3/2/2014 Announcements


 Sunday 3/2

Timber Ridge/Home for the Handicapped Collection - Please make checks out to the Apostolic Christian Church with Timber Ridge in the memo.

Family Hymn Sing at 6:30 - The 3rd-8th grade Sunday School students will be singing for us. They should be at church at 5:55.


Monday 3/3 - Annual Church Cleaning at 6:00 PM

Those who prefer to help during the day are welcome to do so.  In the evening, starting at 6 PM, Bro. Bob Ott will be at the NE door to direct you to the area where your help is needed.  Thank you in advance for your support.

The Sunday School has four benches they are no longer using.  Anyone who is interested should contact Bob Ott today or Monday, as they will be removed prior to church cleaning Monday evening.

The ladies' restroom remodeling project is completed.  Thank you for your patience the past two Sundays.


Tuesday 3/4 - Helping Hands from 9:00-3:00 -  There is a need for new or used spools of thread, 12 inch or longer plastic zippers (no metal zippers please), and used eyeglasses. Collection boxes for these items will be in the east and west entries until March 23rd.


Wednesday 3/5

Discipleship Examples in the Bible - Bro. Dave Obergfel (Peoria)

Scripture Memory Class



Friday 3/7 - Burmood Benefit at the Country View Library from 1:00 - 6:00  - There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board by the dining room for donations of baked goods.  These items may be brought to the home on Friday morning from 11:00 am.  


Saturday 3/8  

Bible Class Spaghetti Supper from 4:00-6:30- Sign up sheets for the Bible Class parents and food donations from the congregation are posted on the bulletin board outside the dining room.  This is the main fund raiser for our Sunday School

Testimonies at 7:30 - Kristen Schwind and Rachel Sauder


Sunday 3/9


South Side Mission Services at 6:00 - If you are interested in helping with the services, please contact Bro. Ed Sauder.


Monday 3/10 - Fellowship Hall Cleaning at 6:00 PM - The Fellowship Hall trustees would be most appreciative of anyone who could come help.


Friday/Saturday 3/14-15 - Mennonite Relief Sale  -  A sign up to bring homemade peach pies is in North Hall. Workers are also needed at the Dutch Market Friday evening from 4:30-7:00pm and 7:00-9:00pm. You can sign up online or contact Sis. Hope Sauder. Instructions on how to sign up can be found in the email announcements.  Your help is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions contact Sis. Hope Sauder.




Looking Ahead


Wednesday Evenings - 3/12  Discipleship at Work, School, Friends - Bro. Jeff Wiegand   


Saturday 3/22 - Single Focus Weekend at Champaign - The Single Focus weekend will be held at the Champaign Church starting at 12:00 on March 22nd.  Additional information is posted on the bulletin board. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by March 1st to Sis. Amber Miller at: amber.miller@gmail.com

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