Sunday 2/4
- Men’s Singing Group - will be holding their first practice at 11:30 today in the Bible Class room. If you would like to sing with them, but did not receive an email, please go to this practice and let Bro. Phil know.
- HarvestCall Collection - Many hurting people throughout the world languish in spiritual and material poverty. By working together as a brotherhood through HarvestCall, we can offer assistance and hope by proclaiming Christ and serving others in the U.S., Mexico, Haiti, Jamaica, Europe and other places, striving to see that God is glorified as despair and suffering are alleviated, hearts and minds are transformed, and churches are established and nurtured. Your generosity is important and necessary to meet the needs of the various missions of our brotherhood. Thank you for your faithful love, prayers, and benevolence.
Wednesday 2/7
- Scripture Memory Class
- H.O.P.E will Meet in the Church Kitchen
- W.O.W. at Bro. Chad Martin’s at 7:00
Sunday 2/11 - Annual
All-Church Potluck and Family Sing at the Fellowship Hall at 4:30 - Meat and table service will be
provided. A donation to cover the cost of the meat will be accepted. Please
bring a covered dish. Sign-up sheets are posted in the north hall and by the
ladies restroom for those planning to attend. To order the proper amount of
meat, please signup by Wed. 2/6
3/3 - Annual Bible Class Spaghetti
Supper from
4:00 -6:30 - There are two sign up sheets on the North Hall
bulletin board for food donations and Bible Class Parent helpers. Please note that
this fundraiser is not for the mission trip, but for the Sunday School
Saturday 4/14 - The 2018
Midwest Food Bank Gala Dinner and Auction in Normal - The Roanoke committee is currently seeking
homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as
auction items.Cash donations can be used by the committee to purchase items for
the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Tickets to the event are also available
for $50 per person. Tables of up to 8 seats may be reserved for groups.
Deadline for donations and tickets is March 1st. Please contact Bro. Jon or
Sis. Jill Fehr for ticket reservations or donations. (Jon: 309-275-4573(c), Jill: 309-261-4711(c)
2017 Financial
Reports - The financial reports from all of the various committees are ready for
your review. You will be getting an electronic copy attached to this weeks
announcements and there are are also paper copies of all 8 reports on the
tables in the North hall.
You from the Home - The
nursing home Administration and Board of Directors would like to sincerely
thank each one of you that donated to the Home this past year. God Bless
You for your generosity. As you will see on the financial summary that
was emailed out, your donations had a profound impact on our total debt load.
We ask that you please continue to pray that God will guide and direct
our efforts as we strive to fulfill our mission and service to our church and
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