6/17/18 Announcements

Sunday 6/17
  • HarvestCall Bible Fund Collection
  • Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30

Monday 6/18 - Blood Mobile at the Methodist Church from 12:30-5:30 -  As always, the need for blood donors is very urgent. Please take time to stop in to donate blood.
Sunday 6/24 - Sunday School Picnic at the Roanoke Park Building -  Sign up sheets are posted on both bulletin boards and in the baby room. The sheets will be removed after church today. If you missed the sign up, please contact Bro. Jon Fehr at 309-275-4573 so we have a good count for the food order).
Wednesday 7/4 - No Wednesday Evening Services - due to 4th of July
Sunday 7/8- Peoria Rescue Mission at 8:00 AM -  We are in need of a piano player and some singing help.  We will be done in time to return for our morning service.  If you can help, please contact Bro. Tim Martin.
Saturday 7/21 - HarvestCall Proclaim and Serve Mission Conference in Tremont from 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM - There will be over 30 sessions to choose from.  In addition to ministry updates, there be sessions on:  Sharing the Gospel, How to Help without Hurting, How to be Culturally Relevant without Losing Truth, Redeployment vs Retirement, etc.  For addition information there are brochures available on the shelf under the bulletin board or you can go to ProclaimAndServe.org.  Pre-registration is required.
Friday 8/10 - The 2018 Brotherhood Conference at Gridley -  If you plan to attend, please reply to the email attachment to register by June 30, or contact Bro John Bradle with any questions.
Since we just hosted the conference last year, we know how important it is to get response back for planning purposes. We realize you won't be staying overnight, but a head-count for the meal on Friday would be helpful. Please respond to email link attached as soon as possible.

August 24-25 - Nursing Home Benefit - There are forms located on the two bulletin boards to fill out if you are able to donate a new item or service for the auction. Please have these forms turned in by July 16.  If you have any questions, please contact Sis Cheryl Baurer or Sis Kathy Knapp.

Bible Distribution Committee - A vacation tip -  if you are going to be staying in Hotels, or renting a Condo, a great way to say thank you is to leave a Pocket Testament Bible, with a few dollars inside and an note saying "Thank You".  We have plenty of the Pocket Testaments available if you need them. For additional information, contact Bro. Tim Martin. 

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