Sunday 2/15
- Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30
- ACYF at Cissna Park - The bus will leave from the high school at 2:30
Tuesday 2/17 - Midwest Food Bank 6:30 -8:30 - It's Roanoke's turn to volunteer. Turnout has been very light the last few times. Children 12 and older are welcome to come as well, so bring the family. Work is planned for 25 people so please consider volunteering.
Wednesday 2/18 - World Relief Family Night from 5:30 - 8:00 - The entire Roanoke Church is invited and encouraged to attend a World Relief Family Night at the Fellowship Hall. This is a World Relief project, and there will be plenty for all to do. We will be assembling health kits, with parents and children working together. A walk-in meal will be provided for all attending from 5:30 – 6:30. A nursery for babies will be provided. For additional information, please contact sisters: Martha Braker, Carol Knapp and Rachel Schroeder.
- The youth programs have been cancelled that were scheduled to meet on 2/18 so the entire family can participate in this evening.
- Sunday school collection will go toward purchasing items for health kits for Mexico which will be assembled at the World Relief Family Night
Sunday 2/22 - Family Hymn Sing in Congerville at 6:30 - They are planning a family hymn sing for Eureka, Goodfield and Roanoke. If you can go, please signup on the bulletin board. For additional information, please contact Bro. Clark and Sis. Lisa Leman.
Wednesday 2/25 - Scripture Memory Class
Sunday 3/1 - Family Hymn Sing at 6:30 - There are sign-up sheets on the bulletin board to help with refreshments.
Sunday 3/1 - Family Hymn Sing at 6:30 - There are sign-up sheets on the bulletin board to help with refreshments.
Saturday 3/7 - The Bible Class’s Annual spaghetti Supper 4pm-6pm - Donations for food are appreciated and sign up sheets are posted on the bulletin board. There is also a separate sign up sheet for parents of the Bible class students to work shifts throughout the day. This event takes many hands, and the Bible class students and teachers appreciate the support of the church family.
Monday 3/9 - Church Cleaning - Please note this is different than what is on the schedule cards. There is a sign up sheet for food items and waitresses posted on the bulletin board by the dining room. All help is much appreciated.
Looking Ahead
Wednesday 3/11 - Precommunion Service
Wednesday 3/18 - Scripture Memory Class Program
Sunday 3/22 - Sunday School Easter Program
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