3/27/22 Announcements

March's Collection - LifePoints

Sunday 3/27 - Church service at Belvidere - Bro. Jonathan Hodel’s family plans to travel to Belvidere to help encourage this small congregation. If you would like to join them, please meet in the church parking lot at 8:00 AM on Sunday. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Jonathan.

Wednesday 3/30 - Pre-Communion Message - Following the pre-communion message we will have a member meeting. Converts are welcome to attend the meeting.

Saturday 4/2

  • Cemetery clean up at 8.00 AM - We could use more string trimmers this year, thanks in advance for your participation

  • Testimonies at 6:45: Samantha Bertschi, Amanda Durand, Wyatt Gerber, Gabby Yordy (testimonies will be available live through AC Central)


Sunday 4/10

  • Palm Sunday Program at 9:30

  • Sunday School Easter Program at 11:30

  • Communion at 6:00 Sunday 4/24 - ACYF Day in Morton

Friday 4/29 - Save the Date for Ladies’ Night - “Planting Seeds of Wisdom” from 6:45 - 8:30. More details will follow.

Young Group Weekly Updates - If you are interested in getting the young group updates, please contact roanokeyounggroup@gmail.com

Jr High Boys Camp Needs Support Staff - The camp will be held June 10-12 (with counselors & support staff arriving the evening of June 9) this year at the 4-H camp at Allerton Park in Monticello, IL. This year, we face some unique challenges where we are in dire need of counselors and other supporting staff. Regardless of whether or not you have done something like this before or are inexperienced, we need you! If we don’t get enough counselors volunteering to help, we will have to limit the number of campers that can attend. Contact Dustin/Mandy Hodel or Stephen/Susan Bertschi with any questions or to sign up. (see attachment below for more information)

Thank You from the Stollers - It is nearly impossible to find words that express how very much you all mean to us. God may have moved us away 11 years ago, but Roanoke will always be home and you all always welcome us with open arms when we come back to visit. This past week you have wrapped us in loving arms and covered us with loving support and prayers as we brought our precious Michael hope to be laid to rest.  We will never be able to thank you enough for all the love and care shown to us. The beautiful singing, and memorial service were such a comfort to our aching hearts. The delicious meal and all those who worked to prepare it and serve it were much appreciated. We miss our sweet Michael, he leaves a huge hole in our lives, but we rejoice that he is healed and pain free and with his Jesus who he loved so much. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for every part you played in easing our sadness. God bless you!

3/20/22 Announcements

 March’s Collection - LifePoints 

Wednesday 3/23

  • HOPE will meet at Bro. Jason & Sis. Emma Bradle’s home at 7:00.

Thursday 3/24 - April Church Calendar - Last day to submit items:  calendar@roanokeacchurch.org

Sunday 3/27 - Church service at Belvidere - Bro. Jonathan Hodel’s family plans to travel to Belvidere to help encourage this small congregation.  If you would like to join them, please meet in the church parking lot at 8:00 AM on Sunday.  They plan to return home around 4:30. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Jonathan. 

Wednesday 3/30 - Pre-Communion Message - Following the pre-communion message we will have a member meeting. Converts are welcome to attend the meeting. 

Saturday 4/2 - Testimonies at 6:45:  Samantha Bertschi,  Amanda Durand, Wyatt Gerber, Gabby Yordy

Sunday 4/10 - Communion at 6:00

Friday 4/29 - Save the Date for Ladies’ Night - “Planting Seeds of Wisdom” from 6:45 - 8:30.  More details will follow. 

Young Group Weekly Updates - If you are interested in getting the young group updates, please contact roanokeyounggroup@gmail.com


Other Ways to Learn and Serve

  • Ukraine Updates:  Updates on helping Ukrainian brethren (harvestcall.org)

  • Discipleship Conference on April 2 in Morton - some of the topics covered are: discipling teens, your family, the difficult, etc.   Discipleship Conference 2022 – ACCFS (accounseling.org)

  • Annual Sister Heart Singing at Minneapolis on April 23-24!  Sister Heart Registration - Due by Mar 31 (google.com) If you have questions please contact Sis. Bonnie Rocke at SisterHeart2022@gmail.com or 651.373.7371. 

  • Apostolic Christian Medical Fellowship Conference is on Saturday April 30, 2022, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Goodfield Fellowship Center.  If you are not on their registry but would like to attend the conference, please contact:  medical@harvestcall.org

  • Traveling VBS - Volunteers needed, If you have questions, would like to receive the informational emails with dates for this summer’s VBS dates, or learn more about this opportunity, let our Team Coordinators (Phil and Leah Dreste) know at: philandleah16@gmail.com or 217-552-4865.

  • An Appeal for Workers at our Various Church Missions (e.g., our nursing home and other AC Nursing Homes, LifePoints, Gateway Woods, HarvestCall etc. and various parachurch orginazations such as Prairie Christian School, etc.)  You can check out job opportunities on AC Central under “Job Postings”

3/13/22 Announcements

 March’s Collection - LifePoints 

Sunday 3/13

  • 2nd Service

    • The Connection between Baptism and Church Membership (not conf. related)

    • Summary of the Elder Conference at Bluffton North 


Monday 3/14 - Annual Fellowship Hall Cleaning - Kitchen cleaning will be from 8:30 - 12:00 with general cleaning starting at 6:00


Wednesday 3/16

  • HOPE - Will be held at Sis. Joyce Hodel’s home at 7:00.

  • ACTIVE - will meet in the Church kitchen at 7:30

  • WOW - will be at the Beer’s Home at 7:00 

Sunday 3/27 - Church service at Belvidere - Bro. Jonathan Hodel’s family plans to travel to Belvidere to help encourage this small congregation.  If you would like to join them, please meet in the church parking lot at 8:00 AM on Sunday.  They plan to return home around 4:30. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Jonathan. 

Saturday 4/2 - Testimonies:  Samantha Bertschi, Amanda Durand, Wyatt Gerber, Gabby Yordy

Sunday 4/10 - Communion at 6:00

Friday 4/29 - Ladies’ Night - Save the Date.  They will meet from 6:45 - 8:30.  More details will follow.

CNA Class - The nursing home is offering another CNA class at the end of March.  The class is online and the clinical portion of the training is completed at our nursing home.  It is scheduled to be an evening class from 4pm-9pm.  Please call the home if  your interested or have any questions.  High school students are welcome to apply.  Staffing at the home as continued to be challenging and we are in need of more CNA's.

Other Ways to Learn and Serve

  • Ukraine Updates:  Updates on helping Ukrainian brethren (harvestcall.org)

  • Discipleship Conference on April 2 in Morton - some of the topics covered are: discipling teens, your family, the difficult, etc.   Discipleship Conference 2022 – ACCFS (accounseling.org)

  • Annual Sister Heart Singing at Minneapolis on April 23-24!  Sister Heart Registration - Due by Mar 31 (google.com) If you have questions please contact Sis. Bonnie Rocke at SisterHeart2022@gmail.com or 651.373.7371. 

  • Apostolic Christian Medical Fellowship Conference is on Saturday April 30, 2022, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Goodfield Fellowship Center.  If you are not on their registry but would like to attend the conference, please contact:  medical@harvestcall.org

  • Traveling VBS - Volunteers needed, If you have questions, would like to receive the informational emails with dates for this summer’s VBS dates, or learn more about this opportunity, let our Team Coordinators (Phil and Leah Dreste) know at: philandleah16@gmail.com or 217-552-4865.

  • An Appeal for Workers at our Various Church Missions (e.g., our nursing home and other AC Nursing Homes, LifePoints, Gateway Woods, HarvestCall etc. and various parachurch orginazations such as Prairie Christian School, etc.)  You can check out job opportunities on AC Central under “Job Postings”

3/6/22 Announcements

 March’s Collection - LifePoints


Saturday 3/5 - Sunday School Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser -  at the Fellowship Hall from 4:00pm to 6:30.  


Sunday 3/6

  • Prayer Gathering in Intermediate SS Room at 9:00 - All are welcome

  • Youth Choir at 9:05

  • 2nd Service:  James 5:6-20 - Faith is Evidenced by:  Patience, Prayer, Restoration (Bro. Matt)

  • All Church Pizza Party & Scripture Memory Program at 5:30 - Everyone in church is invited to join us for pizza and to hear the Scripture Memory Program.  Please sign up using this link if you are attending and eating pizza: https://www.perfectpotluck.com/meals.php?t=GERR5875&v=b3de29d207 


Wednesday 3/9 - WOW at Martin’s at 7:00 


Monday 3/14 - Annual Fellowship Hall Cleaning at  6:00 - This is a new date from what was originally on the calendar!

Saturday 4/2 - Testimonies:  Samantha Bertschi, Amanda Durand, Wyatt Gerber, Gabby Yordy

Elder Conference will be at Bluffton North from Tuesday the 8th - Friday 11th.  Your prayers are greatly appreciated. 

Thank You - On behalf of the Sunday School, A big Thank You to the church for all the help over the past few weeks! We really appreciate your support!

Other Ways to Learn and Serve

  • Annual Sister Heart Singing at Minneapolis on April 23-24!  Sister Heart Registration - Due by Mar 31 (google.com) If you have questions please contact Sis. Bonnie Rocke at SisterHeart2022@gmail.com or 651.373.7371. 

  • Traveling VBS - Volunteers needed, If you have questions, would like to receive the informational emails with dates for this summer’s VBS dates, or learn more about this opportunity, let our Team Coordinators (Phil and Leah Dreste) know at: philandleah16@gmail.com or 217-552-4865.

  • Discipleship Conference on April 2 in Morton - some of the topics covered are: discipling teens, your family, the difficult, etc.   Discipleship Conference 2022 – ACCFS (accounseling.org)

  • Apostolic Christian Medical Fellowship Conference is on Saturday April 30, 2022, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Goodfield Fellowship Center.  If you are not on their registry but would like to attend the conference, please contact:  medical@harvestcall.org

2/27/22 Announcements

 February’s Collection - HarvestCall General Fund

Sunday 2/27

  • 2nd Service:  James 4:1-5:6 - Faith is Evidenced by:  Humility andTrusting in God and not Wealth       (Bro. Andy Kaufmann/Bloomington)

  • ACYF at 6:00 - Roanoke is again hosting ACYF this evening.  The Bible Class students should be at church at 3:50. The program will begin at 6:00. All are welcome to join us. 

Wednesday 3/2

  • HOPE & ACTIVE at the fellowship hall at 7:30

  • Scripture Memory Class at 7:15 - final practice before the SMC program on Sunday. 


Saturday 3/5 - Sunday School Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser -  at the Fellowship Hall from 4:00pm to 6:30. We are in need of a few more signups, the signup sheet for food donations is on the bulletin board by the women restroom.


Sunday 3/6


Saturday 4/2 - Testimonies:  Samantha Bertschi, Amanda Durand, Wyatt Gerber, Gabby Yordy

Convert - Bro.Bob Martin was baptized at his home on 2/23.  

Other Ways to Learn and Serve

  • The 2022 Midwest Food Bank Virtual On-line Silent Auction is scheduled for March 31 to April 1. The Midwest Food Bank Gala Dinner and Live Auction will return this year on Saturday April 2. The Roanoke committee is currently seeking homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as auction items. Cash donations can be used by the committee to purchase items for the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Tables for up to 8 are available for the Gala Dinner and Auction. Deadline for donations will be February 28th. Please contact Jon or Jill Fehr for donations and/or table tickets: Jon Fehr 309-275-4573(c) jonfehr@lemanauto.com Jill Fehr 309-261-4711(c) jfehr@eureka.edu

  • Annual Sister Heart Singing at Minneapolis on April 23-24!  Sister Heart Registration - Due by Mar 31 (google.com) If you have questions please contact Sis. Bonnie Rocke at SisterHeart2022@gmail.com or 651.373.7371. 

  • The Silver Lining is asking for reader's contributions on the topic: “What lessons, benefits, and inspirations have you carried forward from having a godly mother (or mother figure) in your life (2 Timothy 1:5)?" The deadline for emailing submissions is March 15. Further information is posted on the bulletin board.

  • Traveling VBS - If you have questions, would like to receive the informational emails with dates for this summer’s VBS dates, or learn more about this opportunity, let our Team Coordinators (Phil and Leah Dreste) know at: philandleah16@gmail.com or 217-552-4865.

  • Discipleship Conference on April 2 in Morton - some of the topics covered are: discipling teens, your family, the difficult, etc.   Discipleship Conference 2022 – ACCFS (accounseling.org)

2/20/22 Announcements

 February’s Collection - HarvestCall General Fund


Sunday 2/20 

  • 2nd Service:  James 3 - Faith is Evidenced by: What we Say and Wisdom - Bro. Sam

  • ACYF at 6:00 - Roanoke is hosting the ACYF. .  The Bible Class students should be at church at 3:50. The program will begin at 6:00. All are welcome to join us. 


Sunday 2/27

  • 2nd Service:  James 4:1-5:6 - Faith is Evidenced by:  Humility andTrusting in God and not Wealth       (Bro. Andy Kaufmann/Bloomington)

  • ACYF at 6:00 


Saturday 3/5 - Sunday School Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser -  at the Fellowship Hall from 4:00pm to 6:30. There is a signup sheet for food donations on the bulletin board by the women restroom.


Sunday 3/6 - All Church Pizza Party & Scripture Memory Program at 5:30 - Everyone in church is invited to join us for pizza & to hear the Scripture Memory program. Sign up & details to follow.


Saturday 4/2 - Testimonies:  Samantha Bertschi, Amanda Durand, Wyatt Gerber, Gabby Yordy


Other Ways to Learn and Serve

  • The 2022 Midwest Food Bank Virtual On-line Silent Auction is scheduled for March 31 to April 1. The Midwest Food Bank Gala Dinner and Live Auction will return this year on Saturday April 2. The Roanoke committee is currently seeking homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as auction items. Cash donations can be used by the committee to purchase items for the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Tables for up to 8 are available for the Gala Dinner and Auction. Deadline for donations will be February 28th. Please contact Jon or Jill Fehr for donations and/or table tickets: Jon Fehr 309-275-4573(c) jonfehr@lemanauto.com Jill Fehr 309-261-4711(c) jfehr@eureka.edu

  • Annual Sister Heart Singing at Minneapolis on April 23-24!  Sister Heart Registration - Due by Mar 31 (google.com) If you have questions please contact Sis. Bonnie Rocke at SisterHeart2022@gmail.com or 651.373.7371. 

  • The Silver Lining is asking for reader's contributions on the topic: “What lessons, benefits, and inspirations have you carried forward from having a godly mother (or mother figure) in your life (2 Timothy 1:5)?" The deadline for emailing submissions is March 15. Further information is posted on the bulletin board.

  • Traveling VBS - If you have questions, would like to receive the informational emails with dates for this summer’s VBS dates, or learn more about this opportunity, let our Team Coordinators (Phil and Leah Dreste) know at: philandleah16@gmail.com or 217-552-4865.

  • Discipleship Conference on April 2 in Morton - some of the topics covered are: discipling teens, your family, the difficult, etc.   Discipleship Conference 2022 – ACCFS (accounseling.org)