7/29/2012 Announcements

Sunday 7/29 - Summer Bible Class
Today is the first day of Summer Bible Class in the basement for high school students.  They will be going through the student's version of Crown Financial.  If you haven't contacted Bro. Dave Leman about participating and would still like to be included, please let him know today.

Saturday 8/4 - Gateway Wood's Auction in Leo

Wednesday 8/8 - Worship on Wednesday for High School Students
The next Worship On Wednesday will be at Dave and Stacy Leman's house on Wednesday August 8 at 7:00 P.M.

Wednesday 8/22 - Richard Burton's Testimony and Baptism

3 Year Old Signup for Sunday School
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for Sunday School students entering into the 3-year old class this fall.  Please sign your child up if he or she is going to be 3 years old by September 1.  The sign up sheet will remain up through Sunday, August 5th.

ICC & Bradley Student Signup
There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board for all members and friends who will be attending ICC or Bradley.  Please sign up by Sunday, August 5th.

Looking Ahead:  

Friday 8/10 - Brotherhood Conference in Rockville

Friday 8/24 & Saturday 8/25 - Nursing Home Benefit

Saturday 9/8 - Women's Seminar by ACCFS at the Fellowship Hall from 8:45-3:30
This seminar is designed to encourage and strengthen women of all ages. Please feel free to invite friends and family members to join us. Many common women's issues will be reviewed and practical, uplifting, and Biblically-based helps for living an overcoming life will be shared.

Overview of Seminar Topics:
● CHRIST CENTERED SELFWORTH: Seeing yourself as God sees you
● RELATIONSHIPS: What the body of believers can do to support women
● USING A CHRIST CENTERED PERSPECTIVE: Overcoming problems with emotional eating, body image, disordered eating

Please RSVP by 8/15. There is no registration fee, but a free-will offering will be accepted at the seminar to help cover costs.  For additional questions or concerns, please contact Sisters: Cathy Hohulin, Jan Sauder, Allison Fischer, Melinda Knepp or Brittany Leman.

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