04/27/14 Announcements

Sunday 4/27 - Communion at the Nursing Home at 2:00

Wednesday 4/30 - National Day of Prayer Service at Church at 7:30

Thursday 5/1 - Deadline for Pen Pals for Jesus Informational Program -  Please contact Sis. Jenell Hodel (cjhodel@gmail.com) by May 1stif you want to attend the program in Fairbury on Saturday 5/17. 

Thursday 5/1 - World Relief Washington Cleanup - Beginning May 1st, volunteers are needed for the continuing cleanup effort in Washington every Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  For more information,  please go to:  http://www.acworldrelief.org/washington-registration/
Sunday 5/4
  • Youth Fellowship Day hosted by Roanoke at the Fellowship Hall
  • Collection for Gateway Woods - Please make your checks out to the Apostolic Christian Church with Gateway Woods in the memo line.

Adoption Program - Gateway Woods Family Services has opened a new Adoption Program in Illinois. Their office is located in Morton and they can provide adoption home study services and support services for Illinois families wanting to adopt privately. If you are interested in learning more about their services or have questions please visit contact the Gateway Woods Illinois Executive Director, Sister Luci Koch, at: Gateway Woods Family Services Illinois, 923 Detroit Court, Suite 3, Morton, IL 61550, luci.koch@gatewaywoodsIL.org, Phone: (309)266-0767

Sat/Sun 5/24-25 - 2014 Athens/Tennessee Fellowship Weekend Memorial Day Weekend - Bros. Clark Stoller and Fred Witzig plan to talk about how we can witness to others within our families, in our communities, at work and abroad.  The auction starts at 2 p.m., supper at 6 p.m. and special group singing and a speaker are planned evening. On Sunday, worship with the Athens congregation is at 10 a.m. Afternoon activities resume at the Fellowship area at 3:30 p.m. IIf you would be interested in riding a bus to the Tennessee Fellowship Area from Morton, Ill., please contact Bro. Andy or Sis. Jayne Sauder at (309)263-9965 or e-mail them at jayne.sauder@gmail.com.

Looking Ahead

Saturday 5/10 - Psalm 100 Quartet at the Goodfield Fellowship Hall at 7:00 - An encouraging evening of acapella music.  They will also be sharing about the Cancer Redemption Project, an outreach to orphans in Haiti inspired by the late Bro. Zach Bertsch, whose brother sings in the group.  All are welcome.

Wednesday 5/28 - Topical Bible Study -  “The Healings of Jesus” by Bro. Daren Metz

4/20/14 Announcements

Sunday 4/20 - Family Hymn Sing at the Home has been cancelled

Tuesday 4/22 - Presentation on the Bible Class Work Trip to Jamaica at the F. H. at 7:00

Wednesday 4/23
  • Spiritual Maturity - Growing from Milk to Meat - As a follow up to our Wednesday night Discipleship series, ACCFS will be doing a special presentation at the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday 4/23 at 7:30.
  • High School Worship on Wednesday at 7:00- They will meet at Bro. Dave Leman’s house.  Please note this is different than what is listed on the schedule.
  • H.O.P.E. at 7:30
  • A.C.T.I.V.E. - They will be going to the Midwest Food Bank and need to be at the Commerce Bank parking lot by 5:30 pm. The boys will be brought back to church after they are finished.

Sunday 4/27 - Communion at the Nursing Home at 2:00

Wednesday 4/30 - National Day of Prayer Service at Church at 7:30

Saturday 5/17 - Pen Pals for Jesus Informational Program at Fairbury from 9:00-12:00 - This program is for any Sister currently involved with or anyone who would like to get more information about the Pen Pals for Jesus.  It is a wonderful opportunity to hear about the program and testimonies from those involved. A breakfast snack will be served.   If you would like to attend, please contact Sis. Jenell Hodel (cjhodel@gmail.com) by May 1st.
2014 Minister Directories - are located in the back hall and counsel room.

Looking Ahead

Saturday 5/10 - Psalm 100 Quartet at the Goodfield Fellowship Hall at 7:00 - An encouraging evening of acapella music.  They will also be sharing about the Cancer Redemption Project, an outreach to orphans in Haiti inspired by the late Bro. Zach Bertsch, whose brother sings in the group.  All are welcome.

Wednesday 5/28 - Topical Bible Study -  “The Healings of Jesus” by Bro. Daren Metz

4/13/14 Announcements

Sunday 4/13
  • Easter Program
  • Charity Fund Collection
  • Communion Service at 6:00

Friday 4/18 - Good Friday Services - There will be no service this Wednesday evening.

Wednesday 4/23
  • Spiritual Maturity - Growing from Milk to Meat - As a follow up to our Wednesday night Discipleship series, ACCFS will be doing a special presentation at the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday 4/23 at 7:30.
  • High School Worship on Wednesday at 7:00- They will meet at Bro. Dave Leman’s house.  Please note this is different than what is listed on the schedule.
  • H.O.P.E. at 7:30

Sunday 4/27 - Communion at the Nursing Home at 2:30

Saturday 5/10 - Psalm 100 Quartet at the Goodfield Fellowship Hall at 7:00 - An encouraging evening of acapella music.  They will also be sharing about the Cancer Redemption Project, an outreach to orphans in Haiti inspired by the late Bro. Zach Bertsch, whose brother sings in the group. All are welcome.

Saturday 5/17 - Pen Pals for Jesus Informational Program at Fairbury from 9:00-12:00 - This program is for any Sister currently involved with or anyone who would like to get more information about the Pen Pals for Jesus.  It is a wonderful opportunity to hear about the program and testimonies from those involved. A breakfast snack will be served.   If you would like to attend, please contact Sis. Jenell Hodel (cjhodel@gmail.com) by May 1st.
2014 Minister Directories - are located in the back hall and counsel room.

Looking Ahead

Wednesday 4/30 - National Day of Prayer Service

Wednesday 5/28 - Topical Bible Study -  “The Healings of Jesus” by Bro. Daren Metz

4/6/14 Announcements

Sunday 4/6
  • Silver Lining Collection - Make checks payable to the Apostolic Christian Church with Silver Lining in the memo line.  If anyone has any additions, deletions or corrections to the Silver Lining subscription list, please contact Sis. Barb Schwind or Sis. Judy Sauder
  • Heckman Benefit - Doors open at 3:00 at the High School

Wednesday 4/9 - HOPE will meet at 7:30

Sunday 4/13 - Communion Service at 6:00

Thank You - The trustees appreciated the great turnout for the cemetery cleanup.

Looking Ahead

Wednesday 4/23 - Spiritual Maturity - Growing from Milk to Meat - As a follow up to our Wednesday night Discipleship series, ACCFS will be doing a special presentation at the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday 4/23 at 7:30.