12/6/20 Announcements

 December’s Collection - Maintenance Fund  

Friday 12/25 - Christmas Day Service at 9:45 - There will be no Wed. evening service on 12/23


Thursday 12/31 - New Year’s Eve Service at 7:15 - there will be Wed. evening service on 12/30


2021 Updates

  • Church Lunch - Anyone who wants their name added to or taken off the church dinner list should contact Bro. Harold or me.Sis. Judy Sauder. A current list is posted on the bulletin board by the ladies restroom for your review.

  • Church Directory - If you have any updates (including e-mail and phone numbers) you may either fill out the form online (http://roanokeacchurch.org/pages/church-directory-Updates/), send an email (DirectoryUpdates@roanokeacchurch.org), or fill out a paper form in the North hall and drop it in the box near the bulletin board.  

  • Onecallnow - We are using OneCallNow more and more as we communicate with the church.  Email is the most effective way to get larger announcements and information out.  If you have email but are not on our list or thought you were but are not receiving emails, please contact Sis. Jenell Hodel at cjhodel@gmail.com.  

  • Rotating Potluck - on hold due to COVID


Bible Class Information

  • Peoria County Jail Trip - cancelled 

  • Loaves and Fishes -  cancelled - However, they asked us to make up hygiene kits.  Please refer to the perfect potluck email to signup.  Collection boxes will be in the southeast and northeast entryways at church from December 6th-December 27th.

  • Random Acts of Kindness -  Meet Wed 12/9  at 6:15 at the fellowship hall. Please RSVP to Allison (lukenal@live.com or 309-242-7083) if you can come.


Birth - Zailee Rose Hodel - She was born on 12/1 to Max and Jessica Hodel. 


Engagement - Sis Alexa Fischer (Bro. Kevin & Sis. Annette) is engaged to Bro. Cody Zeller from Morton (Bro. Will & Sis. Dannelle).


Children’s Bible Story Books are available in the back hall.  They would make a great gift for children in your neighborhood. 


Thank You from the Delgrange Family - Words cannot ever begin to express the deep  heartfelt thanks we have towards our friends and family we have in Christ.  God truly watched over our family that night and granted His protective mercies over all the children.  Craig is beginning to move about a bit more each day but is very dependent upon his dad, employees, and our sons for all the heavy labor that comes with his carpentry business. Kailee has begun the process of physical therapy to regain her strength and lessen the intensity of the headaches.  She had some heavy impact on her and would love continued prayers as she tries to move forward each day….(for more info, the  thank you note is on the bulletin board)


Ways to Serve our National Church 

  • Hospital Lumiere at a Critical Juncture - There is a critical  missionary staffing shortage which threatens our ability to continue management of the  hospital. A minimum of four important missionary roles must be filled in Nursing, Facilities,  Administration, and Operations by mid 2021. Without that, HarvestCall will need to find another organization to take over hospital operations.  

    • Our plea to the church: 

    • 1. If you have been contemplating a desire to potentially serve as a missionary but have  not contacted HarvestCall yet, now is the time! Email amiller@harvestcall.org today.

    • 2. If you know someone who would be a fit for one of the open roles, please encourage  them to prayerfully considering applying. 

    • 3. Please pray! If the church is praying, we can have confidence that God’s will be done,  no matter which way this ends. 

To be clear, whether HarvestCall continues to be contractually responsible for the operations of  Hospital Lumiere or not, our financial support will continue. Your ongoing donations are still  needed.  For more information about this situation and the open positions, please visit  www.hospitallumiere.org

  • HarvestCall Winter Rebuilding Ministry in Florida - You can register at:  www.harvestcall.org

  • Job Opportunity for an Accountant at LifePoints - They would work directly with the Chief Financial Officer. They would be responsible for assisting with monthly reconciliation and reporting, assisting with payroll oversight, investing and preparing and filing annual financial reports and cost reports. We are looking for someone with any accounting degree or equivalent experience that enables them to function at the level of an accountant. They need to be highly trustworthy and confidential and it is important that they embrace the values and vision of the agency.” Interested candidates should contact Bro. Ron Messner by 12-31-20.

  • Wichita, KS Apostolic Christian Church - is seeking bolstering support.  If you feel God calling you to use your gifts and talents to serve in the Wichita congregation or would like more information, please talk with your local elder and then contact, Sis. Amber Miller at amiller@harvestcall.org or 765.250.4295 (ext. 108). They have identified the following needs and invite the brotherhood to pray with them for:

    • Families, couples and singles, who have a heart to support a small church, to relocate and become part of their church family. There is a special need for young couples with children and for middle-aged couples with teenage children. 

    • Sunday School teachers and song leaders to use their gifts and talents for God’s glory in their congregation. 

    • Godly wisdom to know how to continue outreach into the Wichita community. 

    • Unity and love within the church as they work together.

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