4/26/15 Announcements

Sunday 4/26 - Communion at 2:00 in the Nursing Home’s Multi-Purpose Room

Wednesday 4/29 - HOPE Girls will Meet in the Church Kitchen

Sunday 5/3
  • Collection for Gateway Woods (please make checks payable to the Apostolic Christian Church with Gateway Woods in the memo line)
  • Sunday School Elections

Roanoke Home Nursing Home - There is an opening for an RN or LPN. Interested parties should contact Sis Megan Hodel.

Change in Internet Streaming of Services - No action is required if you access the streaming service through the Roanoke church website.  The AC Sermon Streamer app for tablets and smart phones and its related website is being phased out and you will no longer be able to access Roanoke sermons from there.  We have been moved over to “AC Central”.  Please install this app on your mobile devices to ensure you can stream live and archived services from your tablet or smartphone.  You are able to read past issues of The Silver Lining through the app as well. There are links for the Apple App Store and Google Play on the Church website for your convenience.

4/19/15 Announcements

Sunday 4/19
  • Redeeming the Time Together Informational Meeting - There will be a very brief informational meeting for all who have signed up for the Redeeming the Time Together program immediately following the afternoon church service in the dining room. For those who have signed up to adopt, you will receive the name of the person you have adopted at this meeting.  Thanks to all who are participating and to our church family for praying for this program.
  • Family Hymn Sing at the Nursing Home at 1:30 - All are welcome to attend.

Wednesday 4/22
  • Growing Children Through Seasons of Life by Bro. Justin Koch - This is the last of the 3 part series on Parenting and will be held at the Fellowship Hall.
  • H. S. Worship on Wednesday at 7:00 at the Leman Home

Saturday 4/25
  • Ladies Spring Breakfast - Doors will open at 8:30 and breakfast will be served at 9.
    • Sign-up sheets for workers are posted by the ladies restroom.
    • There is a signup sheet in the North Hall for any men willing to serve at the Ladies Spring Brunch.  You would need to be at the Fellowship Hall at 8:15 am and it would be a couple hours of your time.  We appreciate any support that would be provided.
  • 9th Annual Midwest Gospel Sing at Five Points at 5:45 -   This special evening of song is the only direct fundraising event conducted by the Home for the Handicapped.  We expect 3 groups of singers to bless us that evening.  The invitation cards are on the end tables in the north hall.  Please help yourself.  A donation will be taken that evening.

Sunday 4/26
  • ACYF Day - The Bible class will be going to Gridley for ACYF day and will be leaving the high school at 8:40am.
  • Communion at 2:00 in the Nursing Home’s Multi-Purpose Room

Roanoke Home Nursing Home - there is an opening for an RN or LPN. Interested parties should contact Sis Megan Hodel.

Change in Internet Streaming of Services - No action is required if you access the streaming service through the Roanoke church website.  The AC Sermon Streamer app for tablets and smart phones and its related website is being phased out and you will no longer be able to access Roanoke sermons from there.  We have been moved over to “AC Central”.  Please install this app on your mobile devices to ensure you can stream live and archived services from your tablet or smartphone.  You are able to read past issues of The Silver Lining through the app as well. There are links for the Apple App Store and Google Play on the Church website for your convenience.

Also, just to remind everyone that we are unable to stream services through the phone or internet from the Fellowship Hall.

4/12/15 Announcements

Sunday 4/12
  • Charity Fund Collection
  • Baptisms

Wednesday 4/15 - Evaluating  Family Goals by Bro. Darren Plattner  - This is the second of a 3 part series on Parenting and will be held at the Fellowship Hall.  "Growing Children Through Seasons of Life"  by Bro. Justin Koch will be presented on 4/22.

Sunday 4/19 - Redeeming the Time Together Informational Meeting - There will be a very brief informational meeting for all who have signed up for the Redeeming the Time Together program immediately following the afternoon church service. For those who have signed up to adopt, you will receive the name of the person you have adopted at this meeting.  Thanks to all who are participating and to our church family for praying for this program.

Saturday 4/25
  • Ladies Spring Breakfast - All ladies are invited to the Ladies Spring Breakfast at the Roanoke Fellowship Hall. Doors will open at 8:30 and breakfast will be served at 9. Please call, text, or email Sis. Erin (Scott) Leman for reservations by April 12th. The cost is $10 per person. Money will be due at the time of reservations. Ladies of all ages are welcome to attend.
    • Sign-up sheets for workers are posted by the ladies restroom.
    • There is a signup sheet in the North Hall for any men willing to serve at the Ladies Spring Brunch.  You would need to be at the Fellowship Hall at 8:15 am and it would be a couple hours of your time.  We appreciate any support that would be provided.
  • 9th Annual Midwest Gospel Sing at Five Points at 5:45 -   This special evening of song is the only direct fundraising event conducted by the Home for the Handicapped.  We expect 3 groups of singers to bless us that evening.  The invitation cards are on the end tables in the north hall.  Please help yourself.  A donation will be taken that evening.

Fellowship Hall Guidelines - have been updated and are now available on the church website under the tab marked Fellowship Hall Calendar.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact any of the Fellowship Hall Trustees.

Roanoke Home Nursing Home - there is an opening for an RN or LPN. Interested parties should contact Sis Megan Hodel.

Thank You - to all who came to help with the Cemetery clean-up. We were able to clean the cemetery as well as the grounds around the Church and Fellowship Hall. With gratitude,
The Trustees

4/5/15 Announcements

Sunday 4/5 - Silver Lining Collection

Tuesday 4/7 - Helping Hands will Meet from 9:00 - 3:00

Wednesday 4/8 - High School Worship on Wed. at Leman’s Home at 7:00

Thursday 4/9 - Spaghetti Supper and Bake Sale for Heartline and Heart House 3:30-7:30 - There is a special need for donated baked goods, especially yeast rolls and breads.  The cost for the supper is $8 for adults and $4 for children.  This fundraiser supports the shelter program for homeless women and children as well as a safe haven for domestic violence victims.  Last year over 45 individuals were provided with shelter.

Saturday 4/11
  • Cemetery Cleanup at 8:00 AM -  Please bring rakes, baskets, buckets and weed trimmers.
  • Testimonies at 7:00

Sunday 4/12
  • Charity Fund Collection
  • Baptisms - There is a sign up sheet for food donations and waitress help for the baptisms.  It is located on the ladies bulletin board.

Sunday 4/19 - Redeeming the Time Together Informational Meeting - There will be a very brief informational meeting for all who have signed up for the Redeeming the Time Together program immediately following the afternoon church service. For those who have signed up to adopt, you will receive the name of the person you have adopted at this meeting.  Thanks to all who are participating and to our church family for praying for this program.

Saturday 4/25 - Ladies Spring Breakfast - All ladies are invited to the Ladies Spring Breakfast at the Roanoke Fellowship Hall. Doors will open at 8:30 and breakfast will be served at 9. Please call, text, or email Sis. Erin (Scott) Leman for reservations by April 12th. The cost is $10 per person. Money will be due at the time of reservations. Ladies of all ages are welcome to attend.

Looking Ahead

Wednesday 4/15 - Evaluating  Family Goals by Bro. Darren Plattner
Saturday 4/18 - Midwest Food Bank Annual Gala Dinner and Auction - Tickets to the dinner and auction are $50 (this would be a great evening for potluck groups). If you are willing to donate and/or wish to purchase tickets please contact: Bro. Rol and Sis. Carol Rumbold, Sis. Lynn Wuthrich, or Bro. Jon and Sis. Jill Fehr.
Wednesday 4/22 - Growing Children Through Seasons of Life by Bro. Justin Koch