9/27/15 Announcements

Sunday 9/27 - Invite-a-Guest Potluck Supper is at 4:00 - A singing will promptly follow the supper. All are welcome to participate
Sunday 10/4
  • Stamp Collection for Berean Prison Ministry - The Bible Study course work done through Berean Prison Ministry has significantly increased.  The amount spent on postage has tripled in the last year.  We have set aside next Sunday (10/4) to collect stamps.  If you would like to donate a roll or book of stamps, please place them in the basket located in the north hall.  If you have questions, please contact Sis. Donna Schwind.
  • Family Hymn Sing at 6:30 - A men's quartet from Roanoke will be our guest.  There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board to help with refreshments and kitchen help.
Wednesday 9/30

  • HOPE Girls Fall Kickoff - Please have the girls at Commerce Bank by 5:30 to carpool. Dinner will be provided and the girls will be brought back to church by 8:30. Please check your email for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Sis. Sara at 309.573.8107 or saraschick@gmail.com.
  • High School WOW will Meet at 7 PM at the Luginbuhl's
The Four Loves - A Small Group Bible Study -  Each member and friend of our Roanoke church is again encouraged to participate to  help keep us all growing and in the Word. The fall session will begin on or about the first week of October and will be 8 sessions long, with each session lasting approximately 1hour and 15 minutes.  The Bible Study, The Four Loves, which includes four topics Loving God, Loving God's word, Loving God's People, and Loving God’s Purposes. You may sign up by the forms in the North Hall or by calling or e-mailing Bro. Jeremy Knepp

Looking Ahead
Friday 10/16 - Loving Shepherd Ministries Benefit at Five Points - LSM will be hosting a meal and charity auction for the orphans of Haiti and Ethiopia. The meal and Silent Auction start at 5:30PM with the Live Auction starting at 6:30PM. Items are still needed. If you would like to donate an item, please contact Amanda Leman at 309-360-8431 or leman.amanda@gmail.com.  The auction is a wonderful evening of fellowship and enjoyment while raising much needed funds to help the world’s most vulnerable children.  All are invited to attend. There will be free childcare provided, so couples with young children are encouraged to attend. Visitwww.loving-shepherd.org to learn more about what the evening will be supporting.
Wednesday/Thursday 11/4-5 - Topical Bible Study “Our Christian Heritage” -  Bro. Dick Meister from West Lafayette will be with us to explain the history of Christianity from the early church to this present time.

9/20/15 Announcements

Sunday 9/20
  • ACYF Day in Roanoke - The Bible Class students and teachers from Taylor, Peoria, Tremont and Goodfield are at the Fellowship Hall for ACYF Day.   They will be joining us for afternoon service and will sing some songs for the congregation immediately after the service.
  • Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30  
Wednesday 9/23
  • Conference Messages - "Walking in Humility by Bro. Randy Kellenberger/Kansas City, "Walk Hopefully, with Confidence in His Promises and His Provision" by Bro. Duane Farney/Croghan-Naumburg
  • The Prairie Choristers - will begin practicing after church. If you would like to sing with them, please contact Brother Phil Hodel at plhodel@gmail.com or 309-923-7586.
  • High School WOW Scheduled for 9/23 has been rescheduled for 9/30
Sunday 9/27
  • Invite-a-Guest - All are welcome to participate by inviting a guest, couple, or family from another congregation to Roanoke church for the day.  There will be a potluck supper at 4:00 at the Fellowship Hall, and a singing will promptly follow the supper.  Sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin boards.  Any questions can be directed to sisters Cathy Hohulin or Jennifer Feucht.
  • Youth Choir - will begin practicing before church. It is for children 3rd grade through Senior in high school. If your child would like to sing with them, please contact Brother Phil Hodel at plhodel@gmail.com or 309-923-7586.
Sunday 10/4 - Family Hymn Sing at 6:30 - A men's quartet from Roanoke will be our guest.  There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board to help with refreshments and kitchen help.
Wednesday/Thursday 11/4-5 - Topical Bible Study “Our Christian Heritage” - Please note this is a date change from the previous announcement.  Bro. Dick Meister from West Lafayette will be with us to explain the history of Christianity from the early church to this present time.
The Four Loves - A Small Group Bible Study -  Each member and friend of our Roanoke church is again encouraged to participate to  help keep us all growing and in the Word. The fall session will begin on or about the first week of October and will be 8 sessions long, with each session lasting approximately 1hour and 15 minutes.  The Bible Study, The Four Loves, which includes four topics Loving God, Loving Gods word, Loving Gods People, and Loving God’s Purposes. You may sign up by the forms in the North Hall or by calling or e-mailing Bro. Jeremy Knepp

Looking Ahead
Friday 10/16 - Loving Shepherd Ministries Benefit at Five Points - LSM will be hosting a meal and charity auction for the orphans of Haiti and Ethiopia. The meal and Silent Auction start at 5:30PM with the Live Auction starting at 6:30PM. Items are still needed. If you would like to donate an item, please contact Amanda Leman at 309-360-8431 or leman.amanda@gmail.com.  The auction is a wonderful evening of fellowship and enjoyment while raising much needed funds to help the world’s most vulnerable children.  All are invited to attend. There will be free childcare provided, so couples with young children are encouraged to attend. Visitwww.loving-shepherd.org to learn more about what the evening will be supporting.

9/13/15 Announcements

Sunday 9/13 - South Side Mission Services at 6:00 - The Roanoke church will be providing services at the South Side Mission.  If you have interest in attending, arrive at the mission shortly before 6:00 or contact Bro. Matt or Sis. Jennifer Feucht with any questions.

Wednesday 9/16 - Conference Messages - "Walking in Thankfulness" by Bro. Mike Leman/Denver, "Walking with Wisdom/Circumspectly by Bro. Jim Plattner/Princeville
Sunday 9/20
  • ACYF Day in Roanoke - The Roanoke Bible Class will be hosting the Bible Class students and teachers from Taylor, Peoria, Tremont and Goodfield. Roanoke students will need to arrive at the Fellowship Hall for breakfast at 8:45 AM. They will also be there for morning services and lunch and will then come to the church for the afternoon service. Immediately following the afternoon service, they will sing some songs for the congregation and will then reassemble at the Fellowship Hall for 20 - 30 minutes to finish up the day. There is a food sign up sheet on the women's bulletin board for Bible Class parents who would like to help with food items for ACYF Day.
  • Adult Bible Class will start Sunday 9/20 -  They will meet the first and third Sunday of each month in the southeast room in the basement.  For additional information, please contact Bro. Kevin and Sis. Annette Fischer or Bro. Ray and Sis. Wendy Blunier
Sunday 9/27 - Invite-a-Guest - All are welcome to participate by inviting a guest, couple, or family from another congregation to Roanoke church for the day.  There will be a potluck supper at 4:00 at the Fellowship Hall, and a singing will promptly follow the supper.  Sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin boards.  Any questions can be directed to sisters Cathy Hohulin or Jennifer Feucht.
Friday 10/16 - Loving Shepherd Ministries Benefit at Five Points - LSM will be hosting a meal and charity auction for the orphans of Haiti and Ethiopia. The meal and Silent Auction start at 5:30PM with the Live Auction starting at 6:30PM. Items are still needed. If you would like to donate an item, please contact Amanda Leman at 309-360-8431 or leman.amanda@gmail.com.  The auction is a wonderful evening of fellowship and enjoyment while raising much needed funds to help the world’s most vulnerable children.  All are invited to attend. There will be free childcare provided, so couples with young children are encouraged to attend. Visitwww.loving-shepherd.org to learn more about what the evening will be supporting.
Wednesday/Thursday 10/21-22 - Topical Bible Study “Our Christian Heritage” - Bro. Dick Meister from West Lafayette will be with us to explain the history of Christianity from the early church to this present time.
Gateway Woods Staffing Need - There are openings for a married couple to serve as Alternate Houseparents and a sister to serve as an Assistant Houseparent.  Additional information is posted on the bulletin board. 

Mission Support - There are signup sheets on the bulletin board for supporting the Yordy family and Sis. Leah through prayers and letters.
Thank You - May God bless all those who helped in so many ways with the local work project of reroofing a home in ElPaso. Joan deeply expressed her thankfulness to God for answering her prayers.

9/6/15 Announcements

Sunday 9/6
  • Baptisms - Adam and Jackie Knepp
  • Sis. Leah Bertschi Leaves for Haiti on Saturday - She will be teaching the children of missionaries who are serving at Hospital Lumiere. Over the years, Sis. Leah has helped lead the children’s singing over the lunch hour. Today will be the children’s last time to be able to sing with Sis. Leah.
Wednesday 9/9
  • High School Worship on Wednesday -  The first Worship on Wednesday for our high school students will be at the Luginbuhl's home.
  • Conference Tapes - "Walking in Peace" by Bro. Tom Stock/Cissna Park, "Walking Cheerfully" by Bro. Lynn Fiechter/Bluffton
Thurs-Sat 9/10-12 - World Relief Project – There will be a World Relief project September 10, 11, and 12 in ElPaso. We will be tearing off a roof and putting on new shingles. Jobs include setting up scaffolding, picking up shingles from the ground and working up on the roof. If you can help please sign up on the list on the bulletin board. To help with drinks and lunch see Sis. Marge Braker, any questions ask Bro. Jim. Thanks so much for being willing to serve.   
Friday 9/11 - Sunday School singing at Morton Home of the Handicapped - the 7th & 8th grade Sunday School teachers and students will be going to sing at the Morton Home for the Handicapped at 7:00 PM. They will meet at the Commerce Bank parking lot at 6:10 PM. The students families are welcome to attend.
Sunday 9/13 - The First Day of Sunday School
Sunday 9/27 - Invite-a-Guest - All are welcome to participate by inviting a guest, couple, or family from another congregation to Roanoke church for the day.  There will be a potluck supper at 4:00 at the Fellowship Hall, and a singing will promptly follow the supper.  Sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin boards.  Any questions can be directed to sisters Cathy Hohulin or Jennifer Feucht.