February’s Collection - HarvestCall
Sunday 2/28
Reminder - Sunday School Starts at 9:45
No Lunch and No second service
Bro. Colt Rinkenberger/Elly Sauder’s Wedding at 12:00 - Song service beings for guests at 11:30
Vote for Constitution and By Laws are Due
Monday 3/1 - Church Cleaning from 9:00 - 1:00 and 6:00 - til done
Wednesday 3/3
Scripture Memory Class Program - following a shortened Wed. service
Scripture Memory Class will Meet in the Dining Room
HOPE will Meet in the Bible Class Room at 7:30.
Sunday 3/7
Bible Class is Serving Sunday Lunch - This will be in place of the spaghetti supper. The supper has been the main fundraiser for the Sunday School. If you would like to make a donation to the Sunday School Haiti Well Project, please make out a check to the church with the Sunday School in the memo line.
Topical Study - Being Real in a Fake World - Bro. Matt
Elder Conference - Tuesday evening 3/9 - Friday 3/12 - Your prayers are needed and appreciated
Sunday 3/21
Sunday School Easter Program
ACCYF in Washington
Wednesday 3/24 HarvestCall Family Night at the Fellowship Hall at 7:00
Peace - David Bertschi, Dexter Hodel, and Broc Martin are at peace with God and man. Lord willing, they plan to share their testimony on Saturday 5/1 with baptism planned for Sunday 5/2
Job Opening - The Elgin Nursing Home is in search of a Director of Nursing. If you are interested in the position or have any questions, please contact Bro. Matt Kinsinger at 847-774-4015 or administrator@
COVID Precautions
We continue to encourage the wearing of masks when singing and while fellowshipping - especially since the fellowship time has significantly increased.
We continue to encourage the youth to follow school protocols in Sunday School and at youth activities.