2/22/15 Announcements

Sunday 2/22 - Family Hymn Sing in Congerville at 6:30 -  They are planning a family hymn sing for Eureka, Goodfield and Roanoke. If you can go, please signup on the bulletin board.  For additional information, please contact Bro. Clark and Sis. Lisa Leman.

Wednesday 2/25 - Scripture Memory Class

Sunday 3/1
  • Collection for Apostolic Christian Timber Ridge
  • Family Hymn Sing at 6:30 - Hearts of Praise, a ladies quarter from Morton, will be with us for the evening.  There are sign-up sheets on the bulletin board to help with refreshments.
  • Seeking a New Minister - Bro. Jeff Grimm (Goodfield) and Bro. Earl Ringer (Gridley) to assist us with this process. There will be special message in place of the afternoon service regarding the importance of this step and the minister qualifications as outlined in God's Word.  A letter containing Scriptural references and a ballot will be sent to each home the first week in March. During this interim time, let us stay on our knees in prayer and keep discussions to a minimum to give the Holy Spirit free course.

Saturday 3/7 - The Bible Class’s Annual Spaghetti Supper 4pm-6pm -  Donations for food are appreciated and sign up sheets are posted on the bulletin board. There is also a separate sign up sheet for parents of the Bible class students to work shifts throughout the day. This event takes many hands, and the Bible class students and teachers appreciate the support of the church family.   

Monday 3/9 - Church Cleaning -  Due to circumstances, church cleaning and the fellowship hall cleaning will be held the same evening this year - Monday, March 9 beginning at 6:30 pm.  There is also opportunity to help during the day on Monday, if this works better for your schedule - work will begin at 9:00 am and lunch will be served.  Because we are planning both on the same night, we encourage and appreciate as much participation as possible.  If you find you are done at one building, please feel free to check the other site for available work.  
Lunch will be served at the church at the completion of the evening.  A signup sheet for lunch items is posted on the bulletin board by the dining room.

Saturday 3/14 - National World Relief Meeting at Roanoke  - This is an informational meeting for all of our Apostolic churches from Illinois to the west coast.  There will be 6 speakers talking on a variety of world relief topics. Everyone - young and old - is encouraged to attend. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board if you are able to help that day or host overnight guests. If you have any questions check with Bro. Jim or Sis. Marge Braker. Thanks for being willing to help out.

Saturday 4/18 - Midwest Food Bank Annual Gala Dinner and Auction - The purpose of the gala is to raise funds for the programs at the food bank. They currently have a need for auction items, services, and monetary donations. Any donations are need by March 6th and are greatly appreciated. Tickets to the dinner and auction are also available for $50 (this would be a great evening for potluck groups). If you are willing to donate and/or wish to purchase tickets please contact: Bro. Rol and Sis. Carol Rumbold, Sis. Lynn Wuthrich, or Bro. Jon and Sis. Jill Fehr.

Redeeming the Time Together - Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.  James 1:17

Redeeming the Time Together is a new ministry opportunity for our church that is being developed with the intent to build relationships and friendships across generations and to share in the commonality of hearts that love and desire to serve the Lord.  The hope is to be an encouragement and support to one another and to glorify God while doing so.

The ministry will provide a frame work for opportunities to share the gifts the Lord has given to each of us to be a blessing to one another through the concept of "adoption". Lord willing, through this adoption, God-honoring friendships and relationships will be developed and strengthened.  Specifically, opportunities for adoption will include:  Visiting, Sending Cards, Prayer and Phone Calls.

Handouts have been placed in the back hall and an email with more details will be sent. Next Sunday a sign-up sheet will be posted, and will remain posted for a few Sundays, for you to indicate your desire to participate at some level of involvement. This will allow you some time to learn more about the ministry and to prayerfully consider if God would have you use your talents in this way.

Our target start date is April 2015

To our church family, we thank you for your prayerful support that God will be glorified in this endeavor

Looking Ahead

Wednesday 3/11 - Precommunion Service

Wednesday 3/18 - Scripture Memory Class Program

Sunday 3/22 - Sunday School Easter Program

Sunday 3/29 - Communion Service

2/15/15 Announcements

Sunday 2/15
  • Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30
  • ACYF at Cissna Park - The bus will leave from the high school at 2:30

Tuesday 2/17 - Midwest Food Bank 6:30 -8:30 - It's Roanoke's turn to volunteer. Turnout has been very light the last few times. Children 12 and older are welcome to come as well, so bring the family. Work is planned for 25 people so please consider volunteering.

Wednesday 2/18 - World Relief Family Night from 5:30 - 8:00  - The entire Roanoke Church is invited and encouraged to attend a World Relief Family Night at the Fellowship Hall.  This is a World Relief project, and there will be plenty for all to do.  We will be assembling health kits, with parents and children working together. A walk-in meal will be provided for all attending from 5:30 – 6:30.  A nursery for babies will be provided.  For additional information, please contact sisters: Martha Braker, Carol Knapp and Rachel Schroeder.
  • The youth programs have been cancelled that were scheduled to meet on 2/18 so the entire family can participate in this evening.  
  • Sunday school collection  will go toward purchasing items for health kits for Mexico which will be assembled at the World Relief Family Night

Sunday 2/22 - Family Hymn Sing in Congerville at 6:30 -  They are planning a family hymn sing for Eureka, Goodfield and Roanoke. If you can go, please signup on the bulletin board.  For additional information, please contact Bro. Clark and Sis. Lisa Leman.

Wednesday 2/25 - Scripture Memory Class

Sunday 3/1 - Family Hymn Sing at 6:30 - There are sign-up sheets on the bulletin board to help with refreshments.

Saturday 3/7 - The Bible Class’s Annual spaghetti Supper 4pm-6pm -  Donations for food are appreciated and sign up sheets are posted on the bulletin board. There is also a separate sign up sheet for parents of the Bible class students to work shifts throughout the day. This event takes many hands, and the Bible class students and teachers appreciate the support of the church family.   

Monday 3/9 - Church Cleaning - Please note this is different than what is on the schedule cards.  There is a sign up sheet for food items and waitresses posted on the bulletin board by the dining room.  All help is much appreciated.

Looking Ahead

Wednesday 3/11 - Precommunion Service

Wednesday 3/18 - Scripture Memory Class Program

Sunday 3/22 - Sunday School Easter Program

2/8/15 Announcements

Sunday 2/8
  • Mission Fund Collection
  • Small Group Bible Study Signup Deadline is Today - Signup sheets are in the North hall or you can email Bro. Jeremy Knepp at jrknepp@frontier.com
  • All Church Potluck and Singing at 4:30 -  If you haven’t signed up for the potluck, there is still time to do so.  There is plenty of meat and food.

Sunday 2/15 -
  • Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30
  • ACYF at Cissna Park - The bus will leave from the high school at 2:30

Wednesday 2/18 - World Relief Family Night from 5:30 - 8:00  - The entire Roanoke Church is invited and encouraged to attend a World Relief Family Night at the Fellowship Hall.  This is a World Relief project, and there will be plenty for all to do.  We will be assembling health kits, with parents and children working together. A walk-in meal will be provided for all attending from 5:30 – 6:30.  A nursery for babies will be provided.  For additional information, please contact sisters: Martha Braker, Carol Knapp and Rachel Schroeder.
  • The youth programs have been cancelled that were scheduled to meet on 2/18 so the entire family can participate in this evening.  
  • Sunday school collection for the next 2 Sundays will go toward purchasing items for health kits for Mexico which will be assembled at the World Relief Family Night

Sunday 2/22 - Family Hymn Sing in Congerville at 6:30 -  They are planning a family hymn sing for Eureka, Goodfield and Roanoke. If you can go, please signup on the bulletin board.  For additional information, please contact Bro. Clark and Sis. Lisa Leman.

2/1/15 Announcements

Sunday 2/1
  • Mission Fund Collection
  • Small Group Bible Study Signup Deadline is 2/1 - We are planning our next small group Bible Study on “Prayer”. Since this is a 12 week study we are going to get started a little early so as not to get too far into spring. Prayer is to the spiritual life what breathing is to the physical life. “Pray without ceasing”, "Brethren, pray for us”, “Watch and Pray”. Prayer is mentioned over 400 times in the Bible. Let us together search this wonderful and incredible gift God has provided for us. Prayer is our lifeline to God. Signup sheets are in the North hall or you can email Bro. Jeremy Knepp at jrknepp@frontier.com with your preferred times to meet.

Tuesday 2/3 - Helping Hands from 9:00-3:00

Wednesday 2/4
  • Scripture Memory Class
  • W.O.W. - will meet at the Leman home at 7:00.

Saturday 2/7 - ICC/Bradley Benefit Dinner at Morton Fellowship Hall from 5-6:30 - This benefit helps support the young group throughout the year and makes our mission trip, thanksgiving baskets, and south side mission boys club possible.

Sunday 2/8 - All Church Potluck and Singing at 4:30 -  Meat and drinks will be furnished.  Everyone should bring one dish to share.  Sign up sheets are on the bulletin boards.  For additional information, please contact Sis. Annette Fischer

Wednesday 2/18 - World Relief Family Night from 5:30 - 8:00  - The entire Roanoke Church is invited and encouraged to attend a World Relief Family Night at the Fellowship Hall.  This is a World Relief project, and there will be plenty for all to do.  We will be assembling health kits, with parents and children working together. A walk-in meal will be provided for all attending from 5:30 – 6:30.  A nursery for babies will be provided.  For additional information, please contact sisters: Martha Braker, Carol Knapp and Rachel Schroeder.
  • The youth programs have been cancelled that were scheduled to meet on 2/18 so the entire family can participate in this evening.  Scripture Memory Class has been rescheduled to Wednesday 2/25
  • Sunday school collection for the next 3 Sundays will go toward purchasing items for health kits for Mexico which will be assembled at the World Relief Family Night

Sunday 2/22 - Family Hymn Sing in Congerville at 6:30 -  They are planning a family hymn sing for Eureka, Goodfield and Roanoke. If you can go, please signup on the bulletin board.  For additional information, please contact Bro. Clark and Sis. Lisa Leman.

Winter World Relief Project - A group from Princeville & Bradford is planning to take a bus to Arkansas the 2nd week in February to help out with the winter World Relief project. There is extra room on the bus and they would like for you to go with them.  Anyone interested should contact Bro. Jim Braker for further details.