7/15/18 Announcements

Sunday 7/15
  • Funeral Service for Bro. Rich Stoller will be at 1:00 - visitation is from 12:00-12:45
  • Family Hymn Sing at the Home is Cancelled - due to the funeral this afternoon.

Wednesday 7/25 - Topical Study - Technology Today - at the Fellowship Hall at 7:30

Sunday 8/5 - Peoria Rescue Mission Services at 8 AM - There will be plenty of time to return for our morning service.  We would appreciate some help with singing and a piano player.  If interested please contact Bro. Tim Martin.

Saturday 8/11 - 2nd Annual Haiti Dairy Benefit Dinner - The Lord is continuing to develop the Haiti Dairy Program and we are grateful to trust His timing and know that He is leading us.
Anyone with interest is invited to attend the 2nd Annual Haiti Dairy Benefit Dinner on Saturday, August 11th, beginning at noon Central Time at Bro. Art & Sis Marlene Mueller’s barn in Clinton, Wisconsin, which is about 20 Miles north of Belvidere, Illinois.  Bro. Les Kaeb, the program administrator residing on the Good Vision Farm in Haiti, plans to fly up for the event and give a current update on the progress of the program.  Also, Eris Labady, a Haitian friend that has assisted us with many challenges along this road, will speak to us. Come and enjoy summer picnic lunch of pork tenderloin and all the fixings, along with an Ice Cream Sundae Bar in the gazebo.  The Knob Road String Ensemble will provide music for your enjoyment. There is no charge for this event, but a free will offering will be requested. For more details see the poster on the bulletin board or visit WWW.HarvestCall.org/awareness-events.  RSVP’s are needed as seating is limited.  Please come and learn more about the Apostolic Christian Church’s first production agriculture mission.  If you have questions talk to Bro. Brent Hodel.

August 24-25 - Nursing Home Benefit
  • Items are still needed for the Nursing Home Auction.  If you are able to donate and have not done so already, please contact  Sis Cheryl Baurer or Sis Kathy Knapp by Friday of this week.
  • There is whole hog sausage for sale at the Roanoke Nursing Home.  Please stop by during regular business hours.

Three Year Old Sunday School Sign Up - A sign up sheet is now posted for children who will be part of the 2018/2019 Three Year Old Sunday School class.  Incoming students need to be three years old by September 1 in order to be signed up. 

Gateway Woods
  • The annual Gateway Woods auction is is set for Sat. Aug 4th. If you have items to donate please contact Bro. Clark or Sis Lisa Leman. Gateway Woods appreciates your prayers and support.
  • There is a need for an English teacher and a Math teacher at Gateway Woods for this coming school year. For more information see the printed announcements. You can add this in the printed announcements, or click on the following link:  gatewaywoods.org/careers

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