3/26/17 Announcements

Sunday 3/26
  • Sunday School Special Collection - Today is the last day for the Sunday School remodeling project special collection. On behalf of the Sunday School, thank you very much for your investment in our youth.
  • Family Hymn Sing at the Nursing Home at 1:30

Tuesday 3/28 - Young Group Singing at the Home at 7:00

Wednesday 3/29 - Pre-Communion Service - Communion Service will be held on Sunday evening 4/9 and at the Nursing Home on 4/30.

Friday 3/31 - Young Group Bible Study at Bro. John Bradles at 7:30

Saturday 4/1 - Cemetery Cleanup at 8:00 AM - Please bring rakes. It would be helpful to have a few weed trimmers and large garbage containers.

Sunday 4/2
  • ACYF Day in Roanoke
  • Silver Lining Collection - We are currently updating our church’s Silver Lining subscription list. There are sign-up sheets in the dining room hall if you wish to add or remove your name. The Silver Lining can be accessed free of charge on you ipad or smart phone by downloading the App AC Central. Our church currently pays $18 yearly for each mailed subscription on our list.

Thursday 4/6 -  Heart House Spaghetti Supper from 3:30-7:30

Good Friday Services 4/14 - There will be a program here at church beginning at our regular time of 7:30 pm. In addition to a message, the Prairie Choristers and Youth Choir will sing.

Easter Services 4/16 - There will be an early morning service at 7:30 with both choirs and the young group singing.  A breakfast will follow and then morning church will be held at our regular time, with the song service starting at 9:45 am. There will be no lunch or afternoon services.  We would appreciate your help with breakfast. Sign-up for food and volunteers will be done through PerfectPotluck.com. See the printed announcements for details. If you do not have access to PerfectPotluck.com and would like to help, please contact sisters: Lydia or Beverly Bertschi.

Nursing Home Update:  Our nursing home has been going through some difficulties and the board had sent out a request for help and prayers. In the past two months we have seen a solid improvement in the financial situation, thanks to our loving and gracious God, an excellent spirit of cooperation and sacrifice from our staff, and significant help from our caring and generous congregation. The board would like to sincerely thank all involved. While we continue to operate in a challenging environment we remain very thankful for your prayers and support.

Looking Ahead
Friday 4/7 - Ladies’ Night at the Fellowship Hall 6:45 - 9:00

Saturday 4/8 - Making Health Care Decisions at the Gridley Fellowship Hall  9:00 - 11:00  - The presentation will cover health care choices, end of life decisions and help brethren navigate through these many decisions.  Many times , we are faced with a sudden change in health. It’s important to discuss health care decisions before it happens.   We encourage seniors and children of aging parents to come.  More information and a signup sheet  is posted on the bulletin board.    Contact Sis. Debbie Fischer or Sis. Karen Leman for more information.

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