2/14/21 Announcements

 February’s Collection - HarvestCall 


Sunday 2/14

  • 9:45 - 10:45 First Service

  • 10:45 - 11:30  Fellowship & Modified Lunch

    • Signup sheets for servers and kitchen help on the bulletin board in the northwest hallway. 

    • 2nd graders will be eating in the basement with 3rd graders- Bible Class  

  • 11:30 - 11:45  Signing

  • 11:45 - 12:15 Second Service:  “The Lies of a Cheap Jesus” - Bro. Jonathan


Wednesday 2/17

  • Scripture Memory Class will Meet in the Dining Room

  • HOPE will Meet in the Bible class room at 7:30.

  • ACTIVE will be Volunteering at Midwest FoodBank - Please meet at the old Com. Bank at 5:30pm.


Sunday 2/21 - Second Service:  “Deceit and Lies” - Bro. Frank


Looking Ahead

  • 3/1 - Church House Cleaning - this is a date change due to R-B’s spring break. Times of cleaning are: Saturday 2/27 from 8 until noon and Monday March 1, from 9 until 1, and then from 6 until we are done.

  • 3/3 - Scripture Memory Class Program - following a shortened Wed. service

  • 3/7 - Beginning of Church Lunch Rotations - the trustees have already notified all those who are scheduled to serve lunch through Mother’s Day. 

  • 3/21 - Sunday School Easter Program

  • 3/24 - HarvestCall Family Night

  • 3/28 - Communion


Constitution and By-Laws

The Constitution and By-Laws of the Roanoke Church have been revised. The Church Constitution outlines the fundamental principles that establish our Church, and provides legal protection to the Church and those in positions of leadership. An outline for the revision was provided by our national church, with language to define our Biblical beliefs as sincere and faith-based. This language would likely provide the Church legal protection under the First Amendment - Freedom of Religion. The last major revision to the Constitution was made in 1994, so there were a lot of other minor changes.


The Church By-Laws define practices of governance that guide those in positions of authority in day-to-day operations. Language was added to satisfy title companies, if property should be donated to the Church. In addition, the amount the trustees can spend without specific approval from the church was raised from $50,000 to $75,000. Language was also added to reflect the addition of our new Operational Fund. Again, a lot of other minor changes were made.


The revisions have the approval of the trustees, ministers and legal counsel, and also require the approval of 2/3 of our membership. This week, we will be emailing out the revised Constitution and By-Laws along with a ballot. Please vote and return your ballots (by mail or email) by March 1.

COVID Precautions

  • We continue to strongly encourage the wearing of masks when singing and while fellowshipping - especially since the fellowship time has significantly increased.

  • We continue to strongly encourage the youth to follow school protocols in Sunday School and at youth activities. 

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