Sunday 11/11 - ACYF at Morton
Morton is hosting ACYF tonight. Bible Class students should meet at 4:50 at the high school. The group will leave at 5:00.
Wednesday 11/14 - ACTIVE
● SMC - A reminder that Scripture Memory Class is this Wednesday night. The children will be packing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Any items to donate for this project should be sent with your child by this Wednesday night.
● ACTIVE - The ACTIVE boys will be meeting this Wednesday in the church basement at 7:30 pm. Please note the following time change: We are also planning on meeting on Saturday, November 17 at 1:00 PM at the Commerce church parking lot to rake leaves for several people. The boys should be done by 3:00 PM and will be taken home.
Friday 11/16 - Apostolic Christian Home for the Handicapped at F.H. at 7:00
The Apostolic Christian Home for the Handicapped with be giving a presentation this Friday, at 7:00 p.m. in the Roanoke Fellowship Hall. The purpose of the presentation is to update you on the services of the Home, the ways the Lord has blessed it and their current needs. Everyone is invited. The Home is a mission of the Apostolic Christian Church and they encourage you to come and learn about what you are supporting.
Sunday 11/18
● Special Collection for Fellowship Hall - The Fellowship Hall trustees are looking to replace and upgrade the existing sound system as the present one is quite old and has several drawbacks and limitations. The approximate cost is a little under $10,000. We would like to take a special collection for this project on Sunday, November 18th to help get the project started. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Matt Leman or any of the Fellowship Hall trustees. Thank you for your support.
● Thanksgiving Family Singing - The Thanksgiving Sing is planned for Sunday, November 18th. It will be at the Fellowship Hall at 6:30 pm. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for refreshments and workers.
Sunday 12/2 - All Church Caroling and Supper at 4:00
The 12th Annual All Church Christmas Caroling and Supper is planned for Sunday, December 2nd at 4:00pm. Everyone is invited. If you plan to attend, there is a sign-up sheet on both the north and west bulletin boards. There is also a sign-up sheet on the west bulletin board for food donations and workers to help with this activity. If you sign up to bring food, remember to also sign up on the list of those planning to attend.
Parenting with a Purpose Seminar
ACCFS will present Parenting with a Purpose. This 2 part seminar will be held Friday evening, January 25th and Saturday morning January 26th, at the Fellowship Hall. Bros. Brian Sutter and Craig Stickling will be the presenters.
Prayer List Update
We would like to update our lists for those who are receiving prayer requests. We have two formats available – you may receive prayer requests by phone or by email. There is a sheet on the north hall bulletin board for any changes to the current lists or for anyone wishing to be added to either list
Looking Ahead:
Wednesday 11/21 - There will be no Worship on Wednesday for the high school students due to the Thanksgiving holiday
Friday 11/30 - "Biblical Perspective of The Mideast Conflict"
November's Topical Bible Study will be at the Fellowship Hall on Friday, 11/30 at 7:15. Bro. Ken Rinkenberger will speak on the Biblical Perspective of the Mideast Conflict.
Wednesday 12/5 - Church and Nursing Home Business Meeting at 7:15
Wednesday 12/19 -There will be Joy - Celebrating the Birth of Jesus in Scripture and Song at 7:00
Friday evening 1/25 - Parenting with a Purpose - Part 1
Saturday morning 1/26 - Parenting with a Purpose - Part 2
World Relief Winter Work Project 2013 at Cullman, AL (near Athens) - The WR Winter Work Project will be a continuation of last year's project in Cullman, AL (near Athens) to build and repair homes damaged by tornadoes. It will begin on January 7. For more information and registration, please go to the WR website:
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