2/26/2012 Announcements

Friday 3/2 - Bro. Zach Bertsch at Gridley’s Fellowship Hall
Bro. Zach Bertsch from Bluffton Indiana will be presenting an inspiration message on how God is using his battle with cancer to shape him and others around him. This will be held at the Gridley Fellowship Hall at 7:00 on Friday night, March 2nd. Additional information is posted on the bulletin board.

Sunday 3/4 - TimberRidge Collection
The collection for the Apostolic Christian TimberRidge Home for the Handicapped is next Sun, March 4.

Monday 3/5 - Annual Church Cleaning
The annual church cleaning will be Mon., March 5 at 6 PM.  You may also help during the day,(anytime between 9and 3) if it is more convenient.  A food sign-up sheet is on the west bulletin board.  Ever one is encouraged to lend a helping hand.

Sunday 3/11 - Family Hymn Sing (Mortonaires)
There will be a family hymn sing on Sunday, March 11th at 6:30 pm.  The Mortonaires plan to be with us.  There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for refreshments and kitchen help.

Monday 3/12 - Fellowship Hall Cleaning
Fellowship Hall Cleaning is scheduled for Monday, March 12th at 6:00 PM.  Please bring buckets, rags, ladders, and sweepers.   Also, at 9:00 on the 12th, women are needed to clean the kitchen.  If you can help please notify Sis. Linda Pfister ahead of time.  In the PM younger men are needed to help wash out all the light fixtures.  The fellowship hall committee would appreciate help with this.  They will not call anyone to help so they hope to have a good turnout.

Apostolic Christian Churches and Ministers Directories
The 2012 Apostolic Christian Churches and Ministers directories are available in the Counsel Room at church.

Men’s Seminar
Anyone who registered for the Men's seminar online prior to today should contact Bro. Tim Hohulin to make sure the registration went through.


Saturday 3/24 - Men’s Seminar
The Men’s Seminar will be held Saturday, March 24th, from 8:15 am to 4:00 pm.  It is appropriate for any man, high school aged and older, both converted and unconverted. Details are posted on the sign up sheet on the bulletin board as well as the church website.  Under the ministry tab, you can download the syllabus and complete on-line registration.  Please sign up by Sunday March 11th to allow us to plan for food and seating.