8/5/2012 Announcements

Wednesday 8/8 - Worship on Wednesday for High School Students
The next Worship On Wednesday will be at Bro. Dave Leman’s house this Wed. at 7:00 P.M.

Friday 8/10 - Brotherhood Conference in Rockville

Tuesday 8/14 - Helping Hands
Helping Hands has been moved from Tuesday the 7th to Tuesday the 14th.  They will meet in the church basement from 9:00-12:00.  They will help anyone wanting to use the elevator.

Bulletin Board Signup
     3 Year Old Signup for Sunday School - There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for Sunday School students entering into the 3-year old class this fall.  Please sign your child up if he or she is going to be 3 years old by September 1.  The sign up sheet will be taken down today

     ICC & Bradley Student Signup - There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board for all members and friends who will be attending ICC or Bradley.  The sign up will be taken down today.

     Hospital Lumiere - The 2nd Annual benefit auction for Hospital Lumiere is planned for Friday Nov 2 at Five Points in Washington. For more information on the auction and ways to help, see the announcement posted on the bulletin board.

     Nursing Home Benefit
     There are sign-up sheets by the bulletin board for pies and workers for the nursing home benefit.  We are needing pies for both the Friday night dinner as well as Saturday.  There are two separate sheets so make sure which day you are signing up for.  The time the pies need to be delivered to the multi-purpose room at the nursing home is on the sign- up sheets.
     The committee is also asking for help with clean-up after the benefit concludes on Saturday afternoon.  There are also sign-up sheets on the bulletin board if you are willing to help with this.
     If anyone has extra garden produce (if there is such a thing this year), please consider donating it to the Farmers Market on Friday evening.
     Please check out the bulletin board, the newsletter, as well as the nursing home website for more details on this year’s benefit.  (Schedule of events, food list, and auction items.)
We appreciate everyone’s willingness to help.

 Looking Ahead:  

Wednesday 8/22 - Richard Burton’s Testimony and Baptism

Friday 8/24 & Saturday 8/25 - Nursing Home Benefit

Saturday 9/8 - Women’s Seminar by ACCFS at the Fellowship Hall from 8:45-3:30
This seminar is designed to encourage and strengthen women of all ages. Please feel free to invite friends and family members to join us. Many common women’s issues will be reviewed and practical, uplifting, and Biblically-based helps for living an overcoming life will be shared.

Overview of Seminar Topics:
     CHRIST CENTERED SELFWORTH: Seeing yourself as God sees you
     RELATIONSHIPS: What the body of believers can do to support women
     USING A CHRIST CENTERED PERSPECTIVE: Overcoming problems with emotional eating, body image, disordered eating

Please RSVP by 8/15. There is no registration fee, but a free-will offering will be accepted at the seminar to help cover costs.  For additional questions or concerns, please contact Sisters: Cathy Hohulin, Jan Sauder, Allison Fischer, Melinda Knepp or Brittany Leman.

Friday 11/5 - Hospital Lumiere Benefit Auction at Five Points

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