2/17/2013 Announcements

Sunday 2/17 - Family Sing in the Nursing Home Lobby at 1:30.  All are welcome.

Tuesday 2/19 - Roanoke's turn to volunteer at the Midwest Food Bank 6:30-8:30 PM

Wednesday 2/20 - Scripture Memory Class

Saturday 2/23 - Benefit for Sally Martin-Achterberg
There is a benefit for Sally Martin-Achterberg at Michael's Italian Feast In Germantown Hills from 4:00-8:00 PM.  Additional information is on the bulletin board.

Sunday 2/24 - Sign up due date for the Annual World Relief Informational Meeting
The annual World Relief Informational Meeting will be held at the Goodfield, IL Fellowship Hall on Saturday, March 9th at 9 a.m.  This is an excellent way to find out some of the many opportunities World Relief has to offer for helping the less fortunate and to become aware of how our church is helping those around the world.  Everyone is invited to attend.  To help them plan the day, please add your name to the list on the bulletin board by next Sunday.

Wednesday 2/27
     Topical Study on Froelich at the Fellowship Hall - Bro Bill Hohulin (Goodfield) will speak on the history of Samuel Froehlich on Wednesday, 2/27. Since he will be using a power point for the presentation,  we will meet at the Fellowship Hall.
     High School Worship on Wednesday - Worship on Wednesday will be at Bro. Dave and Sis Stacy Leman’s house on Wednesday, February 27 at 7:00.  Please note this is different than the date on the calendar.

Monday 3/4 - Annual Church Cleaning at 6:00 PM
The annual church cleaning date has been set for Monday, March 4th starting at 6:00 PM. For those who can not come in the evening, your help is welcome during the day beginning at 9:00 AM. Food donations are needed for the lunch following Church Cleaning. The sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the Northwest Hall.

Wednesday 3/6 - Pre-Communion Service

Saturday 3/9
     Sunday School Spaghetti Supper - The Sunday School Spaghetti Supper is scheduled for Saturday, March 9.  This supper is the main fund raiser for the entire Sunday School.  There are sign up sheets posted on the bulletin board by the women’s restroom.  One sheet is for parents of Bible Class students.  The other sheet is for the church in general.  The sign up sheet for the students’ jobs is posted in the Bible Class room.  We appreciate all of your support with this important event!  It would not be successful without your participation.

Opportunities to Serve our Nursing Home
     Our residents appreciate when a prayer is given for their noon meal.  If any brothers would be willing to have a noon prayer for our residents at the Nursing Home, please contact Patsy Kaeb at the Home.   This can be a 1 day a week commitment or serve as a sub to be called when we are short.  This again is another way to serve our residents that will only take a few minutes out of your day but is so appreciated by them.
     Are you interested in driving a resident to a doctor appointment occasionally.  All it takes is a simple driving test to get a special license.  This can be a rewarding time for you to spend time with our elderly loved ones.  Call Patsy Kaeb at the Home if you are interested in being an occasional driver.

Looking Ahead:  

Saturday 3/9 Annual World Relief Informational Meeting at Goodfield at 9:00

Volunteers Needed for Roanoke Ambulance
There's a great need in our Roanoke community for drivers and volunteers in the ambulance dept.  An EMT basic class will be held this month, free of charge, for anyone willing to help protect the community in this way.  Please call Bro. Joe Brady with any questions.  (ph.309-453-5741)

CVE Operation Manager Position
Our ministry at CVE in Magdalena, Mexico mentors young lives with the truth, love, and hope of Jesus Christ.  This includes meeting their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs through education, training, and the security and stability of a home life.  The CVE ministry has been greatly blessed by God and has grown to the point that an Operations Manager is needed.  This position would report to the current Administrator and would be responsible for the day-to-day operations of CVE and coordination of activity on the campus.
CVE also has needs for both single brothers and sisters as well as married couples as they seek to meet the many needs of around 50 children in the orphanage and the numerous children that attend their school.  If you sense God prompting you to know more about this Operations Manager responsibility or serving in another capacity at CVE, please contact Bro. Bill Schick at (520) 395-6000 or email him at cvemexico@gmail.com.

Rochester Christian Guesthouse
The Minnesota and Iowa congregations have opened a guest house about 10 minutes from Mayo Clinic for members and friends of the Apostolic Christian Church who are seeking medical treatment.  Intermittent church services are also scheduled on Sundays and Wednesdays.  Additional information is on the bulletin board.

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