Sunday 10/30 - Family Hymn Sing at 6:30 - We will have a Roanoke men's quartet and will also be celebrating our 50th anniversary of our church’s dedication. Please invite family and friends who have their roots in our Roanoke Church for a special evening of remembrance. There is a sign-up sheet for refreshments and workers.
Monday 10/31 - Harvest Party at the Fellowship Hall - Young Group will be hosting the Harvest Party at the Fellowship Hall this Monday evening (tomorrow). Please check your email for details.
Tuesday 11/1 - Young Group Singing at Roanoke Nursing Home at 7:00
Wednesday 11/2
- Scripture Memory Class
- HOPE Girls - at the Fellowship Hall
- High School WOW - at 7:00 at Bro. Jon Fehr’s
Friday 11/4
- Young Group Get In the Word at Bro John Bradle's at 7:30.
Saturday 11/5
- Open House for Bro. Harold Roth’s 100th Birthday from 1:00-3:00
Saturday 11/5 - The ACTIVE Boys Annual Leaf Raking - they are looking for yards to do. If you or someone you know would appreciate this, please contact Bro. Tim Schwind (cell: 309-645-233, e-mail: ) to get added to the list!
Wednesday 11/9 - Building Intentional Relationships - ACCFS Presentation at the Fellowship Hall at 7:30 by Bro. Arlan Miller
Ways You Can Support Haiti:
- Tuesday 11/1 - Helping Hands 9:00 - 3:00 - Because of the hurricane in Haiti, there is a need for additional health kits. The Disaster Relief team would like to send 5,000 health kits in the next 3-4 weeks. Helping Hands plans to fill 500 of those on our regular meeting day of Nov. 1. Anyone able to help that day would be much appreciated.
- Friday/Saturday 11/4-5 - Centre Lumiere Open House Benefit at Goodfield Fellowship Hall - You can purchase Haitian made items and baked goods to benefit their school and store which were damaged by Hurricane Matthew. Friday 1:00-7:00, Saturday 9:00 - 12:00
- Sunday 11/6 - Special Collection for Haiti
- Friday 11/11 - HarvestCall Benefit Auction for Hospital Lumiere at Five Points in Washington - The food court and silent auction start at 4:30. The live auction begins at 7:00. For more information, or to donate an item or service, contact Bro. Rich Bertschi (309) 467-2351 or