9/29/19 Announcements

Sunday 9/29
·        Building Fund Collection - A special collection for the projects outlined by the trustees. Please make checks out to Apostolic Christian Church with building fund on the memo line. If you choose to donate online please select the "special collection-building fund" from the drop down menu.
·        Seeking Additional Help in the Ministry - After prayerful consideration, please complete a ballot (a sample ballot is attached below) to indicate if you feel this is the right time to seek help in the ministry of Roanoke Church.  Please place ballots in the ballot box in the north hall by today. You can also e-mail your vote to Bro. Frank. 

Wednesday 10/2
·      Scripture Memory Class at 7:15
·       WOW at 7:00 at Beer’s
·      ACTIVE at 7:15
·      Hope will Meet in the Church Kitchen at 7:30

Thursday 10/3 - Helping Hands from 9:00 -3:00 - All are welcome

Wednesday 10/9 - Annual Nursing Home Presentation at the Fellowship Hall

Ladies' Small Group Bible Study - Many ladies are currently involved in small group Bible studies that have been formed as a result of our first Ladies' Day.  If there are any ladies that are not currently in a group, but would like to join an existing Bible Study group, please contact Sis. Jackie Knepp at jackieknepp@yahoo.com or 309-397-0728.  Please indicate if you would prefer to meet in the morning or evening.

Friday 10/11 Loving Shepherd Ministries Benefit at Five Points - The meal and Silent Auction start at 5:30PM with the Live Auction starting at 6:30PM.  And, this year, anyone who comes to the Auction for the first time will have their total auction bill matched dollar-for-dollar by a generous donor to help even more children. If you would like to donate an item, please contact Sis. Brittany Schwind at 309-678-8205 or brittany.schwind@gmail.com.  The auction is a wonderful evening of fellowship and enjoyment while raising much needed funds to help the world’s most vulnerable children. There will be free childcare provided, so couples with young children are encouraged to attend.

9/22/19 Announcements

Sunday 9/22
· Building Fund Collection - A special collection for the projects outlined by the trustees will be on 10/22 and 10/29. Please make checks out to Apostolic Christian Church with building fund on the memo line. If you choose to donate online please select the "special collection-building fund" from the drop down menu.
· Seeking Additional Help in the Ministry - After prayerful consideration, please complete a ballot (a sample ballot is attached below) to indicate if you feel this is the right time to seek help in the ministry of Roanoke Church.  Please place ballots in the ballot box in the north hall by Sunday 9/29

Wednesday 9/25
· Financial Bible Study (Part 2) at the Fellowship Hall
· WOW - the beginning of the year kick off will be at the Beer’s at 7:00 PM
· ACTIVE at 7:15
· HOPE at 7:15

Friday 10/11 Loving Shepherd Ministries Benefit at Five Points - The meal and Silent Auction start at 5:30PM with the Live Auction starting at 6:30PM.  And, this year, anyone who comes to the Auction for the first time will have their total auction bill matched dollar-for-dollar by a generous donor to help even more children. If you would like to donate an item, please contact Sis. Brittany Schwind at 309-678-8205 or brittany.schwind@gmail.com.  The auction is a wonderful evening of fellowship and enjoyment while raising much needed funds to help the world’s most vulnerable children. There will be free childcare provided, so couples with young children are encouraged to attend.

Saturday 11/16 - Save the Date: The Bible Class Harvest Dinner - This is the fundraiser for their 2020 mission trip to Jamaica. More information will be given later.

Prairie Choristers, Youth Choir and Men’s Choir  - will begin practicing for this year's Christmas program soon.  If you or your children would like to sing, please contact Bro. Phil Hodel at plhodel@gmail.com.
· Youth Choir - 3rd grade through Bible Class
· Men’s Choir - Bible Class and up

9/15/19 Announcements

Sunday 9/15
·    ACYF Day at Forrest - Please have your Bible Class students at the high school by 7:00am. They plan to be back around 6:30pm. Breakfast, lunch, and supper will all be provided by the Forrest Church. 
·    Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30

Saturday 9/21 - Volunteers Needed to Remove Trees at 8:00 AM  - A crew of volunteers is needed to remove two large trees in the cemetery and at the north west corner of the fellowship hall.  We will need people to drag brush to the brush chipper, cut some wood, haul chunks of wood to the trailer and clean up with rakes. All help will be very much appreciated . Contact brothers: Jason Knepp or Greg Moser with any questions.

Sunday 9/22 - Building Fund Collection - A special collection for the projects outlined by the trustees will be on 10/22 and 10/29.  Please make checks out to Apostolic Christian Church with building fund on the memo line. If you choose to donate online please select the "special collection-building fund" from the drop down menu.

Friday 10/11 Loving Shepherd Ministries Benefit at Five Points - The meal and Silent Auction start at 5:30PM with the Live Auction starting at 6:30PM.  And, this year, anyone who comes to the Auction for the first time will have their total auction bill matched dollar-for-dollar by a generous donor to help even more children. If you would like to donate an item, please contact Sis. Brittany Schwind at 309-678-8205 or brittany.schwind@gmail.com.  The auction is a wonderful evening of fellowship and enjoyment while raising much needed funds to help the world’s most vulnerable children. There will be free childcare provided, so couples with young children are encouraged to attend.

Saturday 11/16 - Save the Date: The Bible Class Harvest Dinner - This is the fundraiser for their 2020 mission trip to Jamaica. More information will be given later.

Prairie Choristers and Youth Choir - In a few weeks the Prairie Choristers and Youth Choir will begin practicing for this year's Christmas program. If you or your children would like to sing in either group, please contact Brother Phil Hodel at plhodel@gmail.com.

·    Brotherhood Conference Messages are available on AC Central on the Events tab
·    ACCFS Breaking Bread Podcasts are available on AC Central on the Studio tab -they just completed their 100th podcast “Social Anxiety in Children”
·    “Understanding our Vision and Purpose” is available on AC Central on Around the Table tab
·    If you would like a copy of the recent conference summary that was given to our church on Wednesday night on 8/14, please contact Bro. Matt Leman to have it sent  to your phone (CDs are also available)

9/8/19 Announcements

Sunday 9/8
·       Berean Stamp Collection - Many stamps are used for the Bible studies and other materials that they send to the inmates. The ministry is very appreciative of everyone who helps grade the Bible studies. Approximately 5,000 bibles and 10,000 Bible studies are mailed out each year. There will be a basket in the north hall Sept. 8 and 15 if you would like to donate a roll or book of stamps. If you have any questions, please see sisters: Donna or Rebekah Schwind. 

·       Last Day to RSVP for Ladies’ Day on 9/14 - sign up on the bulletin board or email Sis. Jill Sauder at jsauder72@gmail.com. Please join us for a day of inspirational talks and discussions as we focus on our identity in Christ.  We will hear about who we are in Christ, our identity in the current season of life, and about building community in the Kingdom.  What a blessing to be called Daughters of the King! All women, high school age and above, who attend the Roanoke church are invited.  It will be at the fellowship hall from 9:15-1:30, with registration and a coffee bar from 8:45-9:15.  

Wednesday - 9/11 - Financial Topical Bible Study at the Fellowship Hall - this is the first of a two part series to be held on 9/11 and 9/25 that will include topics such as:  what the Scripture says about finances, how to budget and getting out of debt.  If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Jonathan or Sis. Megan Hodel who will be presenting on this important topic. 

Thursday - 9/12 - Berean Prison Ministry Banquet at Five Points- There are still seats available  There is information on the bulletin board.  Disregard the cutoff date on the reservation form....we'd love to have you. Any questions, please see Bros.  Bob Bradle or Tim Martin.

Saturday 9/14 - Volunteers Needed to Remove Trees - A crew of volunteers is needed to remove two large trees in the cemetery and at the north west corner of the fellowship hall.  We will need people to drag brush to the brush chipper, cut some wood, haul chunks of wood to the trailer and clean up with rakes. The project will start at 1:30 on September the 14th (ladies conference in the fellow ship hall till 1:30) and again on September 21st at 8:00 AM. All help will be very much appreciated . Contact brothers: Jason Knepp or Greg Moser with any questions.

Sunday 9/15
·       ACYF Day at Forrest
·       Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30

Prairie Choristers and Youth Choir - In a few weeks the Prairie Choristers and Youth Choir will begin practicing for this year's Christmas program. If you or your children would like to sing in either group, please contact Brother Phil Hodel at plhodel@gmail.com.

Maintenance Project Update - The trustees want to thank everyone for the great support on the 2 maintenance projects. With over 200 ballots cast there was unanimous support for the outside brick maintenance and a strong majority for replacing the hall carpet. As mentioned, we have set aside 2 Sundays Sept. 22 and Sept 29 for a special building fund collection or you can give online. There will be no scheduled Sunday School collection this year. The outside work is scheduled to begin this fall and we will proceed with carpet replacement as funds permit.