1/28/18 Announcements

Wednesday 1/31 - The 3rd of a 7 part Bible Study on the Book of Hebrews -  Bro. Tim will speak on “The Ministry of Christ…The Covenant” (Hebrews 8:1 – 8:13).

Sunday 2/4 HarvestCall Collection - Many hurting people throughout the world languish in spiritual and material poverty. By working together as a brotherhood through HarvestCall, we can offer assistance and hope by proclaiming Christ and serving others in the U.S., Mexico, Haiti, Jamaica, Europe and other places, striving to see that God is glorified as despair and suffering are alleviated, hearts and minds are transformed, and churches are established and nurtured. Your generosity is important and necessary to meet the needs of the various missions of our brotherhood. Thank you for your faithful love, prayers, and benevolence.

Sunday 2/11 - Annual All-Church Potluck and Family Sing at the Fellowship Hall at 4:30 -  Meat and table service will be provided. A donation to cover the cost of the meat will be accepted. Please bring a covered dish. Sign-up sheets are posted in the north hall and by the ladies restroom for those planning to attend. To order the proper amount of meat, please signup by Wed. 2/6

Saturday 4/14 - The 2018 Midwest Food Bank Gala Dinner and Auction in Normal - The Roanoke committee is currently seeking homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as auction items.Cash donations can be used by the committee to purchase items for the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Tickets to the event are also available for $50 per person. Tables of up to 8 seats may be reserved for groups. Deadline for donations and tickets is March 1st. Please contact Bro. Jon or Sis. Jill Fehr for ticket reservations or donations. (Jon: 309-275-4573(c)  jonfehr@lemanauto.com, Jill: 309-261-4711(c)  jfehr@eureka.edu)

Saturday 4/28 - LifePoints Gospel Sing Fundraiser at Five Points

2018 Church Schedule Cards are Available in the North Hall - some of the financial statements are also available.  

2018 Church Phone Directories are Available at the Main Entrances - We learned about an error in the new church directory.  Sis. Donna Schwind's phone number was inadvertently changed and should be 256-8948. We would appreciate it if everyone would please review your entries in the new directory to ensure all numbers and addresses are correct and that nothing else got changed by accident.  If there are corrections please submit them to directoryupdates@roanokeacchurch.org and we'll get the corrected data posted on our website as soon as possible.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

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