6/5/16 Announcements

Sunday 5/29 - Special Collection for Chiller and Roof Repair - Approx. $100,000 are needed.  Please put “Chiller” in the memo line.  

June 6-10 - VBS at 6:45 (start time for children in the basement and singing in the sanctuary)
  • The Good Shepherd (Psalm 23)
  • Theme: Jesus, Now and Forever!
    • Monday, June 6: Brother Andy Kaufmann – Bloomington
      • Jesus cares, now and forever! – Psalm 23:1
    • Tuesday, June 7: Brother Fred Witzig – Washington
      • Jesus provides, now and forever! – Psalm 23:2
    • Wednesday, June 8: Brother Jon Zeller – Morton
      • Jesus leads, now and forever! – Psalm 23:3
    • Thursday, June 9: Brother Greg Lehman – Wolcott, IN
      • Jesus forgives, now and forever! – Psalm 23:4-5
    • Friday, June 10: Brother Rick Kaisner – Chicago
      • Jesus is our Savior, now and forever! – Psalm 23:6
  • VBS Money Collection - SEED (Agriculture program in Haiti)
  • VBS Clothes Collection - The Yordy family would like to ask for your participation in collecting items for Renault Sunday school program again this year.  This ministry is located in the slums of Les Cayes Haiti and serves up to 1400 children every Sunday. These children are the poorest of the poor and struggle to have their daily needs met.  Helping these children out by providing gently used clothes and shoes is a great blessing to them.  Items suggested:
~ girls and boys clothes size 6 months to size 16.
~ girls and boys shoes, size toddler to adult size 10 (tennis, dress, sandles, flip flops.).
~ Book bags and draw string bags
This collection will take place over vacation bible school week and boxes will be in each entry way. The Yordy's thank you all for the generous donations last year and thank you in advance for assisting in blessing these children again this year.
Sunday 6/19 - The Senior Breakfast at the Fellowship Hall at 8:30 -   This breakfast will be for our senior graduates and their parents, as well as the remainder of the high school Bible Class/members/converts and the Bible Class teachers and wives.  An email has been sent out for underclassmen parents to sign up to bring food.  If you did not receive this, or would rather, call Sis. Karel Hoffman to help with a food donation or to RSVP regrets only.

Looking Ahead

Wednesday 6/22 - Presentation on Haiti at the Fellowship Hall - Sis Leah Bertschi will be returning home on 5/26 and the Yordy family will be coming home for the summer on 6/16.  They will share about their work in Haiti.
Save the Date for Ladies’ Day - On Sat. 9/10, there will be a Ladies’ Day for all women who attend the Roanoke Church high school age and above.  This will be a cross-generational opportunity to connect and bond with each other.  More information to come.

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