5/25/14 Announcements

Sunday 5/25 - World Relief Collection

Wednesday 5/28 - Topical Bible Study -  “The Healings of Jesus” by Bro. Daren Metz

VBS - VBS will be from June 2nd to the 6th.  Our first VBS speaker will be Bro. Scott Yordy.  
If you have specific questions for Bro. Scott or Sis. Mandy that you would like for him to talk about,  please write it down on the note cards located in the back hall.  Money collected during VBS will be for a roofing project in Haiti. SIgn up sheets are posted on the bulletin board for the following:
  • All incoming 3 year olds
  • Student guests (so that the craft and snack people can plan accordingly)
  • Teachers (couples or singles)
  • Craft Workers
  • Food
  • Table waiters

VBS Topics
  • Mon. 6/2:      Bro. Scott and Sis. Mandy Yordy (at Fellowship Hall)
  • Tues. 6/3:      Plunge into Worship - Bro. Mark Zimmerman
  • Wed. 6/4:     Plunge into Courage - Bro. Jed Rocke
  • Thurs. 6/5:      Plunge into Faith - Bro. Matt Kaufmann
  • Fri. 6/6:      Plunge into Service - Bro. Kent Heimer

Collection of New and Gently Used Household Items -  During VBS there will also be a collection of household items for the Haitian workers at Bonn Finn hospital. Items such as bedding, bowls, cups and saucers, silverware, battery clocks, towels are an idea. The missionaries have a "tag sale" 2 or 3 times a year for the workers to help out with the meager incomes the workers earn. Boxes will be in the foyers during VBS to collect these items. Additional information is on the bulletin board.  If you have any questions, please contact sisters Gina and Kim Luginbuhl.

Friday 6/13 - Father-Son Campout at Comlara Park - The camp will be at the group MRO (same place as last year). There are no age restrictions.  If your father or son is unable to attend, you are still welcome to come fellowship.  If you are uncomfortable sleeping at the campsite overnight, come for the evening and return for breakfast.  If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Robey Shuck.

Sunday School Teacher Election - Intermediate teachers will be Brothers: Jay Braker, Matt Kaufman and Jason Knepp.  Bible Class teachers will be brothers:  Jon Fehr and Andy Luginbuhl.

Fellowship Hall Chairs - Some of the chairs in the Fellowship Hall have been replaced and there are approximately 130 of the gray, padded, stackable chairs that need a home.  If interested in obtaining some of these chairs, contact Bro. Russ Leman.  There is no charge for the chairs, but donations would be appreciated.

Looking Ahead

Wednesday 6/18 -  WR Child Sponsorship Program at 7:00 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall.

Jr. Volunteer Summer Program - The Nursing Home is again offering the Jr. Volunteer program to start for the summer.  Please call the nursing home if you have a student 6th grade or older that would be interested in volunteering this summer.

World Relief Washington Cleanup - Volunteers are needed for the continuing cleanup effort in Washington every Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  More information is on the bullitin board and at the WR website:  http://www.acworldrelief.org/washington-registration/

5/18/14 Announcements

Sunday 5/18 - Family Hymn Sing in the Nursing Home Lobby at 1:30

Monday 5/19 - Field Cleanup at 8:00 AM  - World Relief will be cleaning a farmer’s field south of Washington.  If you can help, please contact Bro. Jim Braker.

Tuesday 5/20 - Midwest Food Bank 6:30-8:30 - It's Roanoke's turn to volunteer and a group of 20-25 is really needed so please consider giving a couple hours of your time to serve those who are less fortunate. For planning purposes, it is very helpful if you let Bro. Mike or Sis. Nancy Hoffman know that you’re coming, but last minute volunteers are always welcome, too.

Sunday 5/25 - World Relief Collection

Wednesday 5/28 - Topical Bible Study -  “The Healings of Jesus” by Bro. Daren Metz

Friday 6/13 - Father-Son Campout at Comlara Park - The camp will be at the group MRO (same place as last year). There are no age restrictions.  If your father or son is unable to attend, you are still welcome to come fellowship.  If you are uncomfortable sleeping at the campsite overnight, come for the evening and return for breakfast.  If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Robey Shuck.

Yordys Update - The Bro. Scott, Sis. Mandy, Bri, Chloe, and Gab will return to  Roanoke on 5/28 and will be staying until the end of July. Bro. Jonathan and Sis. Megan are the liaison between our church family and the Yordys and have been working on getting things set up for their return.  

VBS - VBS will be from June 2nd to the 6th.  Our first VBS speaker will be Bro. Scott Yordy.  
If you have specific questions for Bro. Scott or Sis. Mandy that you would like for him to talk about,  please write it down on the note cards located in the back hall.  Money collected during VBS will be for a roofing project in Haiti. SIgn up sheets are posted on the bulletin board for the following:
  • All incoming 3 year olds
  • Student guests (so that the craft and snack people can plan accordingly)
  • Teachers (couples or singles)
  • Craft Workers
  • Food
  • Table waiters

Jr. Volunteer Summer Program - The Nursing Home is again offering the Jr. Volunteer program to start for the summer.  Please call the nursing home if you have a student 6th grade or older that would be interested in volunteering this summer.

Looking Ahead

World Relief Washington Cleanup - Volunteers are needed for the continuing cleanup effort in Washington every Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  More information is on the bullitin board and at the WR website:  http://www.acworldrelief.org/washington-registration/

Adoption Program - Gateway Woods Family Services has opened a new Adoption Program in Illinois. Their office is located in Morton and they can provide adoption home study services and support services for Illinois families wanting to adopt privately. If you are interested in learning more about their services or have questions please visit contact the Gateway Woods Illinois Executive Director, Sister Luci Koch, at: Gateway Woods Family Services Illinois, 923 Detroit Court, Suite 3, Morton, IL 61550, luci.koch@gatewaywoodsIL.org, Phone: (309)266-0767

World Relief Medical Committee - A Health Care Provider Registry (HCPR) has been developed to  maintain a database of all the health care providers of the members and friends of the Apostolic Christian Churches of America. This allows the Medical Committee to keep the health care providers up to date on the medical activities and opportunities within World Relief. If you are in a medical or dental profession, the Medical Committee would like to encourage you to go to the World Relief website www.acworldrelief.org, click on the Health Care Provider Registry link and fill out the short questionnaire.  Additional information is on the bulletin board.

5/11/14 Announcements

VBS - VBS will be from June 2nd to the 6th.  
  • Sign up sheets for food and table waiters are posted on the bulletin board.
  • Our first VBS speaker will be Bro. Scott Yordy.  If you have specific questions for him or Sis. Mandy that you would like for him to talk about,  please write it down on the note cards located in the back hall.  

World Relief Medical Committee - A Health Care Provider Registry (HCPR) has been developed to  maintain a database of all the health care providers of the members and friends of the Apostolic Christian Churches of America. This allows the Medical Committee to keep the health care providers up to date on the medical activities and opportunities within World Relief. If you are in a medical or dental profession, the Medical Committee would like to encourage you to go to the World Relief website www.acworldrelief.org, click on the Health Care Provider Registry link and fill out the short questionnaire.  Additional information is on the bulletin board.

Jr. Volunteer Summer Program - The Nursing Home is again offering the Jr. Volunteer program to start for the summer.  Please call the nursing home if you have a student 6th grade or older that would be interested in volunteering this summer.

Looking Ahead

World Relief Washington Cleanup - Volunteers are needed for the continuing cleanup effort in Washington every Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  More information is on the bullitin board and at the WR website:  http://www.acworldrelief.org/washington-registration/

Adoption Program - Gateway Woods Family Services has opened a new Adoption Program in Illinois. Their office is located in Morton and they can provide adoption home study services and support services for Illinois families wanting to adopt privately. If you are interested in learning more about their services or have questions please visit contact the Gateway Woods Illinois Executive Director, Sister Luci Koch, at: Gateway Woods Family Services Illinois, 923 Detroit Court, Suite 3, Morton, IL 61550, luci.koch@gatewaywoodsIL.org, Phone: (309)266-0767

Wednesday 5/28 - Topical Bible Study -  “The Healings of Jesus” by Bro. Daren Metz

5/4/14 Announcements

Sunday 5/4
  • Youth Fellowship Day hosted by Roanoke at the Fellowship Hall
  • Collection for Gateway Woods - Please make your checks out to the Apostolic Christian Church with Gateway Woods in the memo line.

Tuesday 5/6 - Helping Hands from 9:00-3:00

Wednesday 5/8
  • High School Student’s Worship on Wed. at 7:00 at Bro. Dave Leman’s Home
  • H.O.P.E.

Saturday 5/10 - Psalm 100 Quartet at the Goodfield Fellowship Hall at 7:00 - An encouraging evening of acapella music.  They will also be sharing about the Cancer Redemption Project, an outreach to orphans in Haiti inspired by the late Bro. Zach Bertsch, whose brother sings in the group.  All are welcome.

World Relief Washington Cleanup - Volunteers are needed for the continuing cleanup effort in Washington every Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  More information is on the bullitin board and at the WR website:  http://www.acworldrelief.org/washington-registration/

Jr. Volunteer Summer Program - The Nursing Home is again offering the Jr. Volunteer program to start for the summer.  Please call the nursing home if you have a student 6th grade or older that would be interested in volunteering this summer.

Looking Ahead

Adoption Program - Gateway Woods Family Services has opened a new Adoption Program in Illinois. Their office is located in Morton and they can provide adoption home study services and support services for Illinois families wanting to adopt privately. If you are interested in learning more about their services or have questions please visit contact the Gateway Woods Illinois Executive Director, Sister Luci Koch, at: Gateway Woods Family Services Illinois, 923 Detroit Court, Suite 3, Morton, IL 61550, luci.koch@gatewaywoodsIL.org, Phone: (309)266-0767

Sat/Sun 5/24-25 - 2014 Athens/Tennessee Fellowship Weekend Memorial Day Weekend - Bros. Clark Stoller and Fred Witzig plan to talk about how we can witness to others within our families, in our communities, at work and abroad.  The auction starts at 2 p.m., supper at 6 p.m. and special group singing and a speaker are planned evening. On Sunday, worship with the Athens congregation is at 10 a.m. Afternoon activities resume at the Fellowship area at 3:30 p.m. IIf you would be interested in riding a bus to the Tennessee Fellowship Area from Morton, Ill., please contact Bro. Andy or Sis. Jayne Sauder at (309)263-9965 or e-mail them at jayne.sauder@gmail.com.

Wednesday 5/28 - Topical Bible Study -  “The Healings of Jesus” by Bro. Daren Metz