Sunday 10/23
- Last Day to Sign up for Cross-Generational Women's Small Group Bible Studies - If you are not already in a small group study and would like to be, please sign up on the bulletin board at church, or email your response to If you would be willing to help lead a group, please indicate that on the sign up sheet or in your emailed response. Once the groups are formed, they can decide on the topic, when to begin, and the frequency of meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Sis. Jill Sauder.
- Baptisms - Jon and Jessi Schwind
Wednesday 10/26 - Jesus Interaction with the Poor - by Bro. Eric Givens/Princeville
Friday 10/28 - Young Group Wiener Roast at 5:30 - at Bro. David Leman's.
Sunday 10/30 - Family Hymn Sing - We will have a Roanoke men's quartet and will also be celebrating our 50th anniversary of our church’s dedication. Please invite family and friends who have their roots in our Roanoke Church for a special evening of remembrance. There is a sign-up sheet for refreshments and workers.
Saturday 11/5 - The ACTIVE Boys Annual Leaf Raking - they are looking for yards to do. If you or someone you know would appreciate this, please contact Bro. Tim Schwind (cell: 309-645-233, e-mail: ) to get added to the list!
Wednesday 11/9 - Mentoring - Building Intentional Relationships - ACCFS Presentation at the Fellowship Hall at 7:30 by Bro. Arlan Miller
Ways You Can Support Haiti:
- Tuesday 11/1 - Helping Hands 9:00 - 3:00 - Because of the hurricane in Haiti, there is a need for additional health kits. The Disaster Relief team would like to send 5,000 health kits in the next 3-4 weeks. Helping Hands plans to fill 500 of those on our regular meeting day of Nov. 1. Anyone able to help that day would be much appreciated.
- Friday/Saturday 11/4-5 - Centre Lumiere Open House Benefit at Goodfield Fellowship Hall - You can purchase Haitian made items and baked goods to benefit their school and store which were damaged by Hurricane Matthew. Friday 1:00-7:00, Saturday 9:00 - 12:00
- Friday 11/11 - HarvestCall Benefit Auction for Hospital Lumiere at Five Points in Washington - The food court and silent auction start at 4:30. The live auction begins at 7:00. For more information, or to donate an item or service, contact Bro. Rich Bertschi (309) 467-2351 or
- Special Collection for Haiti
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