10/27/2013 Announcements

Wednesday 10/30 - Topical Bible Study

The Resurrection by  Bro. Matt Kaufmann (Bloomington)


Thursday 10/31 - Harvest Party from 6:30-8:00

The Harvest Party will be at the Fellowship Hall for children 3 years old through 8th grade. Each child is to bring a pound of individually wrapped candy.


Friday 11/1

Due Date for Purchasing Tickets for the Harvest Dinner - The Jr. and Sr. Bible Class students will be hosting a Harvest Dinner at 6:30 on Nov. 16th to help fund their work trip to Jamaica.  Please make reservations this Friday by contacting sisters Lynne Hodel or Stacy Leman.  The minimum donation requested is $35.

Benefit Auction for Hospital Lumiere - The Apostolic Christian World Relief benefit auction for Hospital Lumiere is planned for this Friday at Five Points.  The food court and silent auction will begin at 4:30pm. The live auction will start at 7:00. For more information see the announcement on the church bulletin board, or the World Relief website - http://www.acworldrelief.org/annual-benefit-auction/  , contact Bro. Rich Bertschi


Sunday 11/3

World Relief Collection

Bradford Church Singing at 6:00 -  For those taking the bus, it plans to leave from church at 4:30 and return to church around 9:00. The bus list is posted on the west bulletin board.

Notes of Encouragement for Yordys - A box for the Yordy family has been placed by the main announcement board to put cards of encouragement in for the Yordy family. Please have your notes in the box by next Sunday 11/3.  


World Relief Winter Work Project

World Relief is planning a winter work project in the Oklahoma City area from January 6, 2014 – March 28, 2014.  This will also be an opportunity to support our small churches in Wichita and Kiowa, Kansas. Additional information is on the church bulletin board and on the WR website.  


Volunteer Drivers Needed for the Berean Bus

The Berean Bus is operated by some Brothers in the area.  The drivers for these busses are volunteers.  There is a need for two more drivers.  If you are interested in volunteering to become a driver, please contact Bro. Fred Weiss from the Washington church.





Looking Ahead



Saturday 11/16 - Harvest Dinner for the Bible Class 2014 Work Trip to Jamaica 

10/20/2013 Announcements

Sunday 10/20 - Family Hymn 

Sing at the Home at 1:30



Wednesday 10/30 - Topical Bible Study

The Resurrection by  Bro. Matt Kaufmann (Bloomington)


Thursday 10/31 - Harvest Party from 6:30-8:00

The Harvest Party will be at the Fellowship Hall for children 3 years old through 8th grade. Each child is to bring a pound of individually wrapped candy.


Friday 11/1 -

Due Date for Purchasing Tickets for the Harvest Dinner - The Jr. and Sr. Bible Class students will be hosting a Harvest Dinner at 6:30 on Nov. 16th to help fund their work trip to Jamaica.  Please make reservations before Nov. 1st by contacting sisters Lynne Hodel or Stacy Leman.  The minimum donation requested is $35.

World Relief Benefit Auction for Hospital Lumiere - The Apostolic Christian World Relief benefit auction for Hospital Lumiere is planned for Friday November 1 at Five Points in Washington starting at 4:30. If you have an item or service you would like to donate, contact Rich Bertschi or see the announcement on the bulletin board or on the World Relief website.


Sunday 11/3 - Bradford Church Singing Invitation

The Roanoke church has been invited to Bradford church for a singing on Sunday, November 3rd at 6pm. If there is enough interest, we plan to take a bus. It would leave from the church parking lot at 4:30.  There is a signup sheet on the bulletin boards in the north hall and by the ladies restroom for those who plan to go. There is also a column to mark if you would be interested in the bus.  For additional questions about the bus, contact Bro. Dave Leman.


Notes of Encouragement for Yordys

A box for the Yordy family has been placed by the main announcement board to put cards of encouragement in for the Yordy family. The box will be sent out the first week of November to Haiti. Please take time to encourage the Yordy family.                                        



Looking Ahead



Saturday 11/16 - Harvest Dinner for the Bible Class 2014 Work Trip to Jamaica 

10/13/2013 Announcements

Wednesday 10/16

Scripture Memory Class

ACTIVE - The ACTIVE boys will meet in the intermediate Sunday school room in the basement this Wednesday at 7:15

WOW - The high school Worship on Wed. will meet at Bro. Scott Lunginbuhl's home at 7:00.


Friday 11/1 -

Due Date for Purchasing Tickets for the Harvest Dinner - The Jr. and Sr. Bible Class students will be hosting a Harvest Dinner at 6:30 on Nov. 16th to help fund their work trip to Jamaica.  Please make reservations before Nov. 1st by contacting sisters Lynne Hodel or Stacy Leman.  The minimum donation requested is $35. Valet parking will be provided. They are traveling to Jamaica because Magdalena, where they have gone in the past, was unavailable.  The cost of their trip will be considerably higher, so they would appreciate your help in this effort.

World Relief Benefit Auction for Hospital Lumiere - The Apostolic Christian World Relief benefit auction for Hospital Lumiere is planned for Friday November 1 at Five Points in Washington starting at 4:30. If you have an item or service you would like to donate, contact Rich Bertschi or see the announcement on the bulletin board or on the World Relief website.


Sunday 11/3 - Bradford Church Singing Invitation

The Roanoke church has been invited to Bradford church for a singing on Sunday, November 3rd at 6pm.  It would be nice if there would be a good turnout for this.  They would like an idea of the number of people attending.  There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin boards in the north hall and by the ladies restroom for those who can attend.


Notes of Encouragement for Yordys

A box for the Yordy family has been placed by the main announcement board to put cards of encouragement in for the Yordy family. The box will be sent out the first week of November to Haiti. Please take time to encourage the Yordy family.                                        



Looking Ahead


Wednesday 10/30 - Topical Bible Study

The Resurrection by  Bro. Matt Kaufmann (Bloomington)


Saturday 11/16 - Harvest Dinner for the Bible Class 2014 Work Trip to Jamaica 

10/6/2013 Announcements

Sunday 10/6

Sunday School Fund Collection

Family Hymn Sing at 6:30 - There will be a family hymn sing on October 6th at 6:30 pm.  Kindred Spirit from Peoria plan to be with us.  There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for providing refreshments and kitchen help.


Friday 11/1 -

Due Date for Purchasing Tickets for the Harvest Dinner - The Jr. and Sr. Bible Class students will be hosting a Harvest Dinner at 6:30 on Nov. 16th to help fund their work trip to Jamaica.  Please make reservations before Nov. 1st by contacting Sis. Lynne Hodel or Sis. Stacy Leman.  The minimum donation requested is $35. Valet parking will be provided. They are traveling to Jamaica because Magdalena, where they have gone in the past, was unavailable.  The cost of their trip will be considerably higher, so they would appreciate your help in this effort.

World Relief Benefit Auction for Hospital Lumiere - The Apostolic Christian World Relief benefit auction for Hospital Lumiere is planned for Friday November 1 at Five Points in Washington starting at 4:30. If you have an item or service you would like to donate, contact Rich Bertschi or see the announcement on the bulletin board or on the World Relief website.


Sunday 11/3 - Bradford Church Singing Invitation

The Roanoke church has been invited to Bradford church for a singing on Sunday, November 3rd at 6pm.  It would be nice if there would be a good turnout for this.  They would like an idea of the number of people attending.  There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin boards in the north hall and by the ladies restroom for those who can attend.


Notes of Encouragement for Yordys

A box for the Yordy family has been placed by the main announcement board to put cards of encouragement in for the Yordy family. The box will be sent out the first week of November to Haiti. Please take time to encourage the Yordy family.  Feel free to take a picture card, which has been placed by the box, as a reminded to pray for them.




Looking Ahead


Saturday, 11/16 - Harvest Dinner for the Bible Class 2014 Work Trip to Jamaica


WR Fall Work Project

The WR will be rebuilding homes in Yarnell, Arizona (near Prescott) from 9/30 - 12/14.  For additional information, check the bulletin board or the WR website.


Development Director Job Opening

Gateway Woods is seeking a Development Director. This position focuses on building donor relations, seeking financial support for Gateway Woods and maintaining regular communication with our Apostolic Christian congregations and other supporters.