12/5/21 Announcements

December’s Collection - Maintenance Fund - The maintenance fund covers the day-to-day operational costs of our church, including:

  • wages for cleaning, maintenance and lawn care

  • utilities (electric/gas, phone, internet etc)

  • general maintenance & repairs to the church building & grounds

As our church gets older, the annual church operating expenses are now approx. $125,000. To ensure we have sufficient funds to keep the church open and in good condition, we are again suggesting a donation of $350 per member. We know that some will give more and we appreciate that. In addition, we ask that everyone (young and old, members and friends that attend) to try to give something to support this fund and the Roanoke Church. Thank You


Sunday 12/5

  • Prayer Gathering at 8:45 in the Intermediate SS Room 

  • 2nd Service - Matthew Bible Study - Chapters 26-28 - Bro. Randy Mogler/Washington

    • This section covers the Passover, Jesus’ trial, crucifixion and resurrection. Just like in the introduction, Matthew uses many free OT references so the reader can understand that Jesus’ death was not a failure but the fulfillment of the prophecy.  

  • Annual Church Caroling - We will meet at the fellowship hall at 4:00


Wednesday 12/8

  • HOPE - Their Christmas party will be at Sis. Joyce Hodel’s home starting at 6:30.

  • ACTIVE will meet at the new Village Hall/DMV parking lot at 6pm to go Christmas gift shopping.

  • Scripture Memory Class will meet at 7:15 in the dining room

  • Bible Class - Acts of Kindness 


Sunday 12/12 - Sunday School Christmas Program at 11:30


Wednesday 12/15 - The Song of Emmanuel at 7:15 - An evening of Scripture and song celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. There will be songs from the Prairie Choristers and a men's group, along with congregational singing. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Please come and bring a friend!


Saturday 12/25 - Christmas Day Service (song service from 9:15-9:45) - Wednesday evening services on 12/22 are cancelled. Sunday Services on 12/26 will follow our regular format. 


2022 Updates Needed - Please complete this by Sunday Dec. 12th. 

  • Church Lunch - Anyone who wants their name added to or taken off the church dinner list should contact Bro. Harold or Sis. Judy Sauder. A current list is posted on the bulletin board by the ladies restroom for your review.

  • Church Directory - If you have any updates (including e-mail and phone numbers) you may either fill out the form online (http://roanokeacchurch.org/pages/church-directory-Updates/), send an email (DirectoryUpdates@roanokeacchurch.org), or fill out a paper form in the North hall and drop it in the box near the bulletin board.  

  • Email There are two separate email lists sent through OneCallNow.  One is for church announcements and the other is for Prayer Requests. If you are not receiving these emails and would like to be added, please contact Sis. Jenell Hodel at cjhodel@gmail.com.  


Christmas Cards/Gifts for the Leman family in PNG - Care package items can be placed in a tub by the southeast door.  A box for cards has been placed in the north hall and will be out until Dec. 19. 


Other Ways to Serve and Learn


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