5/21/17 Announcements

Sunday 5/21
  • HarvestCall Collection
  • Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30

Wednesday 5/24 - Topical Bible Study - “Spiritual Lessons from the Mountain” - Bro. Ed Sauder

Friday 5/26 - Young Group Bible Study at 7:30 - still needs a host if anyone is willing.

Saturday 5/27 - Testimonies for Jason and Emma Bradle at 7:00

VBS Week (June 5-9)
  • Sign Up Sheets - for teachers, craft helpers, food, etc. are located in the north hall
  • Clothing Collection for Renault Haiti Children’s Program -  boxes will be in the foyers to collect:  infant to adult shoes, clothing, back packs, and bags. No winter clothing please.  The collection in the past has been a huge blessing to the children's program. Thank you in advance. May God richly bless your generosity. If you have any questions ask Bro. Rob or Sis. Gina Luginbuhl.

The Nursing Home Summer Volunteer Program - this is for students coming out of 6th grade and up through high school.  This is a great learning experience for our youth to give a little of their time to someone who cannot give back.  The residents enjoy seeing the youth come in to assist with various jobs and activities.  If you have a student that is interested in volunteering, please contact Sis. Patsy Kaeb at the Nursing Home for more information.

Silver Lining - The Silver Lining has been featuring special topical sections with submissions from our readers. The next topic is: What advice would you give to today’s young parents? Please send your contributions (length: no more than 600 words) answering that question to: editor@acsilverlining.org by June 20, 2017. For questions or assistance, contact Sis. Katy Frantz at katyzeller1104@gmail.com

Looking Ahead

Sunday 7/23 - Fill the Church with Singing at Morton at 6:30 - The Morton congregation has  invited us for a Sunday evening hour of praising our God and Saviour in song.  The program format will be to sing for an hour starting at 6:30 with a snack, fellowship and open church for self-guided tours to follow.  Roanoke, Goodfield, Peoria and Gridley have been invited and many plan to attend so plan to arrive at least ten minutes early in order that everyone can be seated by 6:30.  If you plan to go, contact  Bro. Jonathan or Sis. Megan Hodel.

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