4/23/17 Announcements

Sunday 4/23
  • Jason Schwind’s Baptism
  • Family Hymn Sing at the Home is Cancelled - The next family hymn sing will be in May
  • Sign Up for August Conference -  April 23, 30 and May 7, are set aside during lunch to sign up for jobs during the conference week.  This would include set up and tear down, ushers, transcription, proof reading, parking, office help, first aid, drivers, luggage handling, restrooms oversight, etc.  If you have been previously approached about helping in a certain area, you still need to sign up for the time slots you will be available to assist.  Also, please encourage your Bible Class age children to sign up.  Tables will be set up in the north hall and committee members will be available to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your support as we host the conference this year.

Wednesday 4/26 -  The ACTIVE Boys will Meet in the Church Kitchen at 7:30 

Friday 4/28 - Young Group Babysitting from 6:00 - 9:00 -  there is a signup sheet in the back hall

Sunday 4/30
  • Gateway Woods Collection
  • Communion in the Multi-Purpose Room at the Nursing Home at 2:00

Wed 5/3 - National Day of Prayer Service at 7:30

Looking Ahead

Saturday 5/20 - Redeeming the Time Potluck in the Home’s Multi-Purpose Room at 5:00 - All who participate in the "Redeeming the Time" ministry are invited to the annual potluck.  For those who have adopted, please share this date with your adoptee so they know to save the date!  Sandwiches, chips, and drinks will be provided, and those who are able should bring a dessert or a salad.  We look forward to a blessed time together and any questions can be directed to Sis. Tina Leman. 

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