from 9:00-12:00

Friday 8/9 - Apostolic Christian Brotherhood Conference at Fairbury

Saturday 8/10 - High School Worship on Wednesday
The high school Worship On Wednesday group will be getting together this Saturday from 5 - 9 PM at Bro. Scott and Sis. Bev Luginbuhl's home. This will be for this year's freshman through senior classes and the recently graduated seniors. Supper will begin at 5PM.

Fri/Sat 8/23-24 - Nursing Home Benefit - Volunteers Needed
There are sign-up lists on the bulletin board for homemade pies as well as soda pop for the Homecoming Day benefit for the nursing home on Friday, August 23 and Saturday, August 24.  We also need volunteers to sign up to service at the Fish/Chicken Dinner on Friday evening and to help clean up on Saturday afternoon. 

Remodeling Project Update
The Trustees want to thank you for your patience and cooperation during the ladies' bathroom remodeling project.  We plan to begin remodeling the men's south hall bathroom beginning August 12.  The southeast entrance will be closed during this time.  Lord willing, we plan to complete the project by Aug. 24.

Looking Ahead:  

Fri/Sat 8/23-24 - Nursing Home Benefit

Sat/Sun 8/24-25 - Apostolic Christian Men's Hymn Sing at Peoria