Our Purpose: To glorify God by loving as Jesus loves.
August’s Collection - Servant Fund - (see additional information below)
Sunday 8/30- Conference Summary at the 9:00 Service - Bros Mike Leman and Frank Sauder. 2020 Virtual Brotherhood Conference is now available.
Thursday 9/3 - Helping Hands from 9:00-3:00 - They will also be collecting used eye glasses during the month of September. Place them in baskets located on the tables by each entry.
Friday 9/4 - The 7th and 8th Grade will Sing Outside the Front Lobby of the Home at 6:20 - along with teachers and their wives. Please RSVP to Bro. Luke or Sis. Allison Fischer
Saturday 9/5 - Volunteer Opportunity to Serve Flood Victim - Meet at 9:00 AM at 203 N. Pleasant St in Roanoke to help with boxing and moving items for two flood victims to a neighboring apartment in Roanoke. These are the same people we helped tear out flood damage items for as they have been living in less than ideal conditions since the flood. We will be boxing & packing items and moving them across the parking lot to another apartment. Conditions will be musty and dirty so dress appropriately and bring gloves and have a mask on hand. If anyone has cardboard boxes that can be used for packaging please bring those along as well. Please contact Bro. Jonathan Hodel if you have any questions.
Sunday 9/6 - Sunday School Starts & New Phase of Reopening - Details will be e-mailed out on Thursday.
Sunday 9/20 - ACYF is cancelled.
Silver Lining News - If you have information regarding a birth, death, engagement/wedding, illness or special milestone in your family that you would like shared in the Silver Lining, please contact Sis. Barb Schwind or Sis. Judy Sauder. They will try to include your information, as much as is
possible, in the next issue.
Position Needed - Executive Director Apostolic Christian LifePoints - Due to the pending retirement in mid-2021 of Bro. Ron Messner, our current Executive Director, Apostolic Christian LifePoints is seeking applicants for the position of Executive Director. A position description will be posted soon on AC Central, under the “job postings” section. In addition, the position description will be included in the upcoming Silver Lining editions. Instructions for applying for this position, along with additional information, will be included in both of these locations. We encourage those who have an interest, are qualified, and have a heart for serving the intellectually and developmentally disabled community, to prayerfully consider submitting an expression of interest and resume.
We ask our entire church body to be prayerful as we work through this very important process
involving one of the primary mission activities of our church.
COVID Information - Cases of COVID have increased in central Illinois and is present in our central Illinois churches. Masks are encouraged, especially during singing. Fellowship time between services should be done outside as much as possible. If you have COVID, please contact Sis. Megan Hodel. She will answer any questions you might have. She will keep your name confidential.