11/3/2013 Announcements

Sunday 11/3

World Relief Collection

Bradford Church Singing at 6:00 -  The bus will leave from church at 4:30 and return to church around 9:00. There are 13 open seats. If someone would like to ride, please contact Bro. Clark or Sis. Lisa Leman

Notes of Encouragement for Yordys - A box for the Yordy family has been placed by the main announcement board to put cards of encouragement in for the Yordy family. Please have your notes in the box by next Sunday 11/3.  


Tuesday 11/5 - Helping Hands from 9:00-3:00


Wednesday 11/6

High School - Worship on Wednesday at 7:00 at Bro. Dave and Sis. Stacy Leman's


HOPE - will meet at the Fellowship Hall


Sunday 11/10 - Parents of the Juniors and Seniors need to meet next Sunday in the Bible Class room at 11:05 for singing practice.


Saturday 11/16 - Harvest Dinner for the Bible Class 2014 Work Trip to Jamaica - There are still seats available at the Bible Class Harvest Dinner.  If you would like to make reservations, please contact sisters Lynne Hodel or Stacy Leman by tomorrow.  If you cannot attend but would like to donate toward the trip, please give donations to Bro. Todd or Sis. Kathy Moser.


The Apostolic Christian Endowment Fund exists to receive and manage assets given for the long-term benefit of Apostolic Christian charities and organizations.  For additional information on how to give, please see the brochures and bulletin board in the north hall.


Baked Good for the Nursing Home - There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board for those who wish to donate cookies or birthday cakes to the Nursing Home for the 2014.  Please consider this opportunity to do something for the residents from your own kitchen.


Thank You - The young group would like to express their thanks and appreciation for all who sent their kids to the harvest party.  We appreciate your support of this activity, and pray that it was a blessing to all who attended!  A few sweatshirts were left at the fellowship hall, and they can be found at the lost and found at church.






Looking Ahead


World Relief Winter Work Project

World Relief is planning a winter work project in the Oklahoma City area from January 6, 2014 – March 28, 2014.  This will also be an opportunity to support our small churches in Wichita and Kiowa, Kansas. Additional information is on the church bulletin board and on the WR website.  

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