4/4/21 Announcements

 April’s Collection - Charity Fund

 Sunday 4/4 - Sunday School Easter Program at 11:45 (congregational singing begins at 11:30)

  • Sunday School students need to be finished with lunch and return to Sunday School by 11:15


Wednesday 4/7

  • WOW is at Martin's at 7:00

  • HOPE is in the Bible Class Room at 7:30


Saturday 4/10 - Jack and Brittney(Durand) Jones Shower at the Fellowship Hall from 9:30-10:30 - For a gift, bring a card with money inside to contribute to large items they would like to purchase. If you are able to attend, please sign up on the church bulletin board or by emailing Jenny Hodel at jenny@hodelbros.com


Sunday 4/11 - 2nd Service - Our Church, Our Community - This is the first of a series to introduce our church’s guiding principles.  The ministers plan to take a unique approach to teach each principle.  


Friday 4/16 - Nursing Home Fish Fry 4:30 - 7:00 -  If you can help with Friday’s set up and/or Saturday’s clean up, please sign up here:   https://www.PerfectPotluck.com/YQFG5951   For those who signed up to make cookies they are to be 3.5” - 4”, individually bagged and dropped off at the multipurpose room by 11:00 AM on Friday. For additional details about the Fish Fry click here: https://www.facebook.com/events/355890775571139 


Fellowship Hall Closed for Repairs - The fellowship hall will be closed 4/12-5/15 due to floor repair 


Birth - Carson William Sizemore was born to Bro. Nick and Sis. Jenna on March 22nd.


Thanks! - A heartfelt thanks to all those who came to Helping Hands Family Night.  They assembled over 2000 SS bags for Renault and 50 SEED bags. 


Sunday School Nominations

  • If a brother or sister has a desire to teach Sunday School they should submit their name to the nominating committee.  If a brother or sister would like to nominate someone, they should contact the brother or sister to ask for permission to submit their name to the head of  the Nominating Committee (Brad/Patty Hodel, Matt/Hope Sauder, Stephen/Susan Bertschi, Bob/Ann Knepp, Scott/Mandy Yordy) by Sunday 4/18

  • Current Sunday School Openings

    • Primary Classes (4 year olds - 2nd grade) -  3 openings

    • Intermediate Classes (3rd grade - 8th grade) - 2 openings 

    • Bible Class(9th-12th grade) - 2 openings

  • Sunday School elections will be held from Sunday 4/25 - Sunday 5/2.

  • For additional information, refer to the attachment below


Seeking Help in the Ministry - Please be prayerful as we begin this process.  The tentative schedule is:

  • 4/4 - 4/11 Church will ballot if this is the right time to seek help in the ministry  (ballot attached below)

  • 4/14 The church will be informed of the results and if there is support an exhortation will be given

  • 4/15 Ballots will be mailed out and need to be returned to Bro. Trent Meiss by Saturday 4/24

  • 4/25 Bros Kent Heimer, Trent Meiss and Frank will count the ballots


Job Openings

  • Cemetery Maintenance Position - Anyone interested in this position should contact Bro. Greg Moser or Bro Rich Bertschi.

  • Nursing Home - We are looking for an individual with excellent communication skills to serve as a part-time Volunteer and Visitation Coordinator (one position) for the Home.  This position will be responsible for coordinating our volunteers, maintaining our visitation schedule, and monitoring our screening process for staff and visitors.  If you feel this is a way you could serve our residents or would like to learn more about this position, please contact Bro. Nate Hoffman at the Home.


Other Ways to Serve

  • Job Opening - Apostolic Christian Bookstore - 1-2 mornings per week from 8:30-11:30. Additional information is on the bulletin board.

  • The 2021 Midwest Food Bank Virtual On-line Auction - April 29-May 1. The Roanoke committee is currently seeking homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as auction items. Cash donations can be used by the committee to purchase items for the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Deadline for donations will be March 30th. Please contact Bro. Jon or Sis Jill Fehr for donations (Jon Fehr 309-275-4573(c) jonfehr@lemanauto.com   Jill Fehr 309-261-4711(c) jfehr@eureka.edu)

  • Memorial Day Weekend - ALive 2021 - The Athens, Alabama congregation invites everyone to enjoy a beautiful weekend of fellowship, singing and worship. The weekend event will be held at The Vision, a 300+ acre Christian retreat in Huntsville, AL. 

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