Sunday 8/20
- Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund Collection
- Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30
- Family Mission Night at the Fellowship Hall 7:00 - 8:00 PM - Come and journey around the world as you hear Bro. Scott and Sis. Mandy give an update about their work in Haiti, Sis. Rachel Fehr about her experience in the U. A. E. and Bro. Fred and Sis. Jodi share about their calling to serve as a helicopter pilot in Papua New Guinea.
- Bloomington Church Welcome - All incoming and returning students at Illinois State University, Heartland Community College, or Illinois Wesleyan, and their parents, are invited to a Welcome Dinner at the Bloomington church at 4:00 pm.
August 25-26 - Annual Homecoming Day Benefit for the Nursing Home - There are signup sheets on the bulletin board for pop, pies & servers and a cleanup committee. We need men and boys to help set up tables and chairs in the tents on Thursday evening at 6:00. We also need women and some men on Friday morning until noon to help with preparations. Please consider coming to lend a helping hand.
Sunday 8/27 -Sunday School Starts
Missionary Support Cards - HarvestCall has recently produced a new resource called Missionary Support Card Packs. Each Pack included a card with a photo and contact information for each missionary or missionary family serving on the field. The intent is for these to facilitate prayer and relational support for our missionaries. A sample pack and sign-up sheet is on the north hall bullitin board for those who are interested in receiving one. For additional information, please see Bro. Jim or Sis. Marge Braker.
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