9/21/14 Announcements

Sunday 9/21 - Invite a Guest Sunday Potluck Supper at 4:00

Wednesday 9/24 -
  • Topical Bible Study “God is Awesome” by Bro. Craig Stickling from Peoria
  • A.C.T.I.V.E - The boys in ACTIVE will meet in the Church basement. The boys will fill kitchen kits and sewing kits for the women in Haiti. They are each asked to bring a new dish towel.

Sunday 9/28 - Deadline to Sign up for the Integrity Small Group Bible Study - Sign up forms are available in the North Hall or you can call or e-mail Bro.  Jeremy Knepp.

Sunday 10/5 - The Family Hymn Sing at 6:30 pm. - We have invited a few churches to join us so we encourage your participation and help with refreshments.  There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.

Christmas Program - The Youth Choir and the Prairie Choristers plan to begin practicing the last week of September for the Christmas program. There is information on both groups on the printed and emailed announcements, or you may contact Bro. Phil Hodel.
  • The Prairie Choristers plan to begin practicing on Wednesday, September 24. If you would like to sing with them, please send an email to Bro. Phil Hodel at plhodel@gmail.com
  • The Youth Choir plans to begin practices on Sunday, September 28. The choir is for all children in the third grade through Seniors in high school. Practices are held on Sunday mornings at 9:24 in the sophomore Bible Class room. If your child would like to sing in the choir, please send an email to Bro. Phil Hodel at plhodel@gmail.com

Looking Ahead

Friday 10/17 - Loving Shepherd Ministries Benefit at Five Points - A meal and silent auction start at 5:30PM with the live auction starting at 6:30PM. Items are still needed. If you would like to donate an item, please contact Sis. Amanda Leman at leman.amanda@gmail.com or 360-2356.  The auction is a wonderful evening of fellowship and enjoyment while raising much needed funds to help the world’s most vulnerable children.  All are invited to attend. There will be free childcare provided, so couples with young children are encouraged to attend. Visit www.loving-shepherd.org to learn more about what the evening will be supporting.  Our Roanoke church currently provides a support for the Fonfrede Home of Hope, and this is an opportunity to further support LSM

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