10/28/18 Announcements

Wednesday 10/31 - “If God is Love...Why is There Hell” by Bro. Matt Kaufmann (Bloomington)  mkaufmann@accounseling.org - This is the first in a three part Bible study series on Apologetics (giving a defense of the Christian Faith).  On Nov. 7th Bro. Brian Sutter will be speaking on the topic of "If God is Good…Why is There Pain and Suffering?  On Nov. 14th Bro. Matt Feucht will be speaking on the topic of "Christianity vs. Other Religions…How do They Compare?''  We live in a complex world were many people deny the existence of God.  In an effort to equip the church to be able to respond to those who doubt we encourage all to attend and for families to bring their junior high and high school students to these bible studies.

Thursday 11/1 - Helping Hands 9:00 – 3:00 -  Please bring your lunch. We will be packing some school bags for Mexico along with knotting comforters, decorating Sunday school bags and additional organizing tasks. We are still in need of one or more sisters to serve on the organizing committee. Contact Sis. Carol Luginbuhl or Sis. Martha Braker with any questions.

Sunday 11/4 - The Fall ACYF Program in Bloomington at 6PM  -   Students and teachers should meet at the high school parking lot at 4:45PM.  All are welcome to attend.  Thanks for your prayers and support for our Bible Class students and teachers!

Friday 11/9 - HarvestCall Benefit Auction for Hospital Lumiere at Five Points - The food court and silent auction start at 4:30. The live auction begins at 7:00. For more information, or to donate an item or service, contact Bro. Rich Bertschi or visit the HarvestCall website.

Saturday 11/10 - Testimonies of Jim and Julie Tibbs at 6:45 - with baptisms planned for  Sunday

Sunday 11/11-  Annual Family Thanksgiving Hymn Sing - For scheduling purposes, we want you to be aware that the Annual Thanksgiving Hymn Sing has been moved from the Sunday before Thanksgiving to the 11th for this year.

Saturday 2/2/19 - Conference for Mothers - We would like to extend an invitation to the mothers of Morton, Washington, and Roanoke congregations for an afternoon conference, "Imitating Christ as we Balance the Roles of Motherhood" on February 2, 2019. Husbands are then invited for dinner and an evening program.  For more details and to register please visit the website, www.balancemc.weebly.com . If you have any questions please contact Sis. Susan Bertschi.

Thank You – A thank you note from the Blue Star Mothers is on the bulletin board. 

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