10/27/19 Announcments

Sunday 10/27 - Peoria Rescue Mission Services - We plan to leave from the church parking lot (west side) at 7:15.  The service starts at 8 AM, allowing time to get back in time for our regular morning services.  If you have questions, please ask Bros. Tim Martin or Jonathan Hodel.

Thursday 10/31 - Annual Harvest Party at the Fellowship Hall from 7:00 - 8:30 - - The Roanoke Young Group would like to invite all Sunday School students 3 year olds through 8th grade to the annual Harvest Party! There will be games, singing, and snacks! Each student is to bring 1 pound of individually wrapped candy.  We will mix them all and give everyone a pound of assorted candies to take home. Hope to see all there! 

Sunday 11/3 - ACYF Evening in Elgin - The Bible class plans to leave around 3 pm from the High School, eat supper on the way, and be back around 10. We realize this will be a late Sunday night, but if you have High School students, please encourage them to go!

Friday 11/8 - Hospital Lumiere Benefit Auction at Five Points - The food court and silent auction start at 4:30. The live auction begins at 7:00. For more information, or to donate an item or service, see the announcement on the church bulletin board or visit the HarvestCall website. For additional information, contact Bro. Rich Bertschi (309) 440-8012 or lemangm@mtco.com.

Sunday 11/10 - Pizza Dinner and Thanksgiving Hymn Sing at Church at 5:30 - There is an online sign up.  We will be sharing a meal together starting at 5:30 pm before the singing. We will be serving pizza so please sign up if you are planning to attend and note how many people will be eating. You can access the sign up for pizza & additional food items on PerfectPotluck.com. Here is the link to the sign up: www.PerfectPotluck.com/DNFK2187. Contact Sis. Marjorie or Susan Bertschi with any questions. Thank you!

Sunday 11/17 - Family Hymn Sing at the Gridley Church at 6:30

Saturday 11/16 - Harvest Dinner -  The Bible Class will be hosting a dinner to raise funds for their work trip to Jamaica next spring. If you would like to support them please make your reservations as soon as possible. A minimum donation of $40 per person will be collected the night of the dinner. Table reservations for groups of eight may be made. Contact sisters Jennifer Feucht or Lynne Hodel 

Victory Home Care Job Openings - Victory Home Care has an immediate need for home caregivers.  Daytime and overnight shifts are available.  If you are interested, please see Bro. Nate or call the office (309-242-5316).

Creating Connections - A New Initiative for the Bible Class and Church - The Bible Class will be starting a new program called Creating Connections which is modeled after a program that was started in the Morton Church. Basically, a high school student will be matched with a member of the church (aka Faith Friend).  To start off with, they will meet one on one, once a month, from January through May. A few ideas for meeting are; going on a walk/bike ride, out to eat, or work on a project.  Any members wanting to participate should contact Sis. April Hartter by next Sunday, October 27th.  We will have a meeting on October 27th to go over the details with the Bible Class students during Sunday School (parents are welcome).  There will be a detailed meeting for the Faith Friends later in November. Any questions, please contact sisters April Hartter, Gini Gerber, and Jodi Hoffman.

Contact Information - Bro. Frank’s home phone/landline is not working.  If you need to contact him, please use his cell phone: 309-657-2809 or e-mail: fsauder@gmail 

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