3/10/2013 Announcements

Sunday 3/10

● Collection for the Apostolic Christian Home

● ACYF at Elgin - The Bible Class will be traveling to Elgin for ACYF today.  Students should meet at the high school at 1:30 pm.  We will eat dinner during the trip and return to the high school around 10:00.

● Southside Mission Services at 6:00

● Family Hymn Sing at 6:30 - The Eureka and Congerville congregations will join us this evening for our Family Hymn Sing at 6:30.  


Monday 3/11 - The Fellowship Hall Cleaning at 6:00pm

The Fellowship Hall cleaning is tomorrow. The kitchen cabinets will be cleaned in the morning starting at 9:00 and  the rest of the cleaning will be in the evening at 6:00. The Trustees appreciate your help.


Wednesday 3/13

● Scripture Memory Class

● A.C.T.I.V.E. - The Active boys will meet this Wednesday. The boys are to be at the Commerce Bank parking lot at 6:30. They will be sorting clothes at CAM and will return to church at 8:30.


Friday/Saturday 3/15-16 -  Mennonite Relief Sale

The Mennonite Relief Sale is this weekend  at the Interstate Center in Bloomington, IL. Help is needed donating peach pies and working in the Dutch Market.   Please  sign up in the North Hall or contact Hope Sauder with questions. Thank you for your help.



Thank You

The Bible Class teachers and students thank everyone for the generous support at the spaghetti supper last night.  Thank you to all who provided food, labor and/or prayers!




Looking Ahead:  



Sunday 3/24 - Communion


Saturday 4/6 - Cemetery Clean Up


Sunday 4/14 - Communion at the Nursing Home


Opportunities to Serve our Nursing Home

● Our residents appreciate when a prayer is given for their noon meal.  If any brothers would be willing to have a noon prayer for our residents at the Nursing Home, please contact Patsy Kaeb at the Home.   This can be a 1 day a week commitment or serve as a sub to be called when we are short.  This again is another way to serve our residents that will only take a few minutes out of your day but is so appreciated by them.

● Are you interested in driving a resident to a doctor appointment occasionally.  All it takes is a simple driving test to get a special license.  This can be a rewarding time for you to spend time with our elderly loved ones.  Call Patsy Kaeb at the Home if you are interested in being an occasional driver.

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