3/14/21 Announcements

 Daylight Saving Time - Set your clock ahead one hour. Let’s help our song leaders by being in the sanctuary prior to 9:45


COVID Update - Although Region 2 COVID cases have remained low, multiple families are currently impacted by COVID in the Roanoke area and in church. If you are feeling sick, please stay home. 


February’s Collection - LifePoints


Sunday 3/14

  • 11:45 Shortened Service - Communion Exhortation - Bro. Nate - Although communion is for church members, everyone is welcome to attend this message.

  • Vote for Constitution and By Laws are Due


Wednesday 3/17

  • Elder Conference Summary

  • HOPE will Meet in the Bible Class room at 7:30

  • Active will Meet in the Church Kitchen at 7:30 

  • WOW will Meet at the Beer's at 7:00.


Sunday 3/21

  • Sunday School Easter Program 

  • ACCYF in Washington 6:00  - Students should be at the church parking lot at 4:45. This is the first ACYF with 8 churches attending.  Only students and teachers will be going but, there is a link for those who want to watch:  https://vimeo.com/event/116314


Tuesday 3/23 - Eddie & Jessie’s Shower at the Fellowship Hall from 6:30-7:30 - This shower will have the option to sit and eat or take to go. This will also be a one gift shower with a card to sign and basket for your contribution for the gift. If you are able to attend, please sign up on the church bulletin board or by emailing Sis. April Hartter at bhah95@gmail.com


Wednesday 3/24 HarvestCall Family Night at the Fellowship Hall at 7:00


Sunday 3/28 - Communion at 6:00 PM - We will be following the same format as in October.  The west angled pews will be reserved for those who need to be in a masked area. If you want to sit in this section, please call or e-mail Bro. Frank to reserve an individual pew for your group. 


Saturday 4/3 - Cemetery Clean-Up at 8:00 AM -  Please bring rakes, large garbage containers, and lots of weed trimmers.


Friday 4/16 - Nursing Home Fish Fry 4:30 - 7:00 - We are needing volunteers to bake chocolate chip cookies and mix and package coleslaw. You can sign up here: https://www.PerfectPotluck.com/YQFG5951   For additional details, click here: https://www.facebook.com/events/355890775571139


Coffee Makers Needed - There is a sign-up sheet in the back hall.  If you would like to learn, please contact Sis. Juday Sauder. 


Fellowship Hall Closed for Repairs - The fellowship hall will be closed starting April 12th through May 15th due to floor repair. and the fellowship hall cleaning on the schedule card that was set for Mar. 15th will be delayed until after the repairs are completed.


College Care Packages - We would like to remember our college students once again by praying for them, encouraging them and sending a small care package. This is always a huge blessing to each student. If you would like to participate, you can pick up a colored envelope from the back hall bulletin board regarding your college students information. Once you receive a student's name if you could send the package within a week or two that would be appreciated. 


Birthday Card Shower for Bro. Bob Zimmerman’s 90th birthday on March 20


Other Ways to Serve

  • The 2021 Midwest Food Bank Virtual On-line Auction - April 29-May 1. The Roanoke committee is currently seeking homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as auction items. Cash donations can be used by the committee to purchase items for the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Deadline for donations will be March 30th. Please contact Bro. Jon or Sis Jill Fehr for donations (Jon Fehr 309-275-4573(c) jonfehr@lemanauto.com   Jill Fehr 309-261-4711(c) jfehr@eureka.edu)

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